Page 231 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 231
Table B.
JoUl Injorfi of prxncifzl Articles into Vairain Aurirg ih; years l '1JO-11 to 1012-13.
Article*. 1910-11 1511-12 1512-13 1910-11 1511-12 1912 13 RkXAB-XO.
£ £ t
JLj urn . Vo. 8 3 1® 187 80 20>
as 10J 128 1 Wj COO 725 1,000
Ciaul* r- 30 35 1-9 100 163 33
jEci Cow*. 33 23 2TB 100 92 67
SKf&ta Aflimal*—
Catt* 1.00) 1,302 «•» 2 333 3.150 1.800 1
Ci*U &ad Sheep 4642* 58,422 SVtob 23,319 30,00* 273C3 '.Decrease doe to enailer coo-
, sumption.
r sr&j m 9.000 8,000 5400 467 067 467
2,-;^-Wearing . ICS 220 2,793 1,570 1.780
Eo.U ani printed matters 226 2.33 273
3»*.<rrial 2,208 2.-53T 2,253
Criis . 288 255 320
OisiTC* • • 98 25-40 2.653
. Cwt. 10.329 16,525 12 Vv 41,315 C3_'6S 50.133 Decrease due to c-crstocked
C.c and Coir Eope . 14172 10,055 9X"i 6 C28 7.371 6.83*
Eav Crt. 322 4.132 3 tl'l* 1,030 5 60* 4 .4*1
Tan ml Trirt , Biles 2,592 1.G39 15i«l* 31536 11,478 10,667
Ihta (M. 52,749 26,404 11,333 Dc-rrea*e due to direct ship-
m-.-nt to India froze Katif to
saTe 2J per cent trmihipmcnt
d=tj here.
DueJzioe . Tin a. 395 400
10,760 1.976 220(9 1,793
nd medicines—
Cubs , „ 67
48 CO
^zh£ne . 33
33 <7
Otloioct*. 2448
2,621 2£1«
^'5 «ad colouring materials—
. . . .
4,084 121 133
sad Paint _
8,290 ZfiS7 3337
E^*« . . .
133 1^34 1400
Friitl»l Vegetable*-
Alma,Am . Crt. 235 644 CO 272 662 72*
S^sod Currants .
519 696 700 340 U71 1.0»
11,619 5.6S4 6.853 Import naturally subject to
▼zjlent flucto&rioM due to
prices and cropa innrighbour-
F*U xr* countries.
Cfcartcal 1
Teaa. 1.S41 2.194 2468 7)295 U 655 1..622 ^ Charcoal bad increased in
r*waod . ..... f 5noe* Increased import cf
6,730 3*22 CBS 14,581 12551 13,911 J firewood from ludia.
GU*, 261 139 227
^CWars . .
3.429 2^12 3472
2880 4420 3,936