Page 39 - TheWord#16
P. 39                                                SPORTS                                      February 2017.                  39

                                                                    number)  and  lack  of  atmosphere.
                                                                    But  since  then  there  has  been  a
                                                                    growing admiration for the team’s
                                                                    acclimatisation. Far from being an
                                                                    enlivening  experience,  a  visit  to   5th Round reports
                                                                    the countryside has been a stifling
                                                                    ordeal for big city guests. Nieciecza
                                                                    do not score many but when they
                                                                    do they make them count.
                                                                                                       Games were often won in the final minutes, but not by City,
                                                                       In August and September they   whose players were thinking about what they could #tweet after
                                                                    beat  Lechia  Gdansk  2-1  and  Legia   the game.
                                                                    Warsaw by the same score (they’re
                                                                    unbeaten in three matches against   Burnley 0 Lincoln 1
                                                                    Poland’s  most  successful  club)   Stanley Acrimonious said:  This could be a fantastic game, and a
                                                                    and they’ve held two other major   warm winter stew made with all the bits that are left when the knee
                                                                    clubs,  Jagiellonia  Bialystok,  and   kicking is over.
                                                                    fifth-placed  Lech  Poznan  –  who   The Reality:  Burnley  spurned  their  chances;  obviously  not
                                                                    they face on Friday when the sea-  fancying a trip across the cabbage fields, and following a corner
                                                                    son resumes – to 0-0 draws. Thor-  Tom Heaton pushed away centre-half Sean Raggett’s header, but
                                                                    ough match-by-match preparation   was behind the line when he did so.
                                                                    appears to be working. They have
                                                                    successfully  scouted  the  Slovaki-  Middlesbrough 3 Oxford United 2
                                                                    an  market  with  Samuel  Stefanik   Stanley said: OK Oxford, it’s been fun; but it stops here, right?
                                                                    and  Patrik  Misak  among  seven   The Reality: It really was fun, with a couple of spectacular
                                                                    Slovaks  on  the  club’s  books  who   goals,  but  it  ended  here;  despite  the  visitors  pulling  it  back  to
                                                                    have  impressed  this  season  and   2-2 in the second half, the hosts scored in the 87  minute to end
                                                                    in their top-scoring Latvian striker   Oxford’s Cup run. Now others are talking about ’Boro as possible
                                                                    Vladislavs Gutkovskis they have a   winners  of  the  competition,  so  I  might  go  cool  and  start  to  tip
                                                                    talented 21-year-old who will only   someone else.
                                                                    improve  and  has  been  likened  to
                                                                    Romelu  Lukaku  by  Michniewicz.   Wolverhampton Wanderers 0 Chelsea 2
                                                                    They  even  have  a  Brazilian,  the   Stanley said: This depends on whether Chelsea turn up thinking
                                                                    full-back  Guilherme,  who  helps   they’ve won already. If Costa is playing, there will definitely be some
                                                                    add just a smidgen of flair on the   knee kicking, or rolling around, or both. There might even be some
                                                                    left  flank  and  the  centre-back  Ar-  goals.
                                                                    tem Putivcev got a surprise call-up   The Reality: Chelsea turned up and had to work; goals from
                                                                    by Ukraine early in the season and   Pedro and Costa won the game, despite a fierce performance from
                                                                    is one of the main reasons Nieciec-  Wolves.
                                                                    za do not concede many goals.
                                                                                                       Huddersfield Town 0 Manchester City 0
                                                                                                       It was City who didn’t turn up today; and Pep has to hope he
                                                                       On  top  of  this,  Krzysztof  has   can pep them up for the replay. But don’t count on it. If they do
 Polish Football                                                    is  put  in  front  of  the  Witkowskis,   while their fans celebrate as though the large amount of someone
                                                                    rebuilt  the  stadium  to  meet  the
                                                                                                    manage  to  win,  try  not  to  look  at  the  expressions  on  their  big
                                                                    league’s  licensing  requirements  in
                                                                                                    silly faces as they take their lowly opposition to pieces at home
                                                                    less than six months. If a challenge
                                                                                                    else’s  money  spent  purchasing  some  overpriced  lazy-bonesies
                                                                    they  rise  to  it.  When  the  village
                                                                                                    hasn’t helped to buy all their success in the recent past. All over
                                                                    school closed due to a lack of mon-
                                                                                                    to Manchester on the 28 , and back to Huddersfield to celebrate
                                                                    ey they built a new one and Danuta
                                                                                                    whatever the score.
