Page 230 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 230

                      (3)  Bombr.y-Pcreian Line from Bombay,                    t *. d.
                           occasionally.                   Fro»r. India (Bombay or
                      (4)  Arab Steamers, Limited, from Bombay  Karachi) ,   .  '  0 13 < per tot
                           al#out once every thrco weeks, tbo.
                           steamers calling- again on return   Frotr India (Calcalt.a) por bag j ^ 3 0
                                                             of rice 1| c*ta. \
                                                                              . J .*?
                           voyage from Basrah.                                 fO 5 0
                    The of last mentioned Company con-
                  tinned to call during the year, but since its con-   To^ London by Briti»h India
                  elusion only one or two have called. One steamer   Steam Navigation Company
                                                             Iraitdiipmont at Bombay or
                  called for pilgrims in September. Veiy few   Karachi .      . l 8 e „
                  Bombay-Persian vessels have been here during the
                  year.                                    To London by Hamburg*
                                                             Arcorika lino .
                   The mail service (British India Steam Naviga­              • no 0 „
                  tion Company) from Bombay was changed back
                  to a weekly one from the 1st of July 1913, which   From Hamburg to Bahrain by 1 12 6
                  was a great boon.                          JUmburg-Aiuorika Lino to
                   There is no direct service of steamers to   from .   #   .   .200
                  England, if there were, it would no doubt ulti­
                  mately increase the import of goods from the
                  United Kingdom.                          From London to Bahrain by Cl 15 0 n
                   Telegraphic communication with the outside   lUmburg-Ainerika Lino 4 to
                  world is badly needed in Bahrain, the lack of it   from .   .   .   . \ i 3 0
                  hampers trade and seriously inconvenience* pearl
                  dealers.                                 To Bomba  r" by British India
                                                            Swam   Navigitioa Com-
                   Freight x.—                              j«aay             .263     *
                                         £ x. d.
                    To India (Bombay or Karachi)           Tr> Hamburg by Hamburg-
                      by British India Steam                Ancrika Line .    . 1 12 0
                      Navigation Company .   . 0 13 4 per ton
                                                  Table A.

                                                  L--- lit POETS.
                        Total Value of Import* from Vorient Countriex during the gcarx 1010-11 to 1912-13.

                                                                                           • •
                                 Countries.               1919-191L    19U-:912.   1912-1913.

                                                             t            £           £
                 Aden   •   •                                  200                      )«r
                 Austria-Hungary                              3,725       17,227       7,211
                 Belgium                                      3,373       5,162        5,333
                                                                            404         £3
                 Eg}!*  •                                                               3S'.»
                 France .                                       48          252
                 Germany •                                    6,51 +      7,72+        9,232
                 Holland                                                     53         237
                 Hongkong                                                   167
                 India   •   •                             1,001,136     838,172     9*8,73*
                 Italy   .                                                  +1       270,33*
                 Katar   •   •                               G7,92U     200,260       75,229    f
                 Koweit  .   •                              206,526     281,+15       3,33*
                 Mukalla    •                                 5,927      20,000       13,9^
                 Maskat     •                                16,5+7      27,029      120,075
                 Persia   .                                 100,150     116,099       2,734
                 Singapore   •                                            3,217       23,400
                 South America                               +1,315      32,116         80
                 Sweden                                        329          28       183,2d»
                 Trucial Oman                                63,183     1+7,921         6*
                 Turkey  .   •                                              53       +98,7»;,>
                 Turkish Arabia                             213,753     342,339       X7,1?V
                 United Kingdom                               ti,25+     17,157       8,034
                 United States                                8,6+0       7,+79       2,304
                 Zanzibar   •                                4,53+        1,589
                                              Total        1,770,07+   2,065,959
   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233   234   235