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30                   February 2017.                              POLITICS AND EVENTS                                 

       By Cliff Jones

              ur level of political litera-
              cy is low. We are not citi-
          The inclusive discussion of and  FROTH
              zens.  We  are  subjects  of
      Othe  Crown  and  Theresa
       May likes the Royal Prerogative.

          Lets  re-examine  our  political
       store the meaning of politics as be- IS NOT

       arrival  at  public  values:  a  process
       that  must  precede  the  construc-
       tion of policy.

          In  1962  Bernard  Crick  pub-
       ple hoarding power, making policy  BEER
       lished  In  Defence  of  Politics  to  re-
       ing about public values. Fifty years
       later  Michael  Flinders  published
       Defending Politics with a similar in-
       tention. Why do we have to be re-
       minded that politics is an inclusive
       public activity, not just a few peo-
       and often cocking up bigly?

          Look  at  The  Blunders  of  our   lished the supremacy of the elected  peace  treaty  with  an  abstract  noun?   Shrugging our shoulders while   most famous absolutist episode was
       Governments  (2013)  by  Anthony   House of Commons over the hered-  What has all this done for democracy?  saying that there is no point in vot-  the Poll Tax: for Blair Iraq. Thatcher’s
       King and Ivor Crewe. How on earth   itary  House  of  Lords:  democratic                   ing because “they are all the same”   downfall followed quickly. Blair sur-
       did the devisers of disastrous poli-  progress.  Three  years  later  we  had  SHAMOCRACY  will do nothing for us.        vived.  His  personal  hot  air  balloon
       cies manage to a) escape the blame   war: democracy suspended. The two   The  systemic  partner  of  Ersatz               has many holes but is kept aloft be-
       and b) give all the difficult jobs to   are incompatible. The consequences   Politics.  Israel  has  been  called  (by  LEFT WING  cause he blows hard into it.
       others?  Putting  Michael  Barber,   of  war  make  democracy  uncertain,  Israelis)  an  ethnocracy.  Democracy   The  French  Revolution  gave  us
       Tony  Blair’s  Mr.  Deliverology,  in   transitory and weak. In 1945 Britain  in Israel is racially ring fenced. Pales-  ‘Left’ and ‘Right’, derived from where   It will get worse with Brexit. We
       charge of implementing policy of-  experienced a strong assertion of de-  tinian schools (labelled ‘Arab’) have   you sat in the Assembly. The further  do  not  have  enough  civil  servants
       ten made things worse.        mocracy. It lasted (the ‘post war con-  less  funding.  Belong  to  the  wrong   left the more you believed that power  and  hire  companies  instead.  The
                                     sensus’)  until  Thatcher.  But  it  took  race and life is difficult. The benefits   should lie with the citizenry and that  House of Commons lacks the capac-
       ERSATZ POLITICS               a body blow in 1950 when the USA  of citizenship are unequally distrib-  the values of government should be  ity  to  scrutinise  legislation  so  the
          ‘Ersatz’  signifies  an  inferior  imi-  pressured  Britain  to  join  in  the  Ko-  uted. Our politicians claim Israel is   liberty, equality and fraternity.   unelected House of Lords does it.
       tation. The result of the referendum  rean War. Military spending doubled  The  Only  Democracy  in  the  Middle
       on  membership  of  the  EU  did  not  and our fragile welfare state suffered.  East. Just up the road Lebanon real-  Some  think  ‘left’  means  en-  Theresa May likes the Royal Pre-
       emerge from a political process. Lots                        ly does try to be democratic.   forced change, albeit in the direction  rogative.  How  many  British  voters
       of expensive advertising and unverifi-  In 1951 the Labour Party gained                    of  equality.  Enforcement  is  not,  I  are aware of its existence? The Royal
       able claims countering other unverifi-  the  majority  of  votes  in  the  gen-  Our government talks a lot about   suggest, a characteristic of the left. I  Family is not the problem. The mo-
       able claims may have looked like a po-  eral election but lost power to the   British Values. The values they pro-  worked in a city run by Militant Ten-  narchical power used by politicians is.
       litical process but froth is not beer.   Conservatives who obtained more   mote  widen  the  gap  between  rich   dency.  Discussion?  Permitted  dis-
                                     seats. We also call that democracy.   and  poor,  disparage  the  different   sent? Friendly disagreement? Forget  Conclusion
       DEMOCRACY                                                    and  commodify  education.  Our   it! Suppression is not left wing.  Brexit  and  Trump  emerge
          A  disputable  and  variable   Since 1945 the USA has been al-  school history books told us that the                  from long-term social fracking. To-
       concept.  The  message  from  John   most  continuously  at  war  and  now  franchise  widened.  All  we  got  was  RIGHT WING  day the shock they have given us
       Keane’s The  Life  and  Death  of  De-  waves  its  sabre  at  Iran  and  China.  It  an  occasional  vote  that  came  with   In1789 if you sat on the far right  threatens cohesion.
       mocracy (2009) is that it is fragile.  even declares war on abstract nouns.  restricted  participation.  Restricted   you preferred absolute government.
          The  1911  Parliament  Act  estab-  Today’s  is terrorism.  Can  you  sign  a  participation means shamocracy.  Blair  is  an  absolutist.  Thatcher’s   Do we want froth or beer?

       Joint Trade Union Statement on Police Spies

          Joint Union Statement:     es, the Pitchford Inquiry has failed                                                        police,  in  order  to  prevent  future
          We  the  undersigned  are  out-  to secure the documents that will                                                     destruction  and  avoid  the  entire
       raged  at  the  news  that  despite   be  central  to  the  investigation.                                                inquiry  descending  into  a  hugely
       court  orders  to  the  contrary,  the   Trade  union  core  participants  are                                            expensive cover-up on the part of
       Metropolitan Police Service has de-  beginning  to  question  whether                                                     the Metropolitan Police.
       stroyed  evidence  required  for  use   the Inquiry team has the ability to                                                  SIGNED:
       in  the  Undercover  Policing  Public   stop  the  police  from  obstructing                                              Len McCluskey (General Secretary)
       Inquiry. State spying on trade un-  the pursuit of justice. Lord Justice                                                  and  Gail  Cartmail  (Acting  General
       ions  and  political  campaigns  is  a   Pitchford  needs  to  act  now  to  re-                                          Secretary) UNITE the Union, incor-
       human  rights  scandal  that  affects   store our faith.                                                                  porating UCATT
       millions of British citizens.    We  are  calling  on  Lord  Justice                                                      Matt  Wrack  (General  Secretary)
          Despite  continued  reassuranc-  Pitchford  to  announce  an  urgent                                                   Fire Brigades Union
                                     Inquiry  hearing  to  examine  the                                                          Chris  Kitchen  (General  Secretary)
                                     destruction of evidence by the po-                                                          National Union of Mineworkers
                                     lice.  The  Commissioner  Bernard                                                           Tim  Roache  (General  Secretary)
                                     Hogan-Howe  should  be  forced  to                                                          GMB union
                                     give evidence under oath to explain                                                         Mick Cash (General Secretary) Rail
                                     why, how and under whose authori-                                                           Maritime and Transport union
                                     ty documents have been destroyed.                                                           Michelle Stanistreet (General Secre-
                                        Lord  Justice  Pitchford  needs                                                          tary) National Union of Journalists
                                     to take immediate measures to se-                                                           Dave Smith and Roy Bentham (joint
                                     cure all documentation held by the                                                          secretaries) Blacklist Support Group
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