Page 223 - The Pirate Coast (By Sir Charles Belgrave)
P. 223
] N D E X
Abbas, Shall, 9, 14 Artesian wells, 97
Abdul Aziz al Saud, King, 122 Arrian, 3, 86
Abdul Aziz, Amir, 27 Asaloo, 151
Abdul Futtali, 117 Astola, 55
Abdul Rahman, the Frenchman, 96 Asses, 5
Abdul Rasool, Shaikh of Bushire, 82, Aurora, 141
Awal, 4
112-17; dinner with, XI3» T2°. Ayaina, 25, 26
Abdulla bin Ahmed, Shaikh of Bah
rain, 75, 78, 79-81. 124, 131. 151.
153, 157-60; leaves Bahrain, 161, Babylon, 2
162 Back Bay, 46
Abdulla bin Saud, Wahabi di Amir. 36 Badghccrs (wind towers), 176
Abu Ali tribe, 146-9 Baggalas, 57, 80, 81, 102
Abu Bakr, Caliph, 4, 152 Baghdad, 4, 31, 88, 91, 92
Abu Dhabi, 161, 190 Bahrain, necropolis at, 2; name given
Abu Maher, Fort, 75 to Arabian littoral, 4, 5; taken by
Abu Mehecri, tribe, 115 Portuguese, 7; treasure ship sunk
Adam, John, ix, 1S2, 185, 187 at, S; Portuguese lose, 9; 18, 19, 22,
— Mary, ix, 182 26, 31, 39, 45. 74-79. 81, 82; Resi
— Robert, ix dency moved to, 85; 95, 97, 100,
— James, ix 104; climate, 107, 115; history of,
— William, 1S2 122-6; 129, 130, 131, 132, 138, 144,
Adelaide, Queen, 187 151-7, 160, 161, 163; pearl fleet,
Adey, ‘the little Greek’, 54, 55, 58, 62, 165-6; oil, 1671179; situation today,
64, 67-70, 113, 180 1S9, 191, 192
Afghans, 18 Baker, Colonel, 6S
Agha Mohammed Khan, 11S Baluchis, 22, 131
Ahwaz, 3 Barastis, 61, 76, 192
Ahmed bin Khalifah, 'the Conqueror’, Barka, 22, 23, 33, in
75. 124 Barrackporc, 183, 1S5
Ahmed bin Said, 21 Basra, 4. 13, 30, 69, 85, S6, 87-92
Ajman, 143 — Residency, 96, 168-9.
Alchemists, 93-94 Bassidu, 72, 85.
Alexander, the Great, x, 2, S6, 169 Bastinado, S2.
Aleppo, 88 Bathing, 178
Ali bin Mohammed, leads Slave Re Batil, 56, 72, Si
bellion, 4 Bay of Biscay, 39
Ali Khan, 117 Bedr, 22-23, 33
Alishangu, 97 Begging derwish, 91
'Al Manowar’, 126 Benares, 78, 81
Al Muktah, 156 Beni Khalid, 104
Ambah, 53, 55 Beni Yas, S3
Ambergris, 65, 179 Bibi Mooza, 22
Amelia, Princess, 187 Bir Ali, 105
Anaiza, tribe, 26, 123 Bishr bin Rahmah, 130, 159, 161-2
Andrada, Ruy Freire de, 10, 11 Black buck, 100
Antelope, 78 Blackwood, Sir H., 183, 1S7
Arabian Gulf, 1 Blackwood, Mr., 181
Arad, 125 Bogle, Surgeon, 22
Ardeshir, 5 Bombay, 29, 30, 33, 52-53, 67, 73, 74,
Ariel, loss of, 172 82, 101, 108, 173
Arrat, Nabob of, 173 — Government, 30, 31,33, 74,96, 121