Page 225 - The Pirate Coast (By Sir Charles Belgrave)
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French East India Company, 17   James, io
       — Embassy to Persia, 17        Jask, io
       Fryer, Dr. John, 13, 16, 39, 64   Jcbcl Dukhan, 153
       Fury, 31                       Jerun, 5
       Funchal, 39                    Jews, 50
       Funeral at Rio, 44             Jhclum, 2
                                      Joasmi tribe, 22, 36; prisoners, 73;
       Gama, Vasco da, 6               80, 105; women, r<}0
       Gazelle, 99-100                Jones, Felix, 85
       Gcrrha, 2                      — Sir Harford, 32
       Ghatrusha, 131                 Juvenile Drama, the, 61-62
       Gibraltar, 138, 170. 180
       Gift Horses, 156, 178          Kais, 5. 19
        Gil Dias, 69                  Kalb Mi. 21
       Gipsies, 170                   Karim Khan, 85
        Goa, 6, 15. 50-52             Katif, 2, 8, 103, 104, 130, 179
        Gombroon, 13                  Kawari, 156
        Governor General of India, 32, 103  Kazaroon, 114
        Graham, Captain, 32           Kenn Island, 29; Cape, 74
        Grane, 123. 179               Kcrbala, 27
        Granis, 86                    Kharak Island, 86, 116, 150
        Gufa, 90                      Khalifah Tribe, 26, 75, 115
        Gujarat, 53                   Khalifah bin Mohammed, Shaikh, 124
                                      Khalifah bin Sulman, Shaikh, 159
        Haffar Cut, 169               Kicr, General Sir W. G., 136, 145, 170
        Hajar, 3                      King, Admiral Sir Richard, 46, 109,
        Hall, Lieutenant, 34            169
        Hamilton, Captain A., 14      Kishm Island, 8, 10, ir, 28, 31, 32,
        Hasa, 3                         34.37.7G72.73.   H3. 145. 174.
        Hastings, Lord, 103, 182-5      179
        Hastings, H.M.S., 186         Koran, 25
        Hassan bin Rahmah, Joasmi Chief,   Kung, 13, 15
          95. 121. 141. M3. 173       Ivutch, 53
        Hawala Tribe, 19, 20, 115, 153   Kuwait, 24, 31, 107, 123, 179, 189
        Hawks, 100                    Ivyd, Colonel, 186
        Hejaz, 27, 105                Kydapore, 186
        Herbert, Sir Thomas, 13       Lacu, original name of Loch, ix
        Hippalus, 3                   Lamu, 22
        Hormuz, straits of, 1; island, 5, 6, 7,   Latif Khan, 19, 20
          9; taken by Anglo Persian force,   Lcander, 187
          10-12; 13, 179              Linga, 28, 130, 133
        Hooghly River, 181            Littlefield, Major, 96
        Horse, riding, 39, 68; trade, S9   Liverpool, H.M.S., 66, 134, i35-7»
        ‘Honest Ali\ 84, 101            140-1, 187
        Husayn, Shah, iS, 19          Loch, F. E., Captain R.N.: ancestry
        Hyde Park, 186                  and diary, ix; sails in command of
                                        H.M.S. Eden June 9th 1818, 38; at
        Ibn Taymiya, 25
        Ibrahaim Pasha, 103, 105, 121   Funchal June iSth, 39; leaves
        India, 10, 49, 191, 192         Madeira June 2ist, accompanied by
        Indian Navy, 28                 Tees, 41; arrives Rio dc Janeiro
        Indus, 2                        July 26th and leaves Aug. 6th, 43;
        Iraq, 4                         arrives Trincomalce Oct. 6th, 46;
        Isa bin Ali, Shaikh of Bahrain, 79   sails for Bombay Nov. 6th, 48;
        Isfahan, 17, 18                 anchors at Cochin Nov. nth, 49;
        Islam, established in the Gulf, 4   arrives at Goa Nov. 20th, 50; ar­
        Itinerant singer, 9S            rives at Bombay Nov. 22nd, 52;
                                        leaves Bombay Dec. 4th, 53; sights
        Jalahamah Tribe, 75, 122        two dhows off Ambah Dec. 18th,
        Jamaica, 33                     53; anchors at Astola and meets
        James I, King, 11, 13           Psyche, 55; encounters pirates Dec.
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