Page 13 - TheWord#16
P. 13                                            SOCIALIST SONGS                                 February 2017.                  13


                         Original German version   English version

                     Do you have some time for me  You and I in a little toy shop
                        Then I’ll sing a song for you  buy a bag of balloons with
                               About 99 balloons   the money we’ve got
                        On their way to the horizon  Set them free at the break of dawn
                   Are you perhaps thinking of me?  ‘Til one by one, they were gone
                        Then I’ll sing a song for you  Back at base, bugs in the software
                               About 99 balloons   Flash the message, “Something’s out there”
                  And that something (like the war)  Floating in the summer sky
              comes from such a thing (the balloons)  99 red balloons go by.

                                     99 balloons   99 red balloons
                        On their way to the horizon  floating in the summer sky
            They thought they were UFOs from space  Panic bells, it’s red alert
                                 So a general sent  There’s something here from somewhere red
                           A flying squad out there  The war machine springs to life
                    To raise the alarm if it was true  Opens up one eager eye
                      Yet there on the horizon were  Focusing it on the sky
                                 Only 99 balloons  Where 99 red balloons go by.

                                    99 jet planes  99 Knights of the air
                      Each one was a great warrior  ride super-high-tech jet fighters
                Thought that they were Captain Kirk  Everyone’s a Superhero
                        There were great fireworks  Everyone’s a Captain Kirk
          The neighbors didn’t understand anything  With orders to identify
                         And felt equally provoked  To clarify and classify
                  Yet there they shot on the horizon  Scramble in the summer sky
                                   At 99 balloons  As 99 red balloons go by.

                                 99 war ministers  99 Decision Street
                          Matches and petrol cans  99 ministers meet
               Thought that they were clever people  To worry, worry, super-scurry
         Already caught wind of great spoils[of war]  Call the troops out in a hurry
                   Shouted: War, and wanted power  This is what we’ve waited for
                     Man, who would have thought   This is it boys, this is war
                  That one day it would come to this  The president is on the line
                            Because of 99 balloons  As 99 red balloons go by.

                                  99 years of war  99 dreams I have had
                      Don’t leave a place for victors  In every one a red balloon
             There are no ministers of war any more  It’s all over and I’m standin’ pretty
                           And No jet planes either  In this dust that was a city
                        Today I’m doing my rounds  If I could find a souvenier
                     Seeing the world lying in ruins  Just to prove the world was here...
                                 Found a balloon   And here is a red balloon
                          Think of you and let it fly  I think of you and let it go.

             Gabriele  Susanne  Kerner  (Nena)   were  being  released.  As  he  watched   themselves. In the end, a 99-year war
          was born on 24 March 1960 in Hagen,   them  move  toward  the  horizon,  he   results  from  the  otherwise  harmless
          North  Rhine-Westphalia,  West  Ger-  noticed  them  shifting  and  chang-  flight of balloons, causing devastation
          many  while  her  family  lived  in  the   ing  shapes,  where  they  looked  like   on  all  sides  without  a  victor.  At  the
          nearby town of Breckerfeld. She spent   strange  spacecraft  (referred  to  in  the   end, the singer walks through the dev-
          the  earliest  part  of  her  childhood  in   German lyrics as a “UFO”). He thought   astated ruins and lets loose a balloon,
          Breckerfeld and later lived in Hagen.   about  what  might  happen  if  they   watching it fly away.
          She acquired her nickname, based on   floated over the Berlin Wall to the So-
          the Spanish word “niña”, or “little girl”,   viet sector.            The  English  version  retains  the
          at the age of three, while on a vacation   The lyrics of the original German   spirit  of  the  original  narrative,  but
          to Spain with her parents. In 1977 she   version  tell  a  story:  99  balloons  are   many of the lyrics are translated poet-
          left  high  school  before  graduation,   mistaken for UFOs, causing a general   ically  rather  than  directly  translated:
          and  in  the  three  following  years  she   to send pilots to investigate. Finding   red  helium  balloons  are  casually  re-
          was trained as a goldsmith.      nothing  but  child’s  balloons,  the  pi-  leased by an anonymous civilian into
             An end of the world song written   lots decide to put on a show and shoot   the sky and are registered as missiles
          at  the  height  of  the  cold  war.  While   them down. The display of force wor-  by a faulty early warning system; the
          at a June 1982 concert by the Rolling   ries the nations along the borders and   balloons are mistaken for military air-
          Stones  in  West  Berlin,  Nena’s  guitar-  the  war  ministers  on  each  side  bang   craft which results in panic and even-
          ist Carlo Karges noticed that balloons   the drums of conflict to grab power for   tually nuclear war.
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