Page 63 - DILMUN 13_Neat
P. 63

wall (Ilb), a١ ashlar wall, is henvily phundcrcd, hbut it is in one place still stnding in its
original height.

     ٨١ th١e font of the uppcr platforn to the cast o١e of thc spccial fcatr٥s of the tenple, :٨
large oval enclosure with a stone-hbilt altr, is displayed. ٨ccording 1o observations ١ade at
thc time of cxcavation, this wing-‫؟‬tructu٢٥١St be intcrprctcd ٨s th١e tc١ple's sacrificial
cnclosure; it is conncclcd with the platform by ١ ra١٥

      ٨t the foot of the lowcr platform to the west the ١٥st ١usual singlc fcaturc of the

Fig, 5. hTe double stepped plaftorm, the upper one sloped, because the retaining wlal was
here plundered, the lower one (phase lla) with presevred retaining wall, .Letf the
well-sturcture of Temple ١١١. From SE.
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