Page 12 - TheWord#16
P. 12

                                                                         FORGOTTEN BANDS
                            February 2017.

       Bands you thought you’d forgotten, or never knew, or perhaps you weren’t even there at the time.

       By Ian Charles, who was there and
       forgets nothing….

          t was late 1969; I was 17 and had
          just come out of an unsatisfac-
          tory, innocent relationship with
      Ia  schoolgirl  named  Theresa  –
       no relation to Mrs ‘May / May Not.’
       If I’d given her a nickname it might
       have  been  ‘Definitely  Wouldn’t’
       but this was ok because I had been
       for a while doubly infatuated with
       two of my fellow ’Saturday Staff’
       at C&A outfitters, where I earned £1
       for the whole day.
          One of my fancies was a cash-
       ier  who  resembled  Julie  Driscoll,
       the other a thirty-something mum
       who was also coming out of a disas-
       trous relationship, and had plainly
       taken to me, bringing me books left
       by her husband at the family home
       he’d  deserted,  and  because  she   ly;  when  her  band  Shocking  Blue   like the cashier’s, or the long black   Gibson SG. I was completely sure,   McShee or Melanie Safka, best bits
       thought I’d like them.        performed an upbeat song about a   hair,  like  the  divorcee’s,  the  quite   I told Sheila, that I could play it far   of  each,  but  with  a  gentler  voice
          I  was  in  a  triangle  of  ‘lurve,’   ‘goddess on a mountain top’ which   enticing  mispronunciations,  or   better than him. It was clear that I   more  suited  to  serenading  babies
       and  could  do  absolutely  nothing   Mariska mispronounced as a ‘god-  the  little  squeak  she  gave  when   was bored of the date and that she   or  young  children,  and  whom  I
       about it. I knew the cashier found   ness’ at the beginning  of the track.   she sang “’tyour” I cannot say, but   was  bored  of  my  obsession  with   married as soon as I could in 1974
       me good fun and a ‘potential,’ and I   There was a lovely riff, a suspended   I  suddenly  saw  everything  a  god-  the guitar.  and with whom I’m still besotted.
       knew my older woman was trying   4th chord, a guitar break that began   ness, sorry, goddess should be, and   I discovered later that Mariska   ‘Venus’  has  been  covered  by
       very hard to recapture her passing   really excitingly but went nowhere,   this lasted me right into 1970 when   wore a long black ‘Elvira’ wig, and   others,  notably  Bananaramara,
       youth, and I was determined not to   and a hook line “Well: I’m your Ve-  I  had  one  catastrophic  date  with   as she got a little older she began   which  I  can  spell  but  just  don’t
       be that passing youth.        nus,  I’m  your  fire,  ’tyour  desire!”   Sheila  from  Tesco,  ruined  by  my   to look less like the cashier or the   know when to stop, in 1986. Shock-
          Mariska Veres, or as I knew her,   sung over and over again, complete   obsession  with  the  guitar  player   divorcee,  and  more  like  Theresa   ing Blue played many, many other
       ‘Venus,’  was  my  salvation  at  this   each time with the “Well:” and the   of a band we saw playing an early   ‘Definitely  Wouldn’t,’  but  by  then   good songs, which I think are not
       time,  and  I  was  pleased  to  give   “’tyour desire!” I was hooked.   evening set at the legendary Fforde   I  was  blissfully  involved  with  a   famous at all, but this track is the
       her my heart. I saw her on the tel-  Whether it was the face, rather   Grene  and  his  even  then  vintage   girl  who  looked  more  like  Jacqui   one I like best.

       Blue and Lonesome

          “All  we  wanted  to  be  was  the
       best R&B band in London (or was it
       Dartford?)” misquotes Ian Charles,
       who honestly doesn’t want to pittle
       on Mick and Keef’s bonfire.
          I  could  dig  out  my  collection
       of  Little  Walter,  Magic  Sam,  How-
       lin’ Wolf, and Jimmy Reed, but to
       hear the Rolling Stones emulating
       them is entertaining if not exactly
       ground  breaking.  Indeed,  this  al-
       bum challenges my conviction that
       since  the  demise  of  Brian  Jones   blues standards, at the time large-  cool kids knew they weren’t, and of   and  I  call  two  rhythm  guitars.  It’s   a  bit  more  prominence.  Not  since
       and the departure of Mick Taylor, it   ly unknown here and on the other   course the cool kids told me, thus   inappropriate  here;  perhaps  it  al-  Metallica  deliberately  hid  Jason
       has been impossible to have more   side  of  the  Great  Pond,  and  slow   I was introduced to the work of Al-  ways was. When Brian Jones knew   Newstead’s  bass  behind  Lars  Ul-
       than two really good tracks on any   them right down, let the bass come   bert King, Muddy Waters and (here   his  days  were  numbered  he  used   rich’s  heavy  kick  drum  has  a  bass
       one of the band’s albums. For here   forward,  make  the  kit  play  all  the   we whisper) Robert Johnson.  to scour the music press weekly to   player been so badly done to. Dar-
       there are twelve, just that none of   notes  between  the  notes  while   Yet  the  Rolling  Stones  were   see if the rest of the band had sup-  ryl  Jones  has  been  with  the  band
       them are Jagger-Richards songs.  Jack wailed and moaned, and Eric   enormously  popular  among  my   planted him with Eric Clapton yet.   for around two decades yet the rest
          But  listening  to  this  first  Stu-  answered  all  that  hollerin’  with   peer group, and the band I played   Instead they replaced him with an-  (which might mean just Mick Jag-
       dio  Album  from  the  Stones  since   licks and fills of his own. I think of   in  could  only  manage  to  execute   other  Bluesbreakers  talent  named   ger) won’t actually let him be a real
       Angus  Young  was  in  short  pants   Spoonful  (Chester  Burnett)  and   anything if it had previously been   Mick Taylor on Lead Guitar.  Rolling  Stone.  There’s  probably  a
       makes  me  realise  just  how  good   Sittin’  On  Top  of  the  World  (Wal-  performed by them, John Lennon   On this album, two tracks work   reason for that; if so, kick him out
       Cream, with Jack Bruce, Eric Clap-  ter  Vinson/Lonnie  Chatmon  arr.   or  Hendrix.  When  I  use  the  word   really  well,  ‘Everybody  Knows   and get someone who will play it
       ton and Ginger Baker, really were.   Burnett.)  I  think  of  Crossroads   execute you’ll know what I mean.   about  My  Good  Thing’  and  Willie   loud.
       This material comes from the song-  and  Born  Under  a  Bad  Sign,  of   The trouble with this ‘new’ al-  Dixon’s  seminal  ‘I  Can’t  Quit  You   The  Stones  say  they  have
       book  they  used,  two  tracks  here   Skip  James’  I’m  So  Glad,  of  Four   bum is that the bass doesn’t lead.   Baby’ which I truly believe it isn’t   wanted  to  make  this  album  since
       even have Old Slowhand on them,   Until  Late  and  Rollin’  and  Tumb-  The other trouble is that the guitars   possible to play badly. On each of   the  1960s;  it’s  great,  admittedly,
       yet something vital is missing.   lin’. These tracks might have been   do  that  Stones  thing  which  Keef   these, Mr Clapton is playing, and I   but that’s when they should have
          What  Cream  did  was  to  take   Cream’s very own, except that the   Richards calls ‘the Art of Weaving’   do believe they’ve let the bass have   made it, and before Cream.
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