Page 11 - TheWord#16
P. 11                                              interview                                     February 2017.                   11

                                                                                                     Corbyn and


                                                                                                     interview part 2

 child-refugees                                                                                     we know is there are a lot of La-  clear that we don’t agree with Don-

                                                                                                       One  of  the  problems  that
                                                                                                                                    JereMY: we have made it very
                                                                                                    bour  members  of  Parliament
                                                                                                                                 ald trump on the Geneva Conven-
                                                                                                    with you when you are Prime
 the MPs who voted to turn away                                                                     that would be difficult to bring   tion, on torture, on his treatment of
                                                                                                                                 Mexico and Mexican people or his
                                                                                                    Minister.  How  would  you  go
                                                                                                                                 attacks on women we have made
                                                                                                    about getting them onside?
                                                                                                                                 it very clear. i also think it wrong
                                                                                                       JereMY: my relations with my  that he be given a state visit as a
                                                                                                    fellow MPs are absolutely fine. “we
                                                                                                                                 reward after only eight days in of-
                                                                                                    have  interesting  conversations”
                                                                                                                                 fice. would we have to work with
                                                                                                    but it is also about the direction in  the elected President, yes, in every
              Leslie, Charlotte               Patel, rh Priti                Stewart, Bob           which our party is going to go. we   country  you  have  to  work  with
             Letwin, rh Mr Oliver          Paterson, rh Mr Owen              Stewart, iain          have to be the party of an econom-  them.  it  doesn’t  mean  you  agree
              Lewis, Brandon                  Pawsey, Mark                  Stewart, rory           ic  alternative  and  that  is  what i   with  them,  you  have  to  make  a
             Lewis, rh Dr Julian            Penning, rh Mike               Streeter, Mr Gary        am putting forward. the disagree-  case,  and  so  every  President  and
           Liddell-Grainger, Mr ian           Penrose, John                  Stride, Mel            ments  are  highly  publicised,  the  Prime Minister i meet, and i meet
            Lidington, rh Mr David           Percy, Andrew                  Stuart, Graham          areas of agreement are not. On the  quite  a  lot  of  them,  you  have  to
              Lilley, rh Mr Peter             Perry, Claire                 Sturdy, Julian          nHS  there  has  been  no  disagree-  raise human rights issues with and
               Lopresti, Jack                  Philp, Chris                  Sunak, rishi           ments whatever. On the article 50  concerns  about  human  rights  in
               Lord, Jonathan               Pickles, rh Sir eric        Swayne, rh Mr Desmond       vote  there  has  been  no  disputes  their country, you have to do that.
               Loughton, tim               Pincher, Christopher            Swire, rh Mr Hugo        whatsoever. John’s economic strat-  we as a party believe passionate-
               Lumley, Karen                Poulter, Dr Daniel             Syms, Mr robert          egy is very widely supported.  ly  in  the  cause  of  human  rights.
              Mackinlay, Craig                Pow, rebecca                  thomas, Derek              A  lot  of  people  are  find-  Sometimes the circumstances are
             Mackintosh, David               Prentis, victoria             throup, Maggie           ing that they are working full   very difficult indeed but you have
              Main, Mrs Anne                 Prisk, Mr Mark                timpson, edward          time  and  can’t  even  manage   got to do it so you do it.
               Mak, Mr Alan                  Pritchard, Mark                tolhurst, Kelly         to  keep  themselves.  What  is   How do you see the broad
               Malthouse, Kit                Pursglove, tom                tomlinson, Justin        the first thing you could do as   left coalition in Europe, do you
                Mann, Scott                   Quin, Jeremy                tomlinson, Michael        Prime Minister to help?      think  we  can  really  build  on
             May, rh Mrs theresa            raab, Mr Dominic                 tracey, Craig             JereMY: well one is the wage   one?
               Maynard, Paul                redwood, rh John               tredinnick, David        s, the second is the housing costs,   JereMY: Yes i do, i was hav-
              McCartney, Karl              rees-Mogg, Mr Jacob         trevelyan, Mrs Anne-Marie    because our housing costs are, for   ing a long conversation the other
          McLoughlin, rh Mr Patrick       robertson, Mr Laurence          truss, rh elizabeth       whatever form of housing except   night  with  Antonio  Costa,  who
            McPartland, Stephen              robinson, Mary                tugendhat, tom           council housing, are amongst the   is  the  Prime  Minister  of  Portu-
               Menzies, Mark                rosindell, Andrew             turner, Mr Andrew         highest  in europe.  So  it  is  about   gal,  they  are  a  left  government
              Merriman, Huw                  rudd, rh Amber               tyrie, rh Mr Andrew       building  more  places.  it  is  also   doing very well and i have spent
             Metcalfe, Stephen                rutley, David               vaizey, Mr edward         about regulating the private rent-  a  lot  of  time  over  the  last  eight-
             Miller, rh Mrs Maria          Sandbach, Antoinette            vara, Mr Shailesh        ed  sector.  this  reduces  housing   een  months,  two  years,  building
              Milling, Amanda                  Scully, Paul                 vickers, Martin         costs. You are quite correct that a   a  relationship  so  we  can  defend
                Mills, nigel                 Selous, Andrew              villiers, rh Mrs theresa   lot of people that are in work are  workers’ rights. Look, it’s not go-
              Milton, rh Anne                 Shannon, Jim                walker, Mr Charles        also poor. Poverty is unnecessary.  ing  to  benefit  anybody  if  a tory
              Mordaunt, Penny                Shapps, rh Grant              walker, Mr robin            JOHn:  ten  pounds  an  hour   Government  in  Britain  ends  up
              Morgan, rh nicky                Sharma, Alok                  warman, Matt            living wage, straight away, 2020.   with  a  low  wage  economy  with
             Morris, Anne Marie              Shelbrooke, Alec           watkinson, Dame Angela      in addition to this restoration of   deregulation  of  working  condi-
               Morris, David               Simpson, rh Mr Keith             whately, Helen          trade  union  rights,  restoration   tions, safety standards, that actu-
               Morris, James                 Skidmore, Chris               wheeler, Heather         of pectoral collective bargaining   ally becomes a threat to people’s
              Morton, wendy                   Smith, Chloe                   white, Chris           and as a consequence of this peo-  working  conditions  in  europe
               Mowat, David                   Smith, Henry                 whittaker, Craig         ple will achieve a better wage.  and the United States. Driving up
             Murray, Mrs Sheryll              Smith, Julian             whittingdale, rh Mr John       Two further questions, and   standards, as Len McCluskey has
            Murrison, Dr Andrew              Smith, royston                  wiggin, Bill           this  is  what  people  have  got   said,  as  Bernie  Sanders  has  said,
               newton, Sarah              Soames, rh Sir nicholas           williams, Craig         together to ask in the groups…  then improves the conditions and
              nokes, Caroline               Solloway, Amanda             williamson, rh Gavin          JereMY: i try this on theresa   living standards of workers every-
               norman, Jesse                 Soubry, rh Anna                wilson, Mr rob          May every week.              where.  So  trading  agreements
              nuttall, Mr David          Spelman, rh Mrs Caroline         wollaston, Dr Sarah          Your  thoughts  on  Donald  that  actually  requires  worker’s
             Offord, Dr Matthew               Spencer, Mark                  wood, Mike             Trump,  could  you  work  with  rights  in  the  countries  you  are
              Opperman, Guy                Stephenson, Andrew               wragg, william          Donald Trump?                buying from actually helps us all.
                Parish, neil                 Stevenson, John               wright, rh Jeremy
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