Page 233 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 233

                                 Tablo B—contd.
        j f l    °f J)r,ric,'fa^ Article* ir,to Babnin during the year* 1910-11 to 1912-13—contd.

            Article*.    1910*11  1911*12  1912*13  UiO-ll  1911-12  1212*13  Beharko.
                                             JL    JL    Jt
        UolbttOTetA  CirL   30    33    »     75    141   1G7
        Jlussd       m    2,246  309   MC    2,103  ICO   267
                     ••   11,150  3410  1,409  24)73  1/133  533  D<mnd in Europe hveu to
        0j»t*                                                 Iutc filUn off.
                                              230   ICO   117
      Stir! Hn*
      Turtoi*                                 CO           67
      SAB*»                                               173
      <i2App*id     Pet.               2.196              292
       Eui FlecegoodM                         5C0  3400  4,009  Increase in niTk pu ce gee do
                                                              «**rae to liaro betn at ex*
                                                              pta-e of cotton pi cci-goods.
       SarcrTltetd   lbs.  106                320   107   3C0
        lumens •    Cat   3,Gil  1464  1.70'  4,0U  1497  2,000
        Ciifcr             2C5   137   130    486   251   239
        Click r#?Ftr       936  UlS    1,000  2,497  3433  3,000
        Other forts                          5,773  3.C0  4^74
       5ut:i wry                              141   172   358
       Stfir, Loxf                            009  3.010  3005  Lof ?ngar ie getting more
                                                              jxpilar at expense of 10ft
                                                              ercor.  Heavy dc*cr t»e in
                                                              l«=t*T due to ove^ttocked
       fss left    . Cwt  22,410  18476  16,630  31362  30^C0  27,614  mukct
                          1,111  14C0  1,050  1X111  l.«2  700
       Tilw                     2m
                          2408         2.375  6,606  6,010  5467
       la          . Iba  317.760  815400  775,0:0  22,420  31,011  30,367  Larf yvtr’t figure TM abnor-
                                                              ms.’.y Ugh probab'j due to
                                                              cxtv;«tienally good epenitrgs
                                                              for -aupgling to Persia oning
       Tabo tzA Wood—                                         to lawless state of the
        PUnti sad Beams
                                             8401  *422  4,000  Copr.dcnble building opera*
                                                              faou are in progress owing
                                                              to general prosperity.
        Sifters .
                                             5460  3473  4,400
       Tdacm                                          I
                                            3433  12423  17,533  There are considerable fluetoa-
       sw Artnts of Tobacco                                   tiuM in the import of this
                                              70     74 t 300
       T*W<s «»d Cloeta
                                              64    221   307
                   . Cart.
                                              12    89     80
        Bnadd^^ # j
        8U***                                 67   1417  1,461  I^^^ed demand due to jtm.
                                                    467   567
            desks  (Abss) . Ha
                         15438   146  1425  1W97   745*  7400  Conmiexable fluctuations in
                                                              Uks* articles as sccnethnea
       ^*Sabet            2400               540#
           °^»ood                                   780  2487
                                             1458   807   474
          "«T«as*.kw.   ’                  5*5097  417.731  600400
                                             •730  2,688  3440
                 Total .
                                          1,750/74  2,065459  2439427
   228   229   230   231   232   233   234   235   236   237   238