                                                                    has since been awarded the Medal
                                                                    of the National Education Commis-
                                                                                                       Millwall 1 Leicester City 0
                                                                    sion  for  the  philanthropic  gesture.
                                                                                                       Stanley  said:  Leicester  will  struggle  through  the  replay  with
                                                                    The stadium is also home to a state-
                                                                    of-the-art 5D cinema for public use
                                                                                                    will score a cracking goal. Then I’ll tell you about it.
                                                                    and the couple regularly make char-  Derby and with another away tie. Someone you’ve never heard of
                                                                    itable donations to a range of causes.  The Reality: Struggling against ten men at Millwall, Leicester,
                                                                                                    in red, might have fared better against Double Gloucester, after
                                                                       The symbol on the village crest   defender  Cooper  played  a  pooper,  kicking  the  ball  out  of  the
                                                                    – inherited by the football team – is   keeper’s hands (the ref’s never going to allow that Jakey, even for
                                                                    that of an elephant. Nobody knows   Millwall at home) and then knee kicking Musa right up in the air,
                                                                    why  but  it  dates  back  to  around   resulting in his second yellow card. The ‘cracking goal’ was scored
                                                                    1870 and is apt for a village that has   in the 90  minute by Shaun Cummings whose run in the penalty
                                                                    never let its size prevent it from be-  box foxed four opponents. Cummings reminds me of me at the
                                                                    ing culturally on a par with much   same age; beats you close in.
                                                                    bigger towns and cities. In the ear-
                                                                    ly 20th century the villagers stood   Fulham 0 Tottenham 3
                                                                    apart  for  their  interest  in  the  arts   Stanley said: Let me not intrude on what is going to be a bit of
                                                                    and amateur dramatics in particu-  private grief; but I do hope there will be some token knee kicking, just
                                                                    lar,  with  Krzysztof’s  family  being   to show that it isn’t entirely fixed.
                                                                    keen enthusiasts – his father took a   The  Reality:  The  grief  was  entirely  Fulham’s.  They  might
       five  years  everyone  will  use  this.   the team meets with the president   course in set design. Now it is the   console themselves that only England Centre Forward and Spurs
       However,  I  hope  that  then  we’ll   [Danuta]. Thanks to this she knows   football team that is flying the flag   captain ‘Hurricane’ Harry Kane managed to score against them.
       have something else.”         about all our problems and she is   for this small community.  That he scored three completely buried them.
                                     easier to work with. She asks about
          Michniewicz believes that with   the wellbeing of all the players with   If  Nieciecza  do  surpass  all  ex-  Blackburn 1 Black Sox 2
       the  family-orientated  approach  of   the care of a mother.”  pectations  and  qualify  for  Europe   Stanley  said:  I  cannot  see  Manchester  Black  Sox  losing  at
       the Witkowskis and the close ties                            this  season,  don’t  expect  the  Wit-  Blackburn, but this one might go to a replay.
       between players and staff – many of   The  club’s  arrival  in  the  elite   kowskis to rest on their laurels and   The  Reality:  Black  Sox  dominated  play,  and  although
       them live on the same estate – the   league  was  at  first  met  with  be-  view it as an achievement that they   Blackburn  took  the  lead,  Marcus  Rashford  equalised  fifteen
       positive  atmosphere  at  Nieciecza   musement  and  they  were  deri-  can sit back and admire. The cou-  minutes before half time. Sox’s bench had more talent sitting on
       is a chief strength. “At bigger clubs   sively  called  the  “peasants”  by   ple who made their money in the   it than in the entire Blackburn team, and on the hour Pogba and
       relationships  with  owners  are  dif-  rival  fans  who  snorted  at  the  low   concrete business, will want to mix   Ibrahimović came on to ensure appearance bonuses. Ibra scored
       ficult  but  here  they  are  available   gates  of  around  2,000  for  home   it  with  the  big  boys  and  continue   after 75 minutes to put Blackburn out.
       at  any  time.  At  least  once  a  week   games (they are still averaging this   building.
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