Page 224 - The Pirate Coast (By Sir Charles Belgrave)
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Booms, 57                      Cox, Sir Percy, 122
                    Borazjan, 97, 98               Crossing the Line, 42
                    Braganza, Catherine of, 53     Cumberland, Duke of, 188
                    Brinkman, Mrs., 110-11         Curlew, 135. 137, 150
                    Bruce, Captain William, 36, 74, 77,   Cutch, coast of, 78
                      79# 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 94, 96, 97, 98,
                      111-13, 118, 128, 130, 134, 150, 154,   Dalaki, 98
                      156. 159. 167-8.             d’Albuqucrquc, Afonso, 6
                    Bruce, Mrs., 85                Dammam, 126, 131
                    Byzantines, 3                  Daman, 15
                    Buckingham, Duke of, 13        Daniel, Lieutenant, 80
                    — J- S., 33, 36, 63. 66, 88, 89, 91, 116,   Daniclis, 84
                      122, 126, 127                Daraiya, 20
                    Buenos Aires, 44               Darnhall, ix, x
                    Bundar Abbas, 9, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20,   Darfur, 63
                      2i, 22; Treaty of, 31; 71, 179   Della Valle, Pietro, 52
                    Bundar Rigg, 116, 150          Dent, Lieutenant, 54, 84
                    Burma War, 70                  Dcriati Doivlat, 36
                    Bu Said dynasty, 28            Descrtas, 40
                    Bushirc, 19, 29, 30, 68, 69, 74; resi­  Dhofar, 6
                      dency, S4-85; 97, 100, i2i, 167,   Dilmun, 2
                      176-8                        ‘Direct Route’, the, S8
                    Bustard, 100                   Diu, 15
                                                   Diving Law, 165
                    Caaba, removed to Iiasa, 5     Dobson, John, 43
                    Cabral, Pedro, 6               Doha, 190
                    Calais, 76                     Dongola, 63
                    Calcutta, 67, 177, 181, 182; Botanical   Dover, 76
                      Gardens, 186                Dubai, 22, 112, i2i, 190
                    Calicut, 6                    Dukes, Dr., 144
                    Cannon balls, Arab, 138       Dunkin, Colonel, 38, 41, 43, 47
                    Cape of Good Hope, 6          Dutch, 10; East India Company, 14,
                    Carey, Mr., 185                 16, 17, 19, 21
                    Carruthers, Lieutenant, 29    East India Company, 21, 27, 33, 62,
                    Carmat, Hamdan, 4               85. 145
                    Carmathians, 4, 5             Eden, H.M.S., see Loch
                    Carmelites, S8                Edinburgh, 49
                    Cats, 92                      Eddlcston, ix
                    Ceylon, 46                    Elephants, no, 183-4
                    Chamberlain, Mr., 43, 44      Elizabeth, Queen, 9
                    Charles II, King, 53          Elliot, General Sir George, 170
                    Charlotte, Queen, 87          Elphinstone, Mountstuart, 178; Mr,
                    Chardin, Sir J., 14, 17         185, 1S7
                    Chateau d'Oex, 145            Enlistment of seamen, 52
                    Chesney, Colonel F. R., x, 91   European pirates, 28
                    Cheltenham, 188               Exchange of prisoners, 81, 95
                    China Fleet, 108
                    Christianity, in Persian Gulf, 4   Faisan, Ibrahaim, 125, 126
                    Cholera, 108                  Falconry, 99
                    Cochin, 6, 49. 5°. 69, 180    Fars, Khan of, 9; Province, 74
                    Colebrook, Major, 142, 170    Ferrara, Andrea, 133
                   Colquhoun, Mr., 86, 89, 91-92, 93‘94»   Fish, 41, 62; traps, 192
                     103                          Fly, 29, 30
                   Collier, Captain, 170          Flying Dutchman, 45
                   Constantia, 114                Forbes, Mr., 51
                   Conway, H.M.S., 78, 82, 86, 103   Fort William, 181
                   Conyers, Captain, 96           Foster, Sir R. K., 114
                   Coral stone, 76                Francklin, William, 52
                   Correa, Antonio, 7; coat of arms, 8   Fraser, James, 66
                   Court of Directors, 149        Freight charges, 177
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