Page 387 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 387

             In 1358 (1939) the line of the Gozabia Palace was converted into a H.T. line and a sub-station
        was made in one of the ground floor rooms in the building to provide electricity for the new houses
        which had sprung up in that neighbourhood.

             The Shaikh Hamcd bridge was opened in 1360 (1941-42) and its management was taken over
        by the State Engineer. During this year a number of changes were made in the financial side of
        the department, new methods of allocating working charges were introduced and there was a revision
        in the rates of depreciation. The electric supply had been in continuous operation since May 193a
        without any failures or breakdowns but difficulties were now encountered in obtaining spare parts.
        With the continuation of the war it also became more difficult too to obtain spares for the Govern­
        ment vehicles. Many things were only available in the Black Market, which was not patronised by
        the Government. During the next few years the transport position deteriorated steadily and means
        of transport were reduced owing to vehicles falling out of repair and becoming unserviceable. The
        transport difficulty seriously affected those Government departments which relied upon motot vehicles
        for their efficiency. The control of the sale of tyres and batteries was put in the hands of the State
        Engineer but though Bahrain was fairly well supplied with these two items essential car parts were

             In 1362 (1943) a new 200 K.V.A. generating set was ordered. It was expected to arrive in the
        summer of 1363 (1944) but it did not reach Bahrain until 1364 (1945). The engineer who was sent
        by the makers to erect the plant was diverted while on his way to Bahrain and sent to India. A
        second mechanic arrived six months after the plant had been received.

             In 1363 one of the old generating sets was out of order for seven weeks owing to lack of spares,
        it was eventually repaired by the Bahrain Petroleum Company. During this year two flour mills
        were installed in a building near the power house and later a third mill was added to these for milling
        flour for the food department.

             The year 1364 (1945) was a bad year for the electric undertaking. There was insufficient
        output of electricity to supply the demand during the hot weather; owing to overload, mechanical
        breakdowns, and normal maintenance it became necessary to shut off electricity at regular periods
        throughout the months from April to December. Though the new plant had arrived in March it was
        not working until September. Before the last plant was installed another 300 K.W. set was ordered
        from England but the promise of the delivery of the electrical apparatus was given as one year later
        than the time of delivery of the engine.

             Various extensions to .the premises at the power house were completed during the year and
        work was begun on an electrical and mechanical workshop on a site which was bought adjoining the
        power house. More buildings were put up to house another flour mill and an oil filtration plant.
        Throughout the year there was an acute shortage of vehicles but orders were placed in England for a
        number of cars, lorries and station wagons. Always in the past the Government had bought
        American cars from local agents, it was now decided that in future British cars would be used and
        orders were placed with Rootes, the makers of the Humber car and Comraer trucks, for a number
        of vehicles.

             The traffic work, which for many years had been dealt with by the State Engineer, was taken
        over by the State Police, oil gauging and the supervision of the Technical School were also transferred
        to other departments. During the year discussions were held with the representative of Messrs.
         Holloway Bros, about the town water scheme and preliminary plans for the project, which had been
        drawn up some years before, were revised and approved.
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