Page 4 - Gulf Precis (1-B)_Neat
P. 4
Carrack, & preparations for his defonco, having upwards of 3,000 Mon which
they declare thoy saw when ho Muster’d his Forces in their presence, many
I of which are Good Uorsoraen, well Train’d all in Coats of Mail, tha
Approhond Our Foroo at present would bo hardly sufficient to dissposses him of
that Place, evon had Wo orders to prooecd agaiust him.
Yesterday Letters wero reoed from Captn Nesbitt Copys of which are
Enclos’d for your Honours Satisfaction advising his having dispatch’d Lieut
DiUtary operation*
of the Turk*. Dutton wiih a Number of arm’d Boats to Reconnoitre and Examino the River
mado on the Turk* of DourAok ; that ngrcablo to his report he had dispatch’d the Success, Dolpliiq-
detaining Engiiah Scooner, Wolf Gallivat Protector Launch, & Bombay Grabs Barge with 2 or
■hip*. 8 Arm’d Frankoys, in order to attack the ships which they could plainly observe,
were laying with only their lower Masts in, close under a Fort lately Built, with
some of the Enemy’s Gallivats, but was apprehensive without the Junction of the
Mussaleem's Forces, they cou’d not be able to effect anything all which was
immediately represented to the Mussaleem in a lotter the agent wrote him,
earnestly pressing him to March his Forces thither without Loss of Time, but as
he has News of the JBaskanos having Actually left Bagdat with a considerable
Reinforcement he declines sotting Out till his arrival, not withstanding all
the Remonstrances wo could mako to the Contrary however We have the pleasure
to acquaint Your Honours that the Mussaleem has received Advice that Our
Fleet had been sucoessfull in this Attempt, having taken two more of their
Gallivats the particulars of which Wo hope to have confirmed in our Own Letters
very shortly. We are further to Acquaint Your Honours that during these
transactions We have reed two letters from the Chaubs Translate of which w ith
Our Answers sent him Aocompanys this Address to which we beg leave to refer
Yonr Honours more particularly for the Proposals he has made of coming to an
Accomodation, but although we have given him an opening acquainut’d him
0f the Terras were quire from him, we apprehend that they will all End in Nothing,
as he has proposed no Security as Yet, and Experience has Sufficiently taught us
that no manner of Confidence can bo put in his Words or Promises but should
it contrary to Our Expectations, appear by his next Letter that he means
Sincerely to treat with Us, & not Amuse Us with meor pretences, in order to
gain time, We shall not lott slip on Object of So great Importance, provided
We can 8ettle a Peace on the above Forms, & by Your Interception We may
have reason to flatter ourselves of bringing the Turks and him likewise to an
Accomodation, otherwise it would be to little purpose our Continuing at Bussora
tho* in Peace with the Ohaub, while it is Somuoh in his Power to interrupt the
Commerce of the Plaoe, and on the One hand his demands would be so
Extravagant that the Turks could not possibly comply with them & on the
other, they are so determined to reduce him ; having reed the grand Signor
positive Orders on this head, that between both we oan Entertain very little
hopes of a Mediation taking place. This being the present critical situation
of Affairs the Warm Weather now at hand and Our People falling Sick, the
Vessels ir. want of Repairs, renders it absolutely necessary to effect as soon as
possible what can be done by the end of next Month. We have therefore
declar’d to the Basharo and Mussaleem that if they want to keep tho Fleet any
longer than the 1st July, we shall consider the Warr against the Chaub entirely
their Own, and that they must pay all Expences, which if thev’r willing to
Comply with, the Fleet must of Course be kept for the Security of this place
otherwise We must come to a Resolution of withdraing the Consequence of
which would be the Turks could never remain Masters of ibis place any longer,