Page 228 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 228
The increase in imports is Joe to tho presence tries arc as follows :—
of representatives of two European pearl dealing
firms who bought large quantities of pearls at
g'*o<l prices. The news of this brought in the Country. 1012-13 1-.P1M*. ,ecT «v
“ Tawashcs ” (Arab Pearl Dealers) from Katar C
ai-d tlio llussa Coast and even Trucial Omau with
pearls for sale, and consequently the imports Per ci lit. Pec c.nt_ Po
increased. There can be no doubt that very large India . 89-4 j
quantities were brought personally by dealere *:
which do no not figure in the statistics at ail Unite-: Kingdom (Shells only)
CereaMj (Shells only),
In the Beason of 1913, when this report was psperre, Mslculln and
Z&nxibk? •
bviug compiled many more European dealers came, • •2 *4 - !
three French firms and one English firm being Ncighjboiringcountri** Jb«r-
represented. It sterns possible, if this goes on, and Giif ol Oman . 19-4 103
that Bahrain will become the market for all ♦ *.
Persian Gulf pearls.
or if we lake the statUtics for general morch^ -
It is unnecessary to offer any remarks on the disregarding specie and pearls we find that'VT
increase of export of pearls which is trilling. percentages received by the varioms countries v<
No remarks are necessary or even possible about *** Follows
the fluctuations in import and export of specie;
as already stated the figures are unreliable and
much money k transferred by currency notes and Country. 1912-13. 1K1-12. _ c:
by other means and never finds its way into these DlCllr-
Imports.—Before entering into details regarding Pei cent Pawat Pucti-.
Table A, it is necessary to call attention to the India • • • 75 6
fact that as mentioned in previous reports many Neighbouring countries 83-3 85-4
of the goods shown as coming from India are
tiot made there but are transhipment cargo. Most All ocher countries 42 5-6 -i;
of the import from Europe is done via India for
two reasons, firstly because all the Indian, Arab, The above figures show (1) that there have z •
and Persian merchants order through their prin- been: any violent fluctuations in the flow of tr.l:
cijals or agents in Bombay, and secondly because during ’the year under review, and (2) that u:-
there is only one line, vis., the Hamburg-Amerlka specie and pearls are omitted practically all
which provid-s regular direct sailings from Europe exports from Bahrain are for the neighbour!:;
to Bahrain. countries. The islands are a dis.irXcfing i«r;
On examining the figures of Table A, Part I— for for Katar, Katif and Hassa» and *
Imports, we and that the percentages of the total smuggling depot for certain goods for Perns ..
iirpvrts coming from various countries in 1912-13 which a high tariff levied. There are no «-
as compared wi:h 1911-12 are as follows:— exports from Baharain (*•£•, cc-rn.irx:<I»ties g*?--
or predneed, or manufactured in the islands)
pearlx, a few dates, and a little sail cloth
Cwaiiy. 1912-13. 1911-12. or Table B.—sLowing the total Imports a:
Exports—requirie* no special comment. The
boils for fluctuations in the value *of the import -
Par cent Per ocnL Per cent. export of the principal articles have teen not*. -
India . . . « . 44? 406 +76 the column of remarks attached to the Table.
Proportion of British and Jtlia* ^reJ?}
Ni-ighbourinx eountnea hor
dering on Persian Golf 522 579 —1-6 Excluding specie and pearls, the principal 1
—2U of import into Bahrain (other than s
All other foreign countries . 32 5-5
____ animals and fire woed, fuel, fresh fruit, etc,
, , are only of interest to merchants in the neig^
If the Table is considered in respect of general fog entries) are as follows ___ .
merchandise only, i.e., after deducting figures ■ .. — |
relating to specie and pearly we find that the
percentage# are as follows:— Percent' I tit P"
Value iw ■««*»’ fl jotted
from | Cniiod ■sr
Cotmaoditic*. p-vrt-d in ported |
Increase India. [IrCiJoa.
CoaXxj. 1912-U. 1911-12. at
Per ocsL Per oenL Per cent
i per east i
ImAl* 61*2 m +2 OW
Bice 117.067 797
Neighbouring eocxtrica bor xm Picoegood* 19US7 74 K3- f;
SO 420
Ghj* .
dering on Ptnoaua Gulf • 233 rrs +n Coffer . 5). 133 S3 JTO
All other foreign countries . 133 123 ... Date* . 1U233 JKL sa. £
8ogv (Loaf and
1^■— *■-■■ Soft) . 3)919 53 sa
Tea . , 3)257 ve s
Exports.—Proceeding now to Part II—Exports ToLmo® 17.538 97 13 ft
we find the percentages exported to various coan- 8p“*‘ * 9,613