Page 29 - TheWord#16
P. 29                                          POLITICS AND EVENTS                               February 2017.                  29

       Thoughts on
       examining an

       By Cliff Jones

             he  academic  exploration
             of  learning  by  educators
             is  not  always  confined
      Tto  what  happens  in  the
       classroom. Contexts vary and may
       require  us  to  make  critical  sense
       of a range of political issues. Why
       would we not? If, for example, two
       cousins are at schools on different
       sides of a wall erected in order to
       separate  them  we  cannot  write
       about  their  education  and  ignore
       the wall. Why is it there? Who put                                                                                        working  in  four  languages.  Births,
       it there? Why is it maintained? Nor                                                                                       deaths  and  marriages  come  with
       can  we  ignore  the  impact  upon                                                                                        lots of paper. So do taxes and deeds
       the cousins, their classmates, their                                                                                      of property.
       teachers  and  the  split  societies  in                                                                                  ature is evidence of both family and
                                                                                                                                    The quantity of this kind of liter-
       Blair told us his priority was Ed-PALESTINIAN                                                                             record  you  also  classify.  What  are
       which they live and grow.
          Considering a physical wall re-A DIVIDED  official  urges  to  record.  When  you
       minds us of other walls. The wall
                                                                                                                                 the headings? How is it decided who
       separating  those,  for  example,
       attending Eton from those going
                                                                                                                                 or what comes under what heading?
                                                                                                                                 Israelis born there before 1948 have
       to Bash Street Secondary Modern
                                                                                                                                 stated on their birth certificates that
       is no less tall, wide and impene-
       trable  for  being  intangible.  Tony
                                                                                                                                    The  Ottoman  and  the  Roman
                                                                                                                                 Empires  depended  upon  bureau-
       ucation,  Education,  Education.                                                                                          they were born in Palestine.
       His  priority  ought  to  have  been                                                       government action.             cracy  when  they  controlled  the
       Society, Society, Society. Can any- VILLAGE                                                   Israeli  school  textbooks  are   Middle  East.  Who,  for  example,
       one imagine Blair as Peace Envoy                                                           officially  approved  and,  as  Nurit   had  the  rights  to  sell  horses  in  a
       talking about this schoolteacher’s                                                         Peled-Elhanen showed in her ‘Pal-  given region? It was recorded and
       deep  research  prompted  by  per-                                                         estine in Israeli School Books, Ide-  so was everything to do with trade,
       sonal experience of a deliberately                                                         ology  and  Propaganda  in  Educa-  property  and  people.  Despite  ef-
       divided society?                                                                           tion’, the official national narrative   forts  to  portray  the  Palestine  past
                                                                                                  has  been  constructed  to  justify   as empty of settled people, a land
       Experienced realities                                                                      inhuman policies. ‘They’ not only   criss-crossed  by  a  few  nomadic
          There  are  times  when  the  re-                                                       hate ‘us’ but ‘they’ stand in the way   tribes, this was not the case, as the
       ality experienced by students and                                                          of ‘our’ fulfillment.          dissertation demonstrated.
       teachers tests academic conceptu-                                                             Internalising such views makes   Is education a commodity to be
       al frameworks. I taught the student                                                        it  easier  to  pull  triggers.  Children   weighed  and  measured?  Is  it  about
       whose work I examined but did not                                                          are  born  into  different  realities:   accumulating  scores  and  qualifica-
       supervise  the  dissertation.  I  was                                                      some have bullets to fire and some   tions? Might it confront and explain
       the second marker (why do we still                                                         have bullets to dodge, if they can.  the causes and consequences of cho-
       refer  to  assessing  as  ‘marking’?).                                                                                    sen  inhumanity?  Once  grandmoth-
       The supervisor left the USA many                                                           Literature                     ers could hold newly born grandchil-
       years ago to live in Israel and had                                                           This dissertation went into un-  dren. Now some are only allowed to
       worked hard encouraging collabo-                                                           charted territory. There were mass-  approach a wall on special occasions
       ration  across  cultural  boundaries.                                                      es  of  words  generated  by  bureau-  to touch a finger through a crack.
       Today that noble intent and effort                                                         cracies, in this case involving two   Would  you  tell  a  student  that
       has  been  negated  by  intentional                                                        countries and four administrations   this is irrelevant to education?

         A man of the People – perhaps too good to be a politician?

           A  tribute  to  the  late  Deyika   would have had to do at least his   rarely  won  because  he  was  the           work in the community in Hulme,
         Nzeribe  –  Green  candidate  for   share of listening.    only  one  who  refused  to  cheat!                         Manchester. But he was involved
         Mayor of Greater Manchester and    As for the other qualities I have   Added  to  that  he  was  very  thor-           in  diverse  causes  inspiring  crea-
         fine human being.            the  tributes  paid  at  his  funeral   ough in scrutinising the finances                 tivity,fighting  austerity,  racism,
            Why should I ask The Word to  service  on  Friday,  9th.  February,   of the organisation.                          promoting  equality  and  defend-
         publish anything about a would-be   at  Brunswick  Parish  Church,  Ard-    Almost everyone mentioned                  ing the environment.
         politician,  little  known  to  people   wick, Manchester. It was attended   his  smile  and  sense  of  humour               When  I  met  him  I  told  him
         outside of Manchester? Simple, be-  by  over  400  people  and  over  20    and  many  commented  how  he              how  rare  it  was  for  me  to  meet
         cause he was the antithesis of many  friends, colleagues and family gave   avoided  the  limelight  at  events,        someone from an African or Car-
         politicians we know.  He listened to  moving  tributes  to  Deyike  who   even  those  he  had  helped  to  set        ibbean  background  being    in-
         people, he had a sense of humour,  died aged 50 on New Years Eve.  up. One of these was Natalie Ben-                   volved in politics. He was the type
         did not seek publicity for himself,    Some memories were poign-  nett (former Green Party National                    of person we need in politics. My
         did not cheat, and he cared!   ant but tinged with humour. One   Chair) he had organised an event                      plea is that Deyika’s legacy should
             Can  I  substantiate  this?  Well   friend and colleague at Common-  for  her  in  Manchester  when  she           be  that  many  more  from  similar
         as I only met him once I can only   word  (  ),   became  chair,  but  stayed  in  the           backgrounds get actively involved
         verify the first two. We met at an   an writing project to help emerg-  background. She said of him, “he               in politics for the RIGHT reasons.
         African wakekeeping and we nev-  ing  BAME  writers  testified  to  his   was a gentle, passionate and car-  before himself. He was interested
         er stopped talking for over half a   honesty.  With  other  friends  he   ing man........  He dedicated his life   in people and he genuinely cared.”  mayoral-candidate-deyika-nzeri-
         hour, and if anyone knows me he   played  poker  with  Deyika,  who   to  others  and  always  put  others       Deyika  was  known  for  his   be-passes-away/
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