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Where is the Nhs? POLITICS AND EVENTS February 2017. 5
A Whistle Blowers Tale
In the last few years there has
been a change of culture within
healthcare. ‘Shop floor’ profes-
sionals are guarded. The shutters
have come down. Free speech is
no longer a given.
By stealth, an unspoken tox-
icity has spread by behaviours of
those authority & lord of all they
The corporate psychopaths
have been given power and have
been given carte blanche to use
it to suppress unchallenged by
even higher powers.
Those with ambition and with-
out a moral compass know that in
order to climb the corporate man-
agerial ladder and be a part of the
exclusive club of dictators they
must develop a sense of superi-
ority and ruthlessness. No-one
and nothing can get in their way. CQC visits & colleagues high- will go on your record.
And they will be protected in their light the bullying, intimidation & The patients kitchen is filthy.
quest as casualties are merely oppression. They give a ‘poorly Patients who are immunocom-
pawns in their game of ambition. run’ rating. promised and doubly at risk from
But what about protection for Corporate psychopaths are poor hygiene. The kitchen manag-
the shop floor workers against seething. They are above criticism. er refuses to supply lactose free
this thuggery when the workers This is your fault. How dare you milk for a lactose intolerant pa-
are charged with reporting, for not praise the management or tell tient. Dare you mention it to your
example, misdeeds, illegal activ- CQC how supportive the environ- line manager for fear of reprisal.
ity & concerns regarding patient ment is, how rewarding it is & how You know what will become of it
care? After all, isn’t this the whole magnificent it is to work there. but as a professional how can this
point of post Mid Staffs cover up YOU have got to go. You do be ignored. So in the spirit of post
recommendations? not sing from the corporate hymn Mid Staffs you report it.
And Whistle Blowing. Were sheet. You are not part of the busi- Wham. Another one to one.
we not all told there was a new ness plan ‘going forward’. You The kitchen manager doesn’t want
era of openness whereby any con- {despite the dire recruitment & you interfering with kitchen busi-
cerns would be listened to? shortage crisis for health care pro- ness! So this goes on your record.
That was the party line. But fessionals} Colleagues are aware that you
has this translated into action in So how can they get rid of are being targeted. They sympa-
practice ? you? thise. They have mortgages to
Frighteningly the corporate Clearly just sacking you will pay, loans to pay & cant afford to
psychopaths have had their get them in hot water with an in- lose their jobs.
hackles raised. They who must dustrial tribunal so you’ll be tar- So whistle blowing becomes a
be obeyed have to find ways of geted. Your social media will be lonely place & you learn that de-
reflecting poor practice back on monitored. They’ll get the meas- spite what you witness and the
the shop floor workers in order to ure of you. dangerous practices you see, you
conserve the status quo & remain The CEO asks how things are. cant speak out.
in the corporate club. ”Very low morale I’m afraid. X&Y, So the bullying, intimidating
So the effects on the shop who have many years experience corporate psychopaths have the
floor workers on highlighting un- & lynchpins of the work environ- pathway cleared for them to act in
young woman in a unit on an in- people who own my local football safe practice. ment are leaving as they cant cope the manner to which they choose
dustrial estate next to a warehouse club, bank or car showroom. I just “We are short staffed & cannot with the stress, the workload, we to be accustomed.
storing phones and laptop comput- didn’t, is all. meet the needs of the patients haven’t seen a physio for months. You leave disillusioned.
ers. I didn’t expect that my GP, the When did all this happen, and safely. We have 2 aggressive pa- Z was expecting a pay increment Knowing that you were a magnif-
Emergency Doctor, and the build- why didn’t I see it before it hap- tients & have increased our bed but that was vetoed.” icent practitioner & a willing but
ings and services of my cancer hos- pened? numbers by 4. Agency staff are CEO sniffs & discusses with oppressed advocate for patients
pital would be owned by the sort of Where is the NHS in all of this? unfamiliar with x procedure. I’ve your line manager. One to one & colleagues. You say goodbye to
only been qualified 6 months & time, intimidation time, bully- the profession you love but real-
you’re leaving me in charge” ing & belittling time. It’s none of ise you must keep your integrity
“Use your time more effec- your business if Z hasn’t got her and keep your sanity.
tively, you’re not prioritizing, you pay rise. There is an ongoing ad- The corner green grocer ad-
have the recommended staff ra- vert for the physio job. X&Y are vertises for an assistant. That is
tio, blah blah blah”. replaceable. This outspokenness now your future.