Page 392 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (III)_Neat
P. 392

                  members of the ruling family and the general public. The vehicles taken by the various Government
                   Departments have mostly been sold owing to the arrival from the U.K. of new ones on order. These
                   have been standardised by types and consists of:—
                            7 Humber touring cars.    6 3 Ton Commcr Trucks.
                            7 Standard touring cars.  6 Light Commcr Trucks.

                        Other vehicles on order but not yet received consist of 6 Humber station wagons and 6—12/20
                   cwt. pick ups of a type not yet decided. The Government Garage carried out the major repair and
                   servicing of all Government vehicles (70, including motorcycles) during 1365.
                        Workshops Department.—This most important and long outstanding requirement has at
                   last been met by the arrival of special machine and hand tools from England. Excellent progress
                   has been made in completing the installation of all the equipment received to date, and urgent repair
                   work, requiring the use of specialised equipment, has been carried out efficiently and expeditiously
                   for the Power House and other Government Departments. Important work has also been under­
                   taken for the Royal Navy, R.A.F. P.C.I.., Messrs. Gray Mackenzie Ltd. and the general public. Two
                   first class machine tool operators of Indian Nationality have been engaged, and several young Bahrain-
                   ians possessing ability much above the average are under training in the Work Shops.

                        Staff. Several additional appointments require to be filled to cope with the extensive volume
                   of work which is in hand and which is planned for future development of the electricity undertaking.
                   There is at present one Senior Staff vacancy for an Electricity distribution and Maintenance Superin­
                   tendent. The post has been vacant for the past i£ years, and has been filled as a temporary measure,
                   during the past 10 months by the lines and cable jointer foreman. The volume of work to be under­
                   taken in the re-planning of all electrical distribution in Manamah and Muharraq, and in providing.
                   more  efficient lines maintenance requires this vacant appointment to be filled as early as possible.
                   Urgent action is being taken in India to this end.
                        The installation of two 300 kW generating sets and their associated auxiliary equipment, a
                   water distillation plant of 10 tons per 24 hours capacity, the dismantling of Nos. 1 & 2 old generating sets
                   are commitments for 1365/66 which require the employment of efficient supervisory and erection Staff.
                        It has been decided to carry out the foregoing work entirely under the control of the State
                   Engineer, by State employed labour, as opposed to having it done by the contractors from whom
                   the plant has been ordered.
                        Previous experience has shown that the latter method is both unduly costly and unsatisfactory
                   from the view point of co-ordinating the commencement of work with the arrival of the plant.

                        In the case of the last generating set, the erector from the contractors arrived in Baluain when
                   the work was practically completed, and the cost of his services, passage, and accommodation which
                   was paid for by the Government was an unduly high commitment.

                        It should be possible under such conditions to  ensure  that all work is completed to recognised
                  engineering standards and carried out to organised planning.
                       In addition to this foreman, at least two electrical and mechanical fitters, preferably with
                  power station experience are needed. Enquiries are being made to provide these essential and urgent
                  requirements before the arrival of No. 5-300 kW generating set. The output of this set is already
                  allocated to provide continuity of supply to meet increased and hot weather demands during the year.
                  . Manamah Water Scheme. A contract for the supply and installation of water mains, pump­
                  ing plant, water tower and tanks has been made with Messrs. Holloway Brothers Limited,  The
                  final scheme has been approved and all materials and equipment  are on  order. Preliminary work
                  has commenced and completion of the scheme is expected to take place in February 1948.

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