Page 34 - TheWord#16
P. 34

       34                   February 2017.                              POLITICS AND EVENTS                                 

             aul Nuttall is from Albania
             and  went  to  Charterhouse
             with Wayne Rooney’s cous-
      Pin Keith.
          Whilst  there  he  played  Isaac
       Asimov at chess, losing in 5 moves.
          As  a  waiter  in  the  Bullingdon
       club  he  attempted  to  piss  in  the
       Soup, but missed. It was so foamy
       that  Heston  Blumenthal  won  his
       first Dunlop Star using it as a dress-
       ing for Trout with jam.

          Across the Antarctic species of
       Elk, Reindeer and Eskimos are be-
       ing harassed by feral GNU’s.
          GNU is an acronym for German
       Native  Unwashed.  Further  proof
       of the breakdown of international-
       ism and the fall of establishments.
       Bloody crusties, I mean its like the
       sodding  80’s  all  over  again.  If  we
       still had a police force they should
       kick these GNU’s shirtless. Oh hang
       on its not in Britain, or is it? I’m off
       to  Anfield/Goodison  or  Tranmere,
       depending on the bus I get on.
          Vote UKIP you daft blerts!
          P. Nutter.

          I’ve just chinned my missus in
       Hanley Aldi. She suggested we try
       P.  Nuttall  the  UKIP  nobhead.  Im-
       agine the laugh we had in the Am-
       bulance as the bottle of Peanut Oil
       was being removed from my anus.
          We  are  lifelong  working  class

          Anna Soubry is sueing Waitrose
       over their 3 bird roast recipe, which
       she claims was her families secret
       recipe. She told me personally that
       it was uncanny the similarity and
       in fact she stated that not thrash-
       ing them to death whilst pissed up
       barely affected the taste.                                                                 Stoke  Central  constituency  push-  Council chiefs in Southend On
          Oh  and  Stoke  Central  is  a  La-                                                     ing a leaflet through the door of an   Sea  have  announced  that  three
       bour  shitstorm,  even  if  they  win                                                      elderly lady then urinating on the   beaches on the seafront will run a
       with an increased majority.                                                                wall of the house – and then, when   trial this summer where ladies will
          John Piennars. Nantwich.                                                                the resident comes out to remon-  be  asked  to  cover  up  while  sun-
                                                                                                  strate with him, trying to force his   bathing.
          It has just been revealed to our                                                        way  into  her  house  in  what  must    these so-called ‘Modesty Beach
       ace  reporter,  Scoop  Taylor,  that                                                       have been a terrifying assault.  Areas’ will be set up to attract visi-
       Paul Nuttall did indeed lose close                                                                                        tors from all over the UK who may
       friends  at  Hillsborough.  These                                                             The  new  USA  government   be  uncomfortable  with  the  sight
       were the two witnesses that could                                                          department  that  deals  with  fake   of  ‘excessive  bare  female  skin’  for
       prove he was there.                                                                        news  is  seeking  jurisdiction  over   a number of either cultural or reli-
          Tony  Blair  has  been  spotted                                                         worldwide  media.  This  will  in-  gious reasons.
       at  the  Baum  pub  in  Rochdale                                                           clude  all  British  newspapers  and
       talking with Simon Danczuk and                                                             TV stations. It is to be controlled by   Russia  was  behind  a  false  re-
       Nigel Farage about the formation                                                           The Countries United News Topic   port of a rape by German soldiers in
       of a new political party that they                                                         Service. The decision of this bunch   Lithuania that was intended to un-
       hope will be both nationalist and                                                          will be final.                 dermine  support  for  NATO’s  new
       socialist.                                                                                    Footballer  Christiano  Ronaldo   eastern force, a senior NATO gener-
          Tongues  were  wagging  in  the                                                         will  be  the  first  current  top  flight   al said on Saturday, warning Europe
       house of commons bar as Theresa                                                            player to come out as gay at the end   to expect more such “fake news”.
       May was overheard to declare rath-                                                         of the season. Our sources have re-  Petr  Pavel,  who  heads  NATO’s
       er loudly that she quite fancied Jer-                                                      vealed  that  the  homophobia  over   military  committee,  said  he  also
       emy  Corbyn.  Having  interviewed                                                          this  announcement  was  the  real   hoped  to  hold  the  first  telephone
       JC  last  week  it  did  seem  strange                                                     reason  behind  David  Beckham’s   call  in  more  than  two  years  with
       that JC called her by her first name.                                                      not receiving a Knighthood.    Russia’s  military  chiefs  in  coming
       This might also account for Dianne                                                                                        weeks.  There  he  will  outline  why
       Abbot’s recent mood swings.                                                                   The  NHS  has  improved  bril-  NATO believes its biggest military
          Shocking  CCTV  video  footage                                                          liantly under the Tories with mira-  build-up since the end of the Cold
       has emerged of a UKIP leafleter in                                                         cle cures for everything.      War is not a threat to the Kremlin.
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