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8                    February 2017.                                BEST OF THE WEB                                   

             The Tory Genocide                                                        Tories Stall On ‘Yellow Card’ Scheme
             Against Labour Voters                                                    For Benefit Sanctions – Because It

               Exposes Their Homicidal Activities
             By Ste Matthew Murray                                                    scheme-for-benefit-sanctions-because-it-exposes-their-homicidal-activ-
                A damning report warns cuts to health and social care budgets were “possibly”   19 Feb 2017
             to blame for the “unprecedented” 30,000 extra deaths in England and Wales and
             they are all in strong Labour held areas.                                By Mike Sivier

                The Tories are accused of wilfully ignoring the devastating social care crisis   Select Committee chairman Frank Field said vulnerable people are ‘wrongly
             that is gripping Britain with catastrophic effects.                      having their income snatched away’
                A major study by academics warns cuts to health and social care budgets were   This Writer agrees with social security campaigner Samuel Miller – the govern-
             “possibly” to blame for the “unprecedented” 30,000 extra deaths in England and   ment won’t introduce a system that could curb benefit sanctions because they are
             Wales.                                                                   doing precisely what the Tories want.
                                                                                         Mr Miller writes: “From the DWP’s perspective, the benefit sanctions regime
                The 2015 figures mark the largest increase in “excess deaths” for almost 50   and the recent introduction of the reduced benefit cap are helping to drive record
             years.                                                                   employment, forcing claimants to accept any work – including zero-hour contacts
                The total was largely made up of OAPs, who rely most on health and social   and low wages.
             care, the report finds.
                It is the first time a direct link has been drawn between cuts and a surge in   “About 1.5 million people leave the welfare system each year, and there is fear
             deaths - and the rise could continue without “urgent intervention”, experts fear.  that many of them may be facing destitution and having to depend on food banks
                Missed NHS targets including ambulance call-out times and A&E delays were   for their survival.
             among factors, according to the study published in the Journal of the Royal Soci-
             ety of Medicine.                                                            “But multitudes of people dropping off the welfare rolls actually saves the gov-
                Experts write: “The long-term decline in mortality in England and Wales has   ernment staggering sums of money in benefits provision.”
             reversed, with approximately 30,000 extra deaths compared to what would be
             expected if the average age-specific death rates in 2006 to 2014.”          It should also be mentioned that the reasons for removing many people’s ben-
                                                                                      efits are completely false. The Scottish trial proved this when nearly 500 people
             Saving Syria’s Children                                                  were able to get their benefits back by demonstrating that they did not deserve to
                                                                                      lose them in the first place.
             The Worst Case Of Fake News?                                                But the Tories don’t want that to happen. Most of their social security policy

                                                                                      over the last nearly-seven years has been about inflicting destitution on the poor
       in unreasonable ways, being defeated by logic when people fight these policies,
             case-of-fake-news/                                                       and finding new ways of inflicting destitution on the poor as a result, under a cov-
                We’ve talked about this topic many times on OffG, but at a time when “fake-  er story of trying to balance the nation’s books.
             news” is a hashtag, it’s worth returning to this most egregious and worrying exam-
             ple of – at best – sloppy reporting, or – at worst – wholesale deception.   If people are forced to visit food banks, or to leave their home, or to die, as a
                                                                                      result… well, that’s of no interest to a Tory.
                What happened at the Urm al-Kubra school on August 26 2013? Was it a chem-
             ical attack, a napalm attack or some sort of drill/rehearsal that was passed off as   It’s true: Your Tory government is cutting the national deficit – one citizen at a
             a real event? If the latter then where did the deception originate? Were the BBC   time. What are you going to do when the Tories decide to cut you?
             Panorama crew, present at the Atareb hospital to film the aftermath of the alleged
             atrocity heroes, dupes or wilful advocates for a lie? Was the fact their program
             aired on the eve of a crucial vote in parliament that might have sent the UK to war
             against Assad merely a coincidence or a deliberate and calculated act of propagan-
             da to push public opinion to support a very dangerous escalation in the region?

                In this program Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen and campaigner Robert
             Stuart take a look at what is quite possibly the worst example of mainstream me-
             dia fake news in history .

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