Page 380 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 380

                                 Comparison of Customs Classified Receipts.—Contd.

                                              Year 1364. Year 1365.  Increase.  Decrease.
                                                 Rs.        Rs.        Rs.        Rs.
                  £: Export Duties                1,109     2,187      1,078
                  F: Direct Transhipment Cargoes   76,642  99,716     23.074
                  G : Import Yard Collections   3.24.400  3.23.250                1.150
                  H: Miscellaneous               48,728    45.626                 3.102
                   I: Rents ..........................  50,118  10,423           39.695
                                    Total      24.26,147   27,35,183   3.55.619  46.583
                                            Net increase Rs. 3,09,036.

                       The increased revenue from steamers was due to more consumer goods becoming available,
                   this was also the case in the increase in revenue from parcels. Increased revenue derived from Native
                   Craft was due to more rice being available from Persia.

                                       Comparison of Principal Commodities.

                            Commodity.          Quantity   Average value Quantity   Average value
                                               Year 1364.  Year 1364. Year 1365.  Year 1365.
                                                            Rs.                    Rs.
                   Rice                  cwts.   49.013   24.88.900    67,142    30,67.350
                   Wheat                 cwts.  2.57.323   48,98,730  1.20,559   42,19,270
                   Flour                 cwts.    1.420      43.540      100        2,040
                                        drums     2,000      40,000
                   Tea                     c/s   13.378    18.07.900    7.003     9.26,040
                     ..                  pkgs.                           364       37«i5°
                   Coffee                 bags    5.6i7     5.30.750   12,528    17,22,200
                                         cases     292       14.430                 1,140
                     1*                                                   25
                                         pkgs.                            10          270
                   Sugar soft            cwts.   52.850    16,76,070   61,471     19.10.830

                   Cottons..                     value       40.64,550  value      3i.4i»38o
                   Woollens                      value         76.530  value        5.27.630
                   Silks                         value          Nil    value        2,48,610

                        The fall in the value of imports of wheat, tea, and piecegoods was due to non-arrival during
                   the current year of complete quotas. It will be noticed there is a large increase in the value of woollen
                   and silk imports which is another indication of the revival of trade.

                                    Comparison of Average Unit Values (foodstuffs)

                            Commodity.                   Unit.       Year 1364.   Year 1365.
                                                                      Rs. a. p.  Rs. a. p.
                    RICE:   Persian ..            bag of 160 lbs.      75  0  0   70  0  0
                    COFFEE: Yameney..             maund of 56 lbs.     45  0  0   55  0  0
                            Native ..             maund of 56 lbs.     76  0 0    76 o o
                             Plantation           .maund of 56 lbs.    85 0 0     85  0  0
                    SUGAR: Soft                   .bag of 224 lbs.     70 o o     70 O 0
                             Milled Wheat         .bag of 160 lbs.     28 8 0     31 o o
                    TEA:     Indian Black         .chest of 112 lbs.  182 0 o    175 0 0

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