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urGent accOuntability February 2017. 37
100% OMOV & recall accOuntability 4 MOMentuM cOnstitutiOn - improve mental health ser- ons and IWW Incarcerated,
Wednesday 22nd MHELO
12:00–15:00 HMP Berwyn
vices and support for people.
10 things you need to know
17:00–19:00 Barnwood Business about the Trade Union Act 2016,
ers, shareholders and chief exec- 13) All motions proposed will, Centre, Work, GL4 3 Gloucester, 12:30–13:30, The Law Society of
utives of any pure OMOV recall except where the PORASEC or a Gloucestershire Scotland, Atria One, 144 Morrison
accountability organisation must handwritten petition of 10% or of Art for Refugees, 18:00–20:30 Street, EH3 8EX Edinburgh,
commit to making his organisation the membership or 5000 mem- EBRD Broadgate, 1 Exchange Eyeless In Gaza London Screening,
fully liable to legally enforceable bers, whichever is the lower re- Square, EC2A 2JN, London Public · Hosted by Eyeless In
repossession by its members in the quires that the motion go straight The NHS crisis and STPs – Gaza, 18:30–20:00, Picturehouse
event that this model of democra- to the PORASEC, be voted on in how should Labour respond? Central London, tickets - peatix.
cy and its supreme PURE OMOV an electronic forum (e.g. MXV). 19:00–21:00, Quinborne,Rid- com
TRANSPARENT ACCOUNTABLE Handwritten petition motions as gacre Road, B32 2 Birmingham Taxes for Peace Bill Rally,
committee is not obeyed by the described above arriving at the 19:00–21:00, Friends House, 173-
actions of the organisation’s legally published office of the organi- Thursday 23rd Social me- 177 Euston Rd, London NW1 2BJ,
registered directors. sation will be added to the most dia campaign to disrupt Cuadril- Anti-Trump Appreciation
“PORASEC” qualification popular online motions to total la Fracking. See “Rising Up” on Night, Hosted by FDT Brighton,
9) Anyone seeking election as a 6 motions. Where there are more facebook for details. 22:00–3:00, Brighton.
representative to an external or su- than 6 motions, those with the RenationaliseTheNHS DEMO,
perior organisation which does not most members signatures will be Hosted by Darlo Young Labour, Tuesday 28th PAA London
qualify as a PORASEC must sign a the 6 selected to be discussed by 12:00–14:00Darlington Market meeting - Banner Making and
declaration that in the event that the PORASEC. The PORASEC will Square, Darlington, Co Durham NHS Privatisation debate
they do not submit to and enforce discuss 6 motions each month Save NHS, Fight Austeri- Public · Hosted by Psycholo-
the published mandates of the or- and take 3 hours to discuss each ty, Hosted by Socialist Party - gists Against Austerity, 18:30–
ganisation’s PORASEC elected in motion before voting on it in its Portsmouth19:30–21:30,Fratton 21:00
this way (e.g. Labour NEC/ parlia- unaltered state. Trades Club, Fratton Road, PO1
ment), that they will resign their Changes to implementation 5AB Portsmouth Wednesday 1st Stop the
seat at that organisation immedi- rules Arms Fair Communications Block-
ately where this would trigger a 14) Changes to the rules above Friday 24th Birmingham - ade on the day! Na i’r Ffair Arfau,
re-election of the seat from which may only be by OMOV ballot. Love Music Hate Racism, 19:00– Defnyddiwch Eich Llais ar y dydd!
they resigned. Appendix A 1:00, The Crossing Digbeth, High Cardiff, Everywhere / Pobman
External representation or elec- SUGGESTED SPECIFICS OF AN Street Deritend Digbeth, B5 5SU NHS Crisis Public Meeting
tions INDIVIDUAL INITIAL IMPLEMEN- Birmingham. 20:00 Lewsey Farm Learning
10) Only a committee set up in TATION Centre in Luton
accordance with the above rules 1) A PORASEC shall normally Saturday 25th Moortown
can set up votes or subordinate consist of 11 members. Labour Campaign Day - Auster- Thursday 2nd Manchester
bodies on purpose, principles, poli- 2) Counting of manual ballots ity Isn’t Working 10:00–12:00, Stands Up To Racism, 19:00 Me-
cy, structure, budgets, promotions, should be done in many places to Waitrose Meanwood, LS6 4RJ chanics Institute in Manchester
communications, expulsions, oth- prevent vote fraud, no individual Leeds The Big Housing Conver-
er disciplinary procedures, and count venue being more than more Revolution: Russia 1917 - sation, Hosted by ACORN Bris-
must be recorded and published. electronic votes on motions. Only a than 2% of the electorate or 100 one hundred years on, 10:00– tol17:45–20:00. City Hall, Bris-
“CHAIR” committee set up under the above people, whichever is the greater. 18:00, Rich Mix London, 35 - 47 tol College Green, BS1 5 Bristol,
5) The committee member in rules may be accurately labelled 3) Postal votes should not be Bethnal Green Road, E1 6LA
attendance with the most votes “The PURE recall accountable allowed under any circumstances London, United Kingdom, www. Friday 3rd The Anti Auster-
is the “chair” of the PORASEC and OMOV Supreme Executive Com- except where the organisation can ity Club presents Funky Fridays
has executive control of meetings mittee (PORASEC)” reasonably afford the time and in- Stop Britain First, Telford, 20:00 The Hole in the Wall in
while they remain so. Constitutional fundamentals vestment required to identify and Shropshire Antifa and Midlands Shrewsbury, Shropshire
“Maximum Terms” change verify a representative sample of Anti-Fascist, 10:00–18:00, Telford.
