Page 14 - TheWord#16
P. 14
14 February 2017. POETRY-LITARATURE
is Dub Welcome to
4 pages of
and art...
By Linton Kwesi Johnson
Dub is a type of predominant-
ly performance poetry which first
emerged in Jamaica and England
during the early 1970s – so could art is
still be considered in its infancy as
a form.
Influenced by the rhythms
of reggae music, (the rhythm is
everything!) the term was initial-
ly applied to the improvised ‘rap-
ping’ of the Jamaican disc-jockeys
known as ‘toasters’, who sang or re- the Word !
cited their own words over the dub
versions of reggae records (i.e. the
purely instrumental re-mixed ver-
sions on the B-sides); however it
has come to be adopted as a collec-
tive label for a tradition of popular
performance poetry in the Jamai-
can (and black British) vernacular These pages are edited by Greater Manchester. and birthday boy Alfred Lord Ten-
or ‘Patwah’. WILD WORDS – a North West As the founders of WILD In each edition of The Word nyson. We will be aiming to offer
based art collective who are work- WORDS Chris Bainbridge and Eve we will be focusing on a literary you the beauty of their words and
Early proponents of Dub were ing together to develop support Nortley are both writers and per- giant from the world of poetry a modern homage to their style
Mutabaruka and Oku Onuora in Ja- for local writers, musicians and formance poets -this first offer- and getting us off to a stupendous and influences.
maica and Linton Kwesi Johnson visual artists. ing reflects their “special” area of start today is a feature article on
in England. Although Benjamin WILD WORDS are currently interest. We hope you enjoy your living legend Birmingham boy If you would like to contrib-
Zephaniah is probably the most involved in a range of activities trip into the wild and wonderful Benjamin Zephaniah! ute to future editions please
widely watched and read Dub including informal drop-in ses- world of poetry...and maybe feel Over the coming weeks we send copy to Chris and Eve at......
poet. sions for writers, formal workshop inspired to put pen to paper. Writ- will be featuring the poetry of (please fill in details ) original writ-
days and writing retreats. They ing is after all good for your health Maya Angelou, Robert Burns, ing, reviews and your thoughts on
Dub poetry includes lyrics and are based in and around Bury in – its official! Irom Sharmila, Edgar Alan Poe the pages are all very welcome.
narrative poems on a variety of
subjects but is grounded in politics
There are lots of writes but no WRITE OUT LOUD
and social justice. It also celebrates
sex, drugs (ganja) and music and Q : How easy is it to get started
Rastafarian religious themes. with poetry?
A: Very!
Primarily an oral poetry for
public performance, it has increas- wrongs in poetry......
ingly appeared in print, notably in And a great way to dip your likely to be seen sitting drinking Simply go to the Write Out Loud events close to you – many librar-
Johnson’s Dread Beat and Blood toes into the water is to go along to cups of tea in plastic chairs in jeans on the Gig guide ies offer readings by local writers or
(1975) and Benjamin Zephaniah’s a WRITE OUT LOUD poetry night than lying on velvet chaise longue (immediately underneath Write host local writing groups.
The Dread Affair (1985). Other and see what you think. wearing velvet smoking jackets in out Loud on the screen) and step You Tube is a veritable cornu-
leading dub poets include Michael You will find that poets and opium dens! into a new and exciting world..... copia of poetry.....check out Benja-
Smith, Jean Binta Breeze, and Levi lovers of poetry are real people, Robert Burns wrote his first po- Keep your eyes peeled in your min Zephaniah’s £Money£....truly
Tafari. living real lives......and are more etry whilst ploughing fields. local libraries for posters of free inspiring and heartfelt!