Page 17 - TheWord#16
P. 17 POETRY-LITARATURE February 2017. 17
Choice Feelings Straight and Love of Life
Poetry Adopting the orchestra of life Strumming Narrow Love of life will be see me through
Moving on hands, body and soul On the straight and narrow Stability will stop me being blue
Enjoying moments as we thrive Strumming away in false hope Looking for the right furrow Appreciating the chocolate bar of
We’re on a ubitiqous roll wondering if I am going to cope Your love shining through life
Only Human We want to be noticed In tune with my inner feelings Relieving me from feeling blue Devouring it without a knife
Yet in despair and reeling
We need to be seen The road is long and wide Friendship will keep me grounded
Life is what it is; pure reality I have nothing to hide An open mind stop me being
I am only human Pulling strings in every corner Downgraded by relative obscurity Letting my emotion show hounded
I have made mistakes I felt the need to warn her Measured by a laugh and smile our relationship the way to go Staying away from trouble
I have hit brick walls of my love and movement of the mind’s dial which could break my living bubble
I have taken a fall Looking near and far
Time passes us all by Worry brings me down with a to raise love’s bar Life is special, life is cool
I am only human We need to let go flurry Enjoying your love’s reciprocation I won’t ignore it like a fool
My beliefs are not fake before we die My mood can dip in a hurry Celebrating with unrestrained Nature and circumstance will lead
I am not on the take Speak our minds Yet I face up to the truth jubilation the way
I am not on the make and let others find via the pretence of being aloof and get me through each single day
personal secrets made to share On the straight and narrow
I am only human Yes I love her, I care Strumming away until I have the Love hits my heart like an arrow Love of life will get me through
I want to see beat You make me happy and content So will my respect for you
I want to be free Moving in the rhythm of the night and can face external heat because you are Heaven sent I will live in the moment
I want to be me My heart beat’s just right I deal with reality all the while Each instant will be heaven sent
Not telling you how I feel by being one of the rank and file Copyright - Jules Clare - Jewelster
I am only human yet feeling oh so real - Jewelster Productions Ltd - 30th Copyright - Jules Clare - JEWEL-
I want to run a mile Copyright - Jules Clare - Jewelste January 2017 STER - JEWELSTER PRODUC-
All the while Whom are we hurting - Jewelster Productions Ltd - 29th TIONS LTD - 30th January 2017
Yet also smile if we continue to conceal January 2017
The choice is ours all the while Strutting Stuff
I am only human We have the power to reconcile The Cold
A complex personality Discrimination Poets get together
Dealing with reality Copyright - Jules Clare - Jewelster - in stormy weather Coming in from the cold
Accompanied by obscurity Jewelster Productions Ltd Strutting their stuff Warming our hearts
21 January 2107 Wannna make me a bean and veg It’s not worth being apart
I am only human stew Giving their voice a hike Life is too short
Dealing with conditionality ingredients object in the friendship of the open mic
Residing in duplicity The Dark Car What shall I and I do? Coming in from the cold
Loving life’s complicity The veg say you are killing us cos we Raising emotion and inflection Putting an end to yearning
are green, in the audience’s direction Lessons taken learning
I am alive It comes at dead of night when You hate us for our colour Life is too short
I breathe, I smile other vehicles long ago It’s obscene! West Jesmond Legion
I cry, I feel Have left the scene and one police If we be black in the Tyne and Wear region Coming in from the cold
I touch your heart van keeps watch, You would leave us untouched Sharing each other’s dreams
I am only human Its engine running and with lights We really think you don’t like us We remember you Mark Not as easy as it seems
ablaze, and curtains very much! With a smile we remember Life is too short
Copyright - Jules Clare - Jewelster Move and move again as neigh- your smile
- Jewelster Productions Ltd - 14th bours look then look away. The beans they were weepers and Coming in from the cold
January 2017 Wailers. Poets strutting their stuff with a laugh and a smile
The private man seems to have We can’t get enough We’ve missed this for a while
Life Is Like Whoever made the phone call sum- It’s because we’re not your sort It is good to be appreciated Life is too short
them shout out loud,
moning the green and yellow car We’re not peas in your pod Great to thrive Coming in from the cold
And paramedic ambulance, has Not in with your crowd! and good to be alive Back where we were before
Life is like a brick wall thus begun a sad and simple Now me a Quaker We miss you Mark In love, wanting more
Remove a brick, the wall stands tall Promenade which leads in one And me like my oats Life is life
Remove a few and it starts to fall direction only. I’m very free thinking Copyright - Jules Clare - Jewelster -
Remove most, give it your all do a bit of drinking Jewelster Productions Ltd Copyright - Jules Clare - Jewelster
And only yesterday it was we’d seen Erbal teas 21st January 2107 - Jewelster Productions Ltd - 28th
Life is like a race him Them the ones for me January 2017
The fences are sometimes hard to Walk a yard or two then stop and But me massacred Mint and
trace silently crushed Camomile
It’s not easy to run with grace Begin again more slowly - on to All that “blood” shed "Chris Bainbridge is a Bury-based ful, mainly scientific, academic
Running it at all can be ace make So me sleep well with a smile poet and activist who has been per- career, working extensively at a
His final rendezvous, with what is On my lips forming regularly on the North West senior level in universities, hospi-
Life is like a trial called No animal protein based calories scene since 2012- although he has tals and other public institutions.
Obstacles there all the while The Private Ambulance. on me hips! been writing since his teens back Now a self employed teacher and
Move a yard to move a mile Now I’m a vegan at the end of my in the 1970s. He has spent most of trainer, she is a politically active
Trying hard to do it in style The man whom once I wished a tether.... his working life in health and social with a number of progressive
pleasant day Wondering if being Fruitarian is care services, most recently with groups, including GJN (Global Jus-
Life is like a stream And who responded with a fearful better? the Stroke Association in Rochdale. tice Network). Her poetry utilises
It can flow like a dream look, a quicker step, Should me choose to live on pears A stalwart of demos and benefit lavish imagery, humour and in-
Sometimes running out of steam Who would not look my way from and plums? gigs, including for CND, he has col- ventive twists to challenge stere-
Not as easy as it first seems that day on in case I tried again, The powers that be laborated with surf-punk band Ad- otypes, encourage positive action
Has gone without a word, without tell me ventures Of Salvador and has run and - last but not least - entertain!"
Life is like a difficult test a name, The apple from The garden writing workshop with groups of Emma Lea - a writer, teacher and
Questions never let you rest Alone and in the quiet hours. Is silent. stroke survivors. Now a grandfather, publisher - and Gordon Zola - a
You’re always trying your best You see Chris's vibrant poetry reflects his vastly-experienced poet, perform-
Each of us is only a guest Sleep well, old man, whoever you varied experiences and passion for er and qualified counsellor - make
have been. But deadly! social and political change." up the rest of our happy team, and
Copyright - Jules Clare - Jewelster "Eve Nortley hails from.The Mid- we will get to know them better in
- Jewelster Productions Ltd - 28th Ian Charles © 2015 Eve Nortley and Christopher Bain- lands and has followed a success- the next issue.
January 2017 bridge Feb. 2017