Page 389 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 389


                      (c)  B.O.A.C. Water and Sewage Pumps ..  7-460 kW.
                      (d)  Other apparatus             13-116 kW.—127-012 kW.
                  3.  Refrigeration                                1-ooo
                  4.  Air Conditioning :—
                      (а)  B.O.A.C. Rest House      .. 40-284 kW.
                      (б)  P.C.L. Premises ..       .. 26-483 „
                      (c) The Agency                ..   6-155 „  72-922 kW.
                                                                 265-800 „
                 Connected Load—at end of 1364                  1.035*500 kW.
                                  Total at end of 1365         1,301-300 kW.

                Revenue.—The revenue from Units sold during 1365 amounted to Rs. 272,488-8-0 as compared
           with Rs. 2,42,121-8-0 in 1364, being an increase of Rs. 39,157-0-0.

                New Consumers.—116 New consumers were connected during 1364 of which 100 were in
           Manamah and 16 in Muharraq. The total number of consumers is now 1,969.

                Wiring Contractors.
                 (а)  The wiring of houses and shops by local wiring contractors continued. The number
                      of points were 533 as compared with 183 during 1364. The number of premises wired
                      by contractors were as follows:—
                        (1)  Mr. Yousuf Khalil A1 Moayed     25 premises.
                        (2)  Messrs. M. & A. Koohiji Bros.  27
                        (3)  Haji Salman Abdulla Zayani      38
                 (б)  B.O.A.C. carried out the wiring for additional lighting and air conditioning in their
                      rest house:—
                        For Air Conditioning 40-284 kW.
                        „ Water and Sewerage Pumps 7 -460 kW.
                        „ Light and Fans 2 -420 kW.
                 (c)  P.C. Ltd. carried out the wiring for additional air conditioning in their premises amount­
                      ing to 26-483 kW.
                 (d)  The Agency was wired by B.A.P.C.O. to provide an additional supply for air condition­
                      ing amounting to 6 • 155 kW.
                 \e) The Electricity Department carried out the wiring of Government and certain other
                       For Power House No. 4 generating plant and lighting.
                        „ Oil filtration Plant and lighting.
                        „ Seven new garages.
                        „ Two new senior staff quarters.
                        „ New Stores and Workshops.
                        „ H.H's Gudhaibia Palace extension.
                       „ Residential quarters—Education Department.
                       „ Electricity Department employees.
                       ,, Messrs. Gray Mackenzie’s new staff quarters.
                       „ Six flour mills, also minor additions to various other premises.

               Oil Filtration Plant.—A dual Stage oil filtration plant was erected on the Power House
          site and put into operation during August 1946. The use of this plant considerably reduced the
          oil consumption of the four generating sets and resulted in a saving of Rs. 22,125, being the value of
          6,080 Imperial gallons reclaimed up to the end of the year.
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