Page 10 - TheWord#16
P. 10
10 February 2017. interview
n Monday night MPs vot-
ed by 294 votes to 276 to
Nothing Wrong Oto accept 3,000 unac-
reject a plan for Britain
companied Syrian child refugees
With Clive have ended up in mainland europe
without a parent or guardian.
the amendment had been pro-
posed by Labour’s Lord Dubs, who
himself arrived in Britain as a child
refugee fleeing the Holocaust in
the 1930s.
Here are the MPs who voted to
turn away the 3,000 refugees who
had travelled to europe:
Adams, nigel
Afriyie, Adam
Aldous, Peter
Allan, Lucy
Amess, Sir David
Andrew, Stuart
Ansell, Caroline
Argar, edward
Atkins, victoria
Bacon, Mr richard
Baker, Mr Steve
Baldwin, Harriett child-refugees
Barclay, Stephen
Baron, Mr John
Barwell, Gavin
i met young Clive Lewis this we chatted with him about Bebb, Guto
summer when he was raising the bally-hoo-har in the Shadow Bellingham, Sir Henry
money for the Party by speak- Cabinet, where people resigned Benyon, richard
ing in various places round the as a kind of drip-drip-drip to un- Beresford, Sir Paul
country, writes ian Charles. dermine Labour. would they all Berry, Jake
Berry, James
My buddy Charlie Abrahams, be back? Blunt, Crispin the MPs who voted to turn away
serious journalist and a very Clive thought that they Bingham, Andrew
good speechwriter, persuaded would, and that he’d be returned
me that we ought to try to meet to the back benches; he told me Bone, Mr Peter
up with other members as much who he knew had been ‘sniffing Borwick, victoria Duncan Smith, rh Mr iain Harrington, richard
as possible less the Party die of around’ wanting jobs back, and Bottomley, Sir Peter Dunne, Mr Philip Harris, rebecca
neglect while neC closed down confessed to being both resigned Bradley, Karen elliott, tom Hart, Simon
everything except campaigning and looking forward to learning Brady, Mr Graham ellis, Michael Haselhurst, rh Sir Alan
meetings, so we toddled off to how to be a constituency MP. Brazier, Mr Julian ellison, Jane Heald, Sir Oliver
a wMC in woodhouse to hear He seemed to be telling us he’d Brine, Steve ellwood, Mr tobias Heappey, James
Clive, eat food prepared by some had his education interrupted Brokenshire, rh James elphicke, Charlie Heaton-Harris, Chris
food rescuers, and talk about La- by Shadow Cabinet work, even Bruce, Fiona eustice, George Heaton-Jones, Peter
bour. the food was delicious. though it had been a marvellous Buckland, robert evans, Graham Henderson, Gordon
Charlie and i managed to experience. that’s my second Burns, Conor evans, Mr nigel Herbert, rh nick
speak with Clive before the main reason for believing he’s not after Burns, rh Sir Simon evennett, rh Mr David Hinds, Damian
event (him) and ask advice about Jeremy’s job. Burrowes, Mr David Fabricant, Michael Hollobone, Mr Philip
a friend who’d been kicked out thirdly, his speech to us was Burt, rh Alistair Fallon, rh Michael Holloway, Mr Adam
of Labour for reposting an idea very philosophical, almost theo- Campbell, Mr Gregory Fernandes, Suella Hopkins, Kris
from the Greens, whom i think retical. it was lovely, but it wasn’t Carmichael, neil Field, rh Mark Howarth, Sir Gerald
would do very well to get inside a hustings or a statement of polit- Carswell, Mr Douglas Foster, Kevin Howell, John
our party rather than flapping ical position. it didn’t sound like Cartlidge, James Fox, rh Dr Liam Howlett, Ben
about outside of it. a guy who wants to lead a party. Cash, Sir william Frazer, Lucy Huddleston, nigel
Clive’s view seems to be that And that’s my third reason for Caulfield, Maria Freeman, George Hunt, rh Mr Jeremy
we need to be less arrogant (OK disbelieving the Fake news com- Chalk, Alex Freer, Mike Hurd, Mr nick
touché) and recognise that there ing out of, for example, the BBC, Chishti, rehman Gale, Sir roger Jackson, Mr Stewart
is wisdom elsewhere too. i said to the Sunday Murdoch, or the Dai- Chope, Mr Christopher Garnier, rh Sir edward Javid, rh Sajid
him that unless we had a decent ly Fail about a coup surrounding Churchill, Jo Garnier, Mark Jayawardena, Mr ranil
voting system then co-operation either Clive or tom watson. Clark, rh Greg Gauke, Mr David Jenkin, Mr Bernard
would never work, and with pro- i’m sorry for old tom; i’m sure Clarke, rh Mr Kenneth Ghani, nusrat Jenkyns, Andrea
portional representation we’d he was good at coups when he Cleverly, James Gibb, Mr nick Jenrick, robert
end up in coalitions where the was dealing with a man who had Clifton-Brown, Geoffrey Gillan, rh Mrs Cheryl Johnson, Boris
Centre, and by this i mean the no groundswell of national or Coffey, Dr thérèse Glen, John Johnson, Gareth
Liberal Democratic Party (sure- Party support such as t*ny Bl**r Collins, Damian Goodwill, Mr robert Johnson, Joseph
ly a triple misnomer that one) (are we allowed to use his name Colvile, Oliver Gove, rh Michael Jones, Andrew
would sit permanently choosing yet iain, or is it still a swear?) Costa, Alberto Graham, richard Jones, rh Mr David
who to help become the Govern- But Corbyn is a different Crabb, rh Stephen Grant, Mrs Helen Jones, Mr Marcus
ment! phenomenon. He has support Davies, Byron Grayling, rh Chris Kawczynski, Daniel
Mu point is that there can be from an area that none of them Davies, Glyn Green, Chris Kennedy, Seema
totalitarianism of the Centre, can touch, and he listens. Clive Davies, Mims Green, rh Damian Kinahan, Danny
and then whoever you were to listens too. the people he wants Davies, Philip Grieve, rh Mr Dominic Kirby, Simon
vote for, the Government would to listen to at the moment are Dinenage, Caroline Griffiths, Andrew Knight, rh Sir Greg
get in! Clive doesn’t agree with his constituents; he wants to be Djanogly, Mr Jonathan Gummer, Ben Knight, Julian
me, he’s far more idealistic and a small-town MP before he be- Donelan, Michelle Gyimah, Mr Sam Kwarteng, Kwasi
possibly more reasonable. i think comes a national figure, and i Double, Steve Halfon, rh robert Lancaster, Mark
he sees the good in people, and recognise his sentiments. i can Dowden, Oliver Hall, Luke Latham, Pauline
he’s clearly no cynic. that’s the find nothing suspicious or ma- Doyle-Price, Jackie Hammond, Stephen Leadsom, Andrea
first reason i don’t think he’s after leficent about this man. Be reas- Drax, richard Hancock, rh Matthew Lee, Dr Phillip
Corbyn’s job. sured. Drummond, Mrs Flick Hands, rh Greg Lefroy, Jeremy
Duddridge, James Harper, rh Mr Mark Leigh, Sir edward