Page 227 - The Pirate Coast (By Sir Charles Belgrave)
P. 227
Mariatt, Captain, 141 Oquair, 2
Martin, Sir Bryan, 70 Oriental music, 98, 114
Matra, 14, 61 Osnaburg Mill, .jO
Masira, 179 Pahlawan, 119
Mauritius, 21, 33, 49. 06 Palanquin, ito, 173
Maurizi, v. 23, 33, 35. 66 Parthians, 3
Mazandcran, 101 Pearl divers, 165-7
Mecca, 5, 27 Pearls, 163-4
Medina, 105 Penny Plain, Twopence Coloured, 62
Menagerie, 183 Pepsi Cola, 159
Melville, Lord, 38 Pcriplus of the Erylhrcan Sea, 3
Mercury, 7S, 95, 96, 133 Persian Gulf, 1, 2, 7, 25, 37, 38, 47,
Mesopotamia, 2
Minden, 46 Persia, 9, 11, 17, 18, 19, 21, 32, 98,
Minto, Lord, 32
Mir Mchenna, 150 Phoenicians, 2
Mogul Emperor, 9 Piracy, 8, 16, 24, 28, 36, 146
Moffath, Lieutenant, 38, 53-55. 5s. Pirate Coast, the, 1, 27, 28, 33, 37,
69, 72, 80, 113, 169, 178
74. 135. 179
Mohammed, the Prophet, 4 Pirates, 28, 32, 36, 37, 53, 56, 59, 71,
Mohammed Ali, Egyptian Viceroy,
71. 79, So, Si, 95, 96, 102, in, 121,
27. 105 124, 129, 131, 133, 151; expedition
Mohammed bin Saud, Amir, 26
Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab, 25. against, 134-4*
Mohammed bin Khalifah, Shaikh of Piri Beg, 8
Plaster work, 76
Bahrain, 160
Mohammed bin Nasr, 22, 23 Pliny, 3
Mohammed Taqi Khan, 20 Plymouth, 37, 3S
Pondicherry, 173, 174
Mongols, 18 Portugal, King of, 6, 8, 10
Monsoon, 109, hi Portuguese, 6-12, 51; brides, 52; 123
Morninglon, 31
Mount, the, 41 President, 2S
Procession, Turkish Governor's, 92-93
Mozambique, 65
Muezzin, 118 Prostitutes, 105
Muliarraq, 76, 77, 157, 166 Psyche, 57. 59
Muscat, taken by Portuguese, 6-7; Qais, 22, 24
church at, n; taken by Omanis, Qanats, 97
14-15; Dutch at, 17; Treaty with Qatar, 1. 26, 75, 100, 123, 190
British, 21; 33, 60-67; climate, 66, Quorns, 101
75, 102-3, io7. 111; attacks Bah
rain, 160; 174, 191 Rafaa, 75, 151. 152
Mutlaq al Mutairi, 35-36 Rahmah bin Jabr, 75, 104, 122-32,
154. 157
Nabend, 151 Ramadhan, 119
Nabhani, 122 Rangoon, 70
Nadir Shah, 19, 20, 21, 100, 101 Ras al Khaima, 2S, 29, 34, 35, 36, 53,
Napean, Sir Evan, 53, 104, 155 72, 73, 79, 95, 96. 10-. 107. *34>
Nasr, Shaikh of Bushire, 115-16 capture of, 135-42; evacuation of,
Nautilus, 32, 134, 150, 151
Ncarchus, x, 2-3, 86, 169 Rashid bin Hamccd, Shaikh of Dubai,
Nejd, 25, 26 121
Nelson, Admiral Lord, 46 Regiments, British, 34th, 38; 47th.
Neptune, 42 33, 103, 135; 50th, 145; 53rd. 3si
Niebuhr, C., iS, 116, 150 65th, viii, 33. 62, 135; 95th. M5
Oil fields, 167 Reid, Mr, 39
— wealth, 189 Rennie, Captain, 39
Oman, converted to Islam, 4; 17, iS, Rich. Claudius, 30, 31, 9*. *76
19, 20, 22, 23; Persian occupation Rich, Mrs., 31
of, 20, 115 Rio dc Janeiro, 43
Omar, Caliph, 4 Rogue Ali, 84