Page 35 - TheWord#16
P. 35                                          POLITICS AND EVENTS                               February 2017.                  35

       By Peter Stefanovic

                 e  live  in  one  of  the
                 wealthiest  countries
                 in  the  world  yet  over
       Wa  million  people  are
       forced  to  rely  on  food  bank  hand
       outs  to  survive.  400,000  children
       have to use food banks every year.
       Parents  are  going  without  a  meal,
       sometimes  for  days  at  a  time,  so
       their  children  have  enough  to  eat
       and GPs are prescribing nutritional
       drinks to starving patients as malnu-
       trition  soars.  Those  with  disability
       have been trapped in their homes,
       abandoned and forgotten and tens
       of  thousands  of  disabled  people
       have been hit by cruel benefit sanc-
       tions. The elderly are forced to sell
       their  homes,  to  leave  their  loved
       ones  and  a  lifetime  of  memories,
       and those who remain, heartbroken
       by a country that has forgotten both
       them and the sacrifices they made,
       must choose between heat for their
       homes or a meal for the table. Many
       cannot  do  even  that!  Thousands
       of sick have died after this Govern-
       ment has declared them fit for work
       and the homeless, cold and hungry,
       are now dying on our streets.

          Seventeen million people have
       less  then  £100  in  savings.  Just
       think about that for a minute, that’s
       seventeen  million  people  just  a
       heartbeat away from being thrown
       onto the street with their families
       and children. This week we learned   SO MUCH FOR
       19 million are on the edge of pover-
       ty even though nearly all have a job
       and its going to get worse. Research
       by  the  Joseph  Rowntree  Founda-
       tion  has  found  that  30%  of  the
       population,19  million  people,  are   THERESA MAYS
       now  below  the  “minimum  stand-
       ard  income”  (MIS).  The  number
       torian  age  and  with  it  we’ve  seen  SHARED SOCIETY!
       below  MIS  has  risen  by  4  million
       since  2008/9.  11  million  people
       are at least 75% below MIS and at
       high risk of poverty and 8 million
       are just about managing to get by!
       This  Government  is  plunging  the
       people in this country into a level
       of poverty not seen since the Vic-

       the return of diseases long thought
       eradicated  like  scarlet  fever.  The
       number  of  children  estimated  to   cally died after being turned away   care  according  to  recent  research   £10  billion  extra  funding  for  the   singled out Mr Hunt as one of the
       now be living in poverty is four mil-  from  three  different    hospitals   and  we  are  talking  30,000  excess   NHS  has  been  proved  to  be  com-  most passionate advocates for pa-
       lion and what is the Governments   because of a shortage of beds!  In   deaths in 2015 alone! It’s time for the  pletely untrue! And let’s not forget   tients and doctors. That’s sheer stu-
       response to that? Let’s disown it by   spite of an ageing population and   Government to face the Truth of the  he  plans  a  further  £22  billion  of   pidity in light of his record and says
       abolishing the Child Poverty Unit!  increasing costs of treatment, NHS   deadly effects of its austerity cuts.   cuts to local services by 2020!   as much about her own judgement
                                     funding, no matter what the Gov-                                                            as it does his! The simple fact of the
          By  stealth,  erosion  of  Legal   ernment says, is growing at its low-  An  analysis  published  by  Age   This  is  also  the  man  who   matter is that by reason of incom-
       Aid  and  an  increase  in  court  fees,   est rate since records began in 1955   UK suggests almost 1.2 million peo-  scrapped  bursaries  for  student   petence or design the Torys cannot
       in  some  cases  to  a  staggering   and 19 NHS hospitals face closure!   ple aged 65 and over don’t receive   nurses causing a huge drop in ap-  be trusted with the NHS and public
       £10,000, the Government has cre-  Even so it was revealed this week   the  care  and  support  they  need   plicants at a time when we have a   spending cuts, tax burdens at a 30
       ated a two tier system of Justice in   that hospital trusts are to be ham-  with essential daily activities such   desperate  shortage  of  nurses  and   year high and a rising national debt
       the UK, one for the rich and one for   mered by business rate rises whilst   as  eating,  dressing  and  bathing.   is  still  railroading  through  an  un-  rubbish  any  suggestion  of  Tory
       the poor, the latter offering little or   web  giants  like  Amazon  see  costs   This  figure  has  rocketed  by  17.9%   safe  and  discriminatory  contract   economic competence!
       no Justice at all.            fall! The first overhaul of levies in   in  just  a  year  and  by  almost  50%   for  54,000  Junior  doctors  which
                                     seven years is expected to clobber   since 2010!             will see them working longer hours   Homelessness  soaring,  child
          Nine  out  ten  NHS  trusts  say   NHS trusts and family doctors with                   at a time when a resent study has   poverty soaring, malnutrition soar-
       their hospitals have been at unsafe   a multi million pound hike!   The  Prime  Minister  continues   found  many  are  already  falling   ing!  For  Theresa  May  to  suggest
       levels  of  overcrowding.  A  and  Es                        to  maintain  she  has  every  confi-  asleep  at  the  wheels  of  their  cars   that  the  Tory  party  is  a  party  of
       have an average waiting time of 14   The NHS is facing a crisis in mor-  dence in her Health secretary, Jer-  driving  home!  So  why,  we  might   social  justice  is  an  insult  to  every
       hours and 60,000 people wait on   al,  funding  and  staffing  and  social   emy  Hunt  which  is  surprising  to   ask  ourselves,  does  May  say  she   man,  women  and  child  in  this
       trollies for up to 12 hours just to get   and  mental  health  services  are  at   say  the  least  given  he’s  the  man   has every confidence in Mr Hunt?    country. She is guilty of grotesque
       a  bed.  Patients  are  dying  on  hos-  the point of imminent collapse. An   responsible  for  the  longest  A  and   Confidence  to  do  what  exactly?   hypocrisy  by  pretending  to  care
       pitals  trollies  and  within  the  past   unprecedented  rise  in  mortality  in   E waiting times since 2004, fewer   The  only  logical  answer  appears   about  “ordinary  working  people.”
       week  we’ve  been  told  a  mother   England  and  Wales  is  likely  to  be  beds and doctors then almost any-  to be to break the NHS in order to   SO  MUCH  FOR  THERESA  MAYS
       needing  emergency  surgery  tragi-  linked to cuts to the NHS and Social  where in the EU and his claims of   privatise it. Theresa May has even   ‘SHARED SOCIETY!’
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