6) Where there are no recall 11) Change of the fundamental not less than 5% of the votes as March to save the Minor In- Saturday 4th It’s Our NHS
elections, Pure OMOV Recall ac- rules listed above can only be per- true before an election result is an- juries Unit, Clacton Labour Party, - National Demonstration to
countable members must stand formed after 1 year’s written no- nounced. 12:00–14:00, Sea Front CO15 1RH defend the NHS 12:00–17:00
for re-election every 2 years or a tice to all existing members of the 4) Personal compensation for Clacton-on-Sea Tavistock Square, London, WC1,
duration specified by a Pure OMOV intent to change the wording in a work on either committee will not Leeds Stand Up to Racism marching to Parliament Square.
vote to be not longer than 4 years pure OMOV YES/ NO vote set up by exceed the mean wage in the na- Rally & workshops, 12:00–15:00, We’re Not Leaving Un-
or shorter than 6 months. the PORASEC. tion in which it is based. Leeds Civic Hall, Portland Cres- til We Save Our NHS! Occu-
“Membership Resurrection” B) MOTIONS of a PURE OMOV 5) Basic membership and affil- cent, LS1 3 Leeds py Parliament Square. Host-
7) In the event that a recall elec- RECALL ACCOUNTABILITY OR- iation fees shall be no more than ‘Noam Chomsky’s The Re- ed by Anon UK TV, 4 March
tion is not called within 3 months GANISATION one ten thousandth of the mean sponsibility of Intellectuals, at 17:00 to 18 March at 17:0
of the time required, a petition of 12) A separate committee is waged salary for the country where Noam Chomsky (live video link Our NHS Cornwall, 14:15–15:00,
10% of the membership or 5000 elected by the same pure OMOV the member or affiliate wishes to from Arizona, USA) Hosted by Lemon Quay, Truro, TR1
members, whichever is the low- and pure recall process, again with join. Jacqueline Walker, 13:00–18:30,
er or a recall trigger as described published meetings and votes. No Appendix B) The Cruciform Lecture Thea- Monday 6th Honno & WEN
above can authorise control of the member of the PORASEC may be NOTES tre, University College London, Wales: International Women’s
election to a person nominated by elected to the second committee 1) e.g. A union who had 30,000 WC1E 6BT. Day 2017, Aberystwyth Arts Cen-
the petition as having the neces- the second committee’s purpose is members but only 300 voluntary Ulusal Sağlık Servisi NHS’de tre in Aberystwyth, 19:00.
sary equipment and support to ar- solely to administer the discussion, paying affiliated people to the or- neler oluyor? Halk Toplantsı,
range the vote in accordance with ownership, prioritisation and vot- ganisation, would enjoy only 300 16:00–18:00, North London Tuesday 7th End the Tory
the rules. The executive must at ing on proposals for the PORASEC votes (one per member) in the Community House, 22 Moore- Austerity Assault on Women,
this point provide that person and to assess the following month. This election for the committee in ques- field Road, N17 6PY. 18:00 SOAS University of Lon-
subordinates he appoints access to committee shall be labelled “The tion, not a guaranteed place and don in London,
membership data reasonably re- motions censorship committee”, therefore would have to be more Monday 27th Protest Na i Chesterfield Stand Up To Rac-
quired to run the election. it will also have 11 members with popular and perceived to have Garchardai - No New Prisons! ism Public Meeting 19:30 Saints
“Legal control” the one with the most votes being more value by those in support of Hosted by Manchester No Pris- Parish Centre in Chesterfield
8) The directors, trustees, own- labelled “chairperson”. momentum.