Page 5 - Gulf Precis (1-B)_Neat
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the Arabs would Govorn it, and tho Turks % to Bagdat; In Short tho
Confusions & Troubles both in tho .Town & Country wou’d bo so groat that
no Trade cou’d bo carried on & this place wou’d be reduced to a nicer fishing
.Town for tho Mussalcom has already declar’d that if the English should now
desort him ho has no further Business at Bussora. On the Other hand, if the
Turks will pay Our Expcncos Debts &c. during the Detention of tho Fleet, it is
likely tho Chaub may bo reduced in tho End concerning all which We shall
conic to tho necessary resolutions as soon as the Bashaw’s Answer is received in
reply to tho letter wroto him as mention’d in our last Respects.
May it please Your Honours
Your most faithfull obedt Hblo Servt.
Peter Elwin Wrench
Geo : Skipp
29th May 1766
P. S.—The imports of tho Barkshire and Pour Friends lately arrived from
Bengal, are as follows
Barkshire 95 Bales on the Owners Account
Four Friends 156 Bales do do
29 do on freight
The Agent and Council at Basrah, to the Hon’ble "Court op
Directors, &.
With respect to our Operations against the Chaub, We have to acquaint
your Honors that in consequence of orders sent Captn. Nesbitt & Brewer agamsfc
under 31 May that as there was no probability of the Bashaw or his troops Suspended ponding
arriving speedily from Bagdat they should do everything in their power to iiahomet Kia.
Annoy & distress the Enemy, they had before such orders arrived sent armed
Boats to reconnoitre the Rivers whereby they discover’d a considerable number
of Boats were laying in a small Creek near a new erected fort named Mansure,
which it was determin’d by them not only to destroy but also to attempt tho
Fort, the former of which was effected, but failed in the latter for want of
Water & people to drag the Guns, being 7 miles from the place of their land
ing when they began their Retreat which was about midnight, the greatest loss
was in the death of Lieut. Nesbitt with an European Gunner four others
only being pounded. The Commanders having represented it was impracti
cable for them to carry on any further attempts without the assistanco of
coolys, it was resolved to write the Mussaleom thereon & after Several
Applications a few Men were Sent as requested at which time the Mussaleem
being pressed for putting his Men into motion he return’d for Answer that as
he had certain advioes of Mahmoud Kia being on his way with a body of
Troops requested all operations might cease till his Arrival at which time also
the Agent reced. Letters from the Bashaw wherein be consented to allow us Allowance for the
1,000 Tom & Mo. for the detention of the Fleet longer than tho 30 Juno flMt*
and that for the more Speedy reduction of the Enemy he should either come in
person with a Considerable reinforcement or Send one of his Principal Officers;