Page 61 - DILMUN 13_Neat
P. 61
Outside the ١pper platforn to the north a١d wes١ it w٦s possible to ٥xpose portions of
walling hbelonging to Temple ٢1١ (Fig. 6), 'Together with th١٥ well-s٢r١cture mcntioncd alove
١٤d two large socket stones at the foot ٥f the ١orthern ٧٨ll thee rcmins displly at lc;١s١
sone features of his tenple.
٨ 'Tenple II is covcring Temple , ﺃonly the top-level of a wall bclonging to thc oldest
temple was cxposcd (ig. 6). 'Ihis portion of ٨ wa١١ is situtcd in th١e northwest corner of the
upper pﺍatform of Tcnple II
The temple is now lying in a 'holc'' as it wcre (Fig. 7). Fron a distance only the uppcr
platforn is visible. lHowcver, walking across the sitcnakes it possiblc to get an imprcssion of
what this remarkable canmple of ancicnt architecture in a provincial Sumcrian style once
lookcd like.
Fig. 7. The site. Fom SW.