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         WORD                                                                                                            LincoLn city                      back Page  Page 5

                                                                           Issue #16, February 2017..
                                                                                                                          giant kiLLers


      £ 1                                                                                                                 bLoWing on nhs


       Equality Democracy Truth Courage  The people’s paper                                     stefanovic                        Page 35

        excLusive                        theresa May:

        intervieW                        there have

                                         only been a

                                         “small number

                                         of incidents”


       says what

       he thinks




         We  have  made  it  very  clear
      that we don’t agree with Donald
      Trump  on  the  Geneva  Conven-
      tion, on torture, on his treatment
      of Mexico and Mexican people or
      his  attacks  on  women  we  have
      made it very clear. I also think it
      wrong  that  he  be  given  a  state  kiLLer
      visit as a reward after only eight
      days in office. Would we have to
      work with the elected President,
      yes, in every country you have to
      work with them. It doesn’t mean
      you agree with them, you have to
      make a case, and so every Presi-
      dent  and  Prime  Minister  I  meet,
      and  I  meet  quite  a  lot  of  them,
      you  have  to  raise  human  rights
      issues  with  and  concerns  about
      human  rights  in  their  country,
      you have to do that. We as a party
      believe passionately in the cause   nhs Murdered by May
      of human rights. Sometimes the
      circumstances  are  very  difficult
      indeed but you have got to do it
      so you do it.
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