Page 383 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 383
Salaries paid i
Customs Department 74.527
Food Control 52.635
Total Rs. 1,27,162
Wages paid: Rs.
Customs Department 29,972
Food Control 16,632
Total Rs. 46,604
Bills of Entry.—The total number of Bills of Entry dealt with in 1365 was 7,156, an increase
of 555 over 1364.
Steamers 3.146
Craft 2.795
Baggage 1.215
Total 7.156
Shipping Bills.—The total number of Shipping Bills dealt with during the year amounted to
13»9i6, as under:—
Export Shipping Bills 12,316
Transhipment Bills 1,277
Over-Carried, Cargo 323
Total 13.916
The increased number of Shipping Bills dealt with was due to a slight relaxing of the strict ex
port regulations, particularly over commodities which are no longer controlled in the exporting count
ries, with a view to encouraging local trade.
Accidents within the port.
(1) On the 29th February 1946, a foreign craft bound for the port of Qatar with a cargo
of 400 gallas dates and 12 tins of date juice was sunk north of Muharraq. All cargo
was lost and the craft was smashed into pieces.
(2) On the 9th February 1946, an Iranian craft on arrival in Bahrain waters from Asloo,
Iran, encountered a strong shumal, and was wrecked at Sayeh near Fisht-el-Adham.
The craft and all cargo was lost. The crew were saved.
(3) On the 29th October 1946, a local country craft loaded with 400 bags cement from the
B.I.S.N. Coy’s, vessel " Vasna" capsized owing to rough weather and was wrecked
opposite the Manama Customs Pier. The cargo was damaged, and the craft later
brought ashore and repaired.
(4) On the 2nd November 1946, a local country craft with a cargo of 350 bags cement was
sunk near “ Chas Chose All the cargo was lost, but the craft was salvaged and
The Light Tender " NEARCHUS ” paid her usual visits of inspection to the lights and buoys
in the port.
General.—The budget estimate for Customs Revenue in 1366 is again higher than for 1365,
but has been arrived at conservatively.
An increased volume of cargoes is to be expected and it is hoped there will be a downward
trend in prices.