Page 226 - The Pirate Coast (By Sir Charles Belgrave)
P. 226
Loch, F. E., Captain R.N.—cont. view the Shaikh of Asaloo, 151;
25th, 56; anchors off Makran coast, destroys two pirate ships, 151;
57; sights seven pirate ships Dee. with Bruce dines with Shaikh Ab
28th, .57; captures one pirate ship, dulla at Muharraq, 157; destroys
58; anchors in Muscat Cove Dec. two pirate ships at Bahrain and
31st, 181S, 60; lands at Muscat Jan. captures three, 1.57; and pearl
1st, 1810, 62; stays three days in diving, 163; leaves Bahrain Jan.
Muscat then cruises for a week 27th and deposits pearls with
along Persian coast, 71; sights seven Bruce, 167; leaves Bushirc for
large pirate ships Jan. 10th, one Basra, Feb. 5th, 168; returns from
escapes, 71-73; crosses Gulf to Ras Bushirc March iotli and stays with
al Khaima, 73; arrives at Bushirc Taylor, 170; and Necromancer, 171;
Jan. 23rd, 74; in command of visits Bushire March 31st, 172; sails
squadron for rescue of European May 3rd, and spends four weeks in
lady at Bahrain, 7S; abandons Indian Ocean, 173; at Muscat, 174;
search for her, and goes to Bushirc, at Bushirc for the last time, 176;
81; returns to Bushirc and stays final visit to Muscat, 178; sums up
with the Resident, Bruce, 84; sails positions of Shaikhdoms, 178; leaves
from Bushirc Feb. 2Sth and arrives Muscat Sept-. 30th and arrives
Basra March 7U1, 86-87; starts for Bombay Oct. 13th, 179; to Cochin
Bushirc March 16th, with Bruce Oct. 27U1 with iron ballast, 180;
and Colquhoun, 9.1; arrives Bushirc arrives Ceylon Nov. 28th, 180;
March 21st, 95; goes for tour in anchors at Sangur Roads Jan, 6th,
Persia with Bruce and Major Little 1S21, 1S1; in pilot boat with Black
field, 96; returns to Bushire wood to Calcutta on 7th, 1S1; stays
April nth, and meets Shaikh, 100- with his cousin John Adam, 182;
1; leaves Bushirc for Bombay May both stay with Lord Hastings at
2nd, 101; sights six large dhows Government House, 183; boar hunt
near Quorns, 101; pursues them to on elephants, 1S3; visits Missionary
Ras al Khaima, 102; reaches Muscat School at Scramporc, 185; visits
May 15th, 103; meets Captain G. Botanical Gardens, 1S6; visits dock
Foster Sadlier, 103; sails from Mus yard, 1S6; embarks on Eden Feb.
cat May 16th, 107; arrives Bombay 5th, 1S7; anchors at Madras Feb.
May 24 th, 10S; arrives Trincomalee, 24th, 1S7; starts for home March
109; lands at Madras, 109; meets 13th 1821, 1S7; subsequent career,
Colonel Manscl, 109; refits at Trin 1S7-S
comalee July 2nd, no; sails for — David Henry, ix
Muscat Aug. 20th, m; arrives at — George of Drylaw, ix
Muscat Sept. 30th, in; chases — Mary Freda, ix
pirate vessels near Barka, in; — Percy Gordon, iSS
meets Wakil for negotiations about Locusts, 172
Truce, 112; visits Shaikh Abdul Lousa, Count, coat of arms, 8
Rasool in his caravanserai, 113; in Luft, 34
Bushirc during Ramadhan, 119;
meets Rahmah bin Jabr, 122, 129, Macaulay, Lord, 24
130; with Bruce seizes pirate ships Madagascar, 28
at Linga, 133; leaves Bushire Oct. Madeira, 39; garden at, 40; wines, 40
20th, awaiting expedition from Madras, 39, 41, 109, 173-4
Bombay, 133; meets Company's Makan, 2
Tomiati Oct. 24th, 134; arrives Ras Makran, 22, 57
al Khaima Dee. 1st, 136; with Malabar Coast, 49
j Liverpool takes part in attack on Malcolm, of Poltalloch, 99
Ras al Khaima Dee. 3rd, 137; sails — Sir John, 21, 32, 9S, 99
for Kishm Dee. 13th, 143; sails for Maldivc Islands, 51
Ras al Khaima Dec. 26th, 143; at Malta, 180
meeting of General Kier with Has- Manama, 76, 77
san bin Rahmah, 143; with Bruce Mancsty, Mr. Samuel, 30, 88, 89, 91
leaves Ras al Khaima Jan. 3rd, Mangoes, 46-47
1820, for expedition against Joasmi Manscl, Colonel John, 38, 43, 47. 109
pirates at Bahrain, 150; they inter Marco Polo, 5