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urGent accOuntability
       36                   February 2017.                              POLITICS AND EVENTS                                 

       100% OMOV & recall accOuntability 4 MOMentuM cOnstitutiOn

              ccountability  now-  Pure   tion breaching Labour conference
              OMOV means: 1) anyone   rules to deny delegates a card vote
              can  be  on  the  ballot  2)   in 2016. Corrective action is there-
       Aunions & minority mem-       fore urgent.
       bers don’t get to vote twice. Recall   The  proposal  here  is  that  we
       means: - 3) withdraw your vote at   separately  accept  principles  listed
       any time to re-elect someone  as rules 1 to 4 below.
          THE PURE OMOV RECALL AC-      With sufficient support, we can
       COUNTABILITY ORGANISATION     agree which of the other rules are
          Fully democratic control of an   necessary. Or vote on this as a start
       organisation  by  the  membership   point  for  fully  democratic  consti-
       can ONLY be ended through “pure   tution  to  be  amended  by  further
       OMOV”  where  union  and  minori-  OMOV ballots.
       ty and other bodies do not get ex-  I  allege  that  the  fundamentals
       tra  votes.  Anything  less  than  full   below  must  be  accepted  and  im-
       OMOV is open to gerrymandering   plemented  immediately  in  any
       as representation by unions is nev-  organisation proposing to be dem-
       er perfectly proportionate to other   ocratic. Including momentum.
       members  and  some  unions  suffer   RULES
       demonstrably  corrupt  electoral   A) FUNDAMENTALS
       processes. Unless officials are elect-  “PURE OMOV”
       ed by OMOV (e.g. JC) members lose   1)  “PURE  OMOV”  elections  re-
       the ability to elect those who truly   turn  candidates  only  to  commit-
       represents us at senior levels, and,   tees and other representative bod-
       more importantly, have the bodies   ies  where  every  member  on  that
       they sit on behave in a representa-  committee  was  elected  by  a  vote
       tive way.                     only  of  individual  members  and/
          Even  where  the  membership   or  personally  voluntarily  paid  up
       does  elect  by  OMOV  the  elector-  affiliated people. See Note 1 for an
       ate can become very disillusioned   example.
       with a person (e.g. TW). Recall with   “NOMINATION”
       maximum  terms  is  therefore  nec-  2)  To  prevent  nomination
       essary rather than fixed terms.  processes  and  disciplinary  proce-
          OMOV  and  Recall  makes  de-  dures denying entry to candidates
       mocracy  responsive  to  its  elec-  who  retain  the  confidence  of  the
       torate.  These  are  minimum   membership and therefore reduce
       standards for those who are truly   the  quality  of  candidates  elect-  candidate  is  supplied  alongside   committee must occur with an im-  have been voted into the commit-
       pursuing democracy and not dic-  ed, candidates do not need to be   their  name  and  surname.  Mem-  mediate  OMOV  re-election  ballot   tee had their withdrawn votes not
       tatorship. Anything less is vulner-  nominated in a PURE OMOV pro-  bers  are  entitled  to  vote  for  any   where  a  majority  of  the  elector-  have been cast in the original vote.
       able  to  becoming  a  dictatorship.   cess. Before an OMOV takes place,   candidate  and  in  the  event  that   ate vote in support of a no confi-  To do this members must submit
       Neither  the  Momentum  nation-  every member is sent an invitation   their candidate is not on the ballot,   dence  motion.  A  no  confidence   the second half of their ballot pa-
       al  coordination  committee  de-  to nominate electronically at their   the  only  thing  required  to  make   motion can be called by the lower   per,  which  will  be  identifiable  as
       scribed in Lansmans constitution   registered  email  address.  Every   their  candidate  a  candidate  is  for   of  10%  of  all  members  OR  5000   genuine  by  a  serial  number,  with
       nor  Labour’s  NEC  would  qualify   person, even a non-member, who   a member to write their name and   members submitted to any stand-  the  mark  by  their  candidate’s
       as  democratic  under  these  rules.   declares  themselves  to  be  a  can-  date of Birth legibly onto a ballot   ing  pure  OMOV  committee.  A  no   name on it.
       Labour  democracy  and  momen-  didate, or is declared to be a can-  paper.                confidence  motion  will  also  be   “TRANSPARENCY”
       tum democracy has been system-  didate, is a candidate. The only re-  “RECALL ACCOUNTABILITY”  automatically  be  triggered  where   4)  Once  manual  ballots  select
       atically  undermined  including   quirement to be a candidate is that   3) A fresh election for the post   enough  people  withdraw  their   this  committee  of  people,  their
       the  losing  side  in  the  NEC  elec-  a date of birth or photograph of the   of a committee member or entire   votes that that person would not   meetings and every vote they take

