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P. 7                                          POLITICS AND EVENTS                               February 2017.                   7

       Where Syria is concerned reports                                                                            What Do

       from Amnesty and Human Rights                                                                               You Think

       Watch cannot be taken at face value                                                                            By Joe Nagle

                                                                                                                      One way to stop extra-judiciary abuse of pris-
       By Brendan O’Brien                                                                                          oners by guards and other prisoners, is to allow all
                                                                                                                   convicted felons to keep their vote registered at
          Where  Syria  is  concerned  reports                                                                     the local regions. Probably best to have their own
       from Amnesty and Human Rights Watch                                                                         ministry  of  prisons,  with  representatives  over  a
       cannot  be  taken  at  face  value.  We  have                                                               set number of secure establishments. Their vote
       been getting a stream of propaganda from                                                                    could weaken or strengthen a governing party.
       our government, media and NGO’s since                                                                          Also, to allow respected organisations such as
       the war started. Some of it is manifestly                                                                   the Quakers, who are very active in prison reform,
       false, e.g. the claim by Boris Johnson that                                                                 to have access to prison whenever they wish to
       ninety five percent of the deaths in Syr-                                                                   check on conditions, the mood of the inmates and
       ia have been caused by Assad. However,                                                                      to talk to individuals in complete privacy.
       regardless  of  the  truth  or  otherwise  of                                                                  However it is done, to have people responsible
       the  charges  laid  against  Assad  the  over-                                                              for their welfare.
       whelming need is to bring peace.                                                                               My point?
                                                                                                                      Their punishment is set by the courts, which
          There is greater hope for peace in Syria                                                                 is  prison  for  a  set  time.  The  sentence  does  not
       now than at any time since the war began                                                                    include having to endure abuse by guards or psy-
       and  our  government  has  officially  sup-                                                                 chotic fellow inmates. They are also wards of the
       ported  the  Russian  led  peace  process  at                                                               state, like orphans, and their welfare is the respon-
       the UN. However what is our government   ly  on  in  this  war  Barack  Obama  should   course  justice  should  be  served,  if  there   sibility of the state and the government of the day.
       doing in practice? Are we still giving non   have engaged in talks with Putin over Syr-  is  justice  for  Syria  many  others,  includ-  That said, it is fairly obvious that most guards
       lethal aid to moderate rebels? I have been   ia.  The  Daily  Mail  and  others  said  David   ing those who de facto supported Islam-  just do their job as set by their remit; and most
       asking  my  MP  that  question  for  weeks   Cameron should have used his influence   ic State should be in the dock. There are   prisoners just want to do their time and get out as
       with no answer. Have we pressed America   to bring this about. Is Theresa May making   times when justice has to give way to the   soon as possible in one piece. Prison office work is
       and Saudi Arabia to stop giving arms to re-  any effort to get Trump and Putin working   need for peace, as was recognised in this   hard and unpleasant.
       bels? There have been no reports that they   together for the sake of peace in Syria? Is   country and many others in recent years).   By all means, if you want seriously angry peo-
       have  stopped  doing  so  in  spite  of  a  well   our government doing the best it can to                  ple to eventually be free with extreme resentment
       supported  ceasefire.  Boris  Johnson  said   make this fragile peace process a success   The UK government has massive in-  against  the  system  that  allowed  them  to  be  so
       that we have to accept Assad taking part   or  is  it  quietly  working  to  undermine  it,   fluence over what happens in Syria and   abused, just carry on in the same old way.
       in  elections,  recently  he  seems  to  have   e.g. by pushing for Assad to be hauled be-  has  played  a  destructive  role  backing   What do you think?
       backtracked on that statement. From ear-  fore the International Criminal Court? (Of   America all the way. It is time for change.

                                                                    Theresa’s Secret
           Theresa May is enjoying steadfast popularity among all sources of main stream media, and even the Tory Party rank and file. But the affection of her colleagues is not enough for
           Theresa and there is there is still one more heart she wishes she could win. If anyone finds out it’s Jeremy Corbyn’s, she’ll be ruined!
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