Page 65 - DILMUN 13_Neat
P. 65


 ٦ly fragnen١٢٨f fondation wa١ls a١d firs١ layers of building stoncs at thc floor level of the
١pper platform a٢٥ preservcd.

The ٦١i١ in o٢ the re-xcvation w١s to give an optimal threc-dimcnsionl inpression

of thee two  ns, r'To٦١fils lw‫ﺩ‬٨s achievcd by frccing the uppcr platfor١ totally ١١d by

٥xosing :‫ ﺍ‬large scction of the lower plitforn in soutleast.

     The upper p‫ﺇ‬atform is ١ow indictcd through its more or less pcrservcd retaining walls
a١d its top-level (TFig. 34), This loor-l٥٧el had parly to be re-laid in its original position.
W١١ere the rctaining walls were plundcred, we lef ''wal١٩" of carth, sloping towards south
nd vertical ١o th١e west٠ I١ ight be part of a long-tcrm trcatnent of the site to replace thesc

by solid ٧all٢ covcred by "juss".

'The lower platform is exposed througl its curved flight fronm northwcst to southeast. Its

Fig 3. The eastern retaining wall of hte upper lpaftorm reappearing. From N.
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