           Recently  at  2016  Labour  con-  oppose  the  bundled  stack  of  pro-  who were voted off the NEC have   bers who engaged in smear cam-  tion in decision making and candi-
        ference  the  NEC  was  hijacked   posals.  Eventually,  the  proposed   now  been  illegitimately  added   paigns like Jasmine Beckett from   date selection.
        by  the  outgoing  members  acting   bundle  passed  with  A  majority,   by  two  unelected,  unlawful  NEC   the NEC and replacing them with   Therefore we need new struc-
        through Paddy Lillis. Paddy, in vi-  meaning  that  the  party  officials   members.      Corbynite  NEC  members.  The   tures,  fully  democratic  ones,  to
        olation of the Rules and therefore   could now claim they been passed   Imagine if on the final day of   CLPD are the forefront of helping   unite  people  Inside  OR  outside
        the law by denying a card vote to   by conference. Given that the pro-  parliament,  after  losing  an  elec-  Jeremy and John McDonnell per-  the  party,  and  highlight  where
        delegates  demanding  one,  sim-  cess had been unlawful, this means   tion, the Tories used their major-  form this vital work and it’s criti-  people have not won a Legitimate
        ply  bundled  an  unpopular  rule   that conference had acted beyond   ity  to  add  more  Tories  to  parlia-  cal that people up and down the   democratic  mandate  quickly,  re-
        change with around a dozen very   its powers when it ratified these   ment  before  the  new  parliament   country help they do it.  sponding  to  members  changing
        popular rule changes. The unpop-  Constitutional changes.   took  office.  That  is  pretty  much   However,  it’s  not  only  impor-  views,  encouraging  compromise
        ular rule change added two Blair-  However, the party is still pre-  what happened here.  tant  to  try  to  resurrect  Labour’s   and  discouraging  the  endless
        ites  to  the  supreme  NEC  which   tending these rules are lawful be-  It  makes  it  clear  that  the  de-  democracy,  It’s  also  important  to   splits the left is known for.
        decides  almost  everything  in   cause none has opposed them in   mocracy in the party is a sham.  prepare  for  the  possibility  that  it   FUll OMOV with recall powers
        Labour, including the critical ele-  court.                    That  is  not  to  say  that  all  is   can’t  be  saved.  In  that  event,  the   seems to be a sensible unifier to me.
        ment of who is selected as a Parlia-  This  means  that  hundreds   lost.  Many  members  of  the  NEC   Labour  party  is  merely  a  mecha-  Here’s a proposed constitution
        mentary candidate.            of thousands of votes cast in the   are elected. If Corbynites can elect   nism  for  hijacking  people’s  naive   which  work  as  well  as  a  Labour
           The  Corbynite  majority  got   NEC  elections  were  effectively   more  Corbyn  supporters  to  the   enthusiasm for Corbyn while de-  constitution as it would as a mo-
        confused  and  eventually  didn’t   overruled.  2  corbyn  opponents   NEC,  shifting  illegitimate  mem-  nying them meaningful participa-  mentum constitution.
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