Page 232 - 1 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 1_Neat
P. 232

                                               Table B.—contd.

                     Tdal Itnporti of principal ArlicUi into Bahrain daring the yean 1910-11 to 1912-13—<onl4

                         Article*.    1910-11  1911-12  1912-13  191011  1911-12  1912- 13  n**A*r«.

                                                          A     A     A
                  Qnis ard Polae—
                    Wheat        Cwt.  49.(28  28 779  26.(00  18.W7  12.791  ll.CC 7 Dccrcw in wheat   ,
                                                                           croiu-cd import of flUBr. ***
                    Bade/              I9«C2  0.452  12.000  5416  2,521  S400
                    Eice .         «V  5CC.312  303,777  230.833  271,197  143,704  117,067 Dccxwe is rice dim u>
                                                                           stocked market.  CTcr.
                    C’tter sorts.                          252   1.992  1.S67
                  Haberdashery .                          1,608  1477  1/XO Increased ccnaonption.
                  Hire wire aod Cutlery—
                    Hsrdware .                             6(0   653    83J
                    Cdcr; .   .                             33    72    67
                  Hides ind Sides  . No.  58900  19,400  20,000  5457  829  SO)
                  Jxte Xanafocture sod Canny
                   Ba{* .....                             7,420  2,091  2.667
                  Lun^x and lunpw-xre                      265   159   48)
                  Liaticr Roods and Sadilcry,
                   Bcoca, etc. .   .                       437   234    526
                  Matches •      Cascs   615   505   C61  1,610  1450  1,547
                  Kali and Matbaga .  . No.  24201        4,700  2, OSS  2457

                    Cepper and Copper-wars                6395  5,056  4.479
                    Tia and Tin wars .                    1493   583   1454
                    Iren                                  5023  5,731  492S
                    Machinery .                             11   153   2GS
                    Other Sorts                            231  2,618  1.4J#
                    Xcosiaa •    Cases  2S460  11,000  15,000  7443  2467  3433  Increased demand.
                    Other sorts.                          7428  20,637  10,831
                  Fodi                                   398433  898,900  1,000.00) Increase doe to demand
                                                                           by paxchaees by the Earoprt*
                                                                           pearl dealers who au*
                  Perfumery-—                                              jpshrsus.
                    Eos orator                            2.461  1,698  U9
                    Other sorts                            679   784  1487
                 Piece-foods                              70479  136,001  103487 Decrease doe to
                                                                           market and partly to***"
                                                                           import of silk piece****
                    Coeesaunts                             6a   1434   •09
                    O17 Lisas                             34a   1494  WO
                    Floor         Cwt.        5415  7400  2419  24»   44»
                    Vermicelli .                          1450   690   89
                    Cbm          Cwt.  15487  9423  8,160  66453  46,483  89,431  Decrease dueto
                                                                           market sod low J***
                                                                           during J***-
                    Other sorts                          12,403  11415  9439
                 Balt            Cwt    3400  2400         292   667   409
                                                                 260   44i
                   8'm-Bim .     Cot.   189                253
                                                                                 1911-1* ** *°
                                                                          Import *» •
                   Other sorts                            2433  6499  4475
                                                                           oally largs.
   227   228   229   230   231   232   233   234   235   236   237