Page 31 - TheWord#16
P. 31
Disturbance In The Deep Force?
p to 800,000
t r a v e l l e d
Uacross the
country to protest an
emergency ordinance in 10 degrees
Celsius below zero. They’re now into
the third week of protests and still
not going home, though numbers
dwindled. The ordinance was a late
night attempt by the crypto com-
munist party to pardon corruption
where the financial bribe/damage is
below £37K. The criminal code was
altered. Romanians, with a strong re-
cord of standing against oppression,
organised huge crowds in front of the
Parliament that caused the govern-
ment to withdraw. But the crowds
didn’t withdraw. They want govern-
ment to resign.
This is evidence of the high
level of sophistication among pro-
testers, many of whom have partic-
ipated in several waves of demon-
strations in Romania since 2012
and become skillful at calling pub-
lic institutions to account, commu-
nicating and organising.
During the 1989 revolution, then years against the hijack, but the West, if the West cares to lis- where we’re no longer represented. this new system and it’s ruthlessly
in the lengthy protests that fol- they were squashed by violence ten: instead of protesting against But the Stockholm syndrome call eliminating anything that doesn’t
lowed, during the mineriade, for and smeared as hooligans in the futile and vague causes in vagina for justice from the EU equates to lead to profit — this often happens
Rosia Montana and during the last press. So the crypto-communists outfits, perhaps protest stubborn- jumping from the frying pain into to be lives of those on the econom-
presidential elections, Romanians ensured power stayed in the hands ly against corruption. To my great the fire. Corrupt as the Romanian ic fringes. Austerity is eugenics. Let
displayed a healthy inclination to of the same people, who were now chagrin, Romanian corruption government is, the EU holds un- there be known there is no natural
take to the streets. In the murky oppressing not via communism, seems quaintly small beans com- paralleled status in stealth thieving law that assigns the presently eco-
waters post december 1989, Iliescu, which is inefficient, but neoliberal pared to hi-fi, stealth UK corrup- capabilities. Over the past decade, nomically successful as the only
the new unelected president from capitalism, the trusted tool of new tion that is sanctioned by all levels our natural resources have been worthy of life, healthcare and re-
Ceausescu’s circle, had the students age tyrannies. of the establishment and disguised devastated by Austrian, American sources. We are all born of the same
beaten and killed by miners who he They embarked on a mission to as ideology. Austerity kills. The and other companies that poison land, bankers and paupers. The Ro-
then also subsequently betrayed. vandalise the national patrimony Romanian bribes amount to loss the environment and leave eco- manians, though, have been angry
But since, these protests proved and sell national resources while of cash for the public pocket; the logical disaster behind. The fact for longer so better placed to iden-
quite successful: the goldmines in the process of privatisation was Tory cuts amount to tens of thou- that they EU legislation protects tify threat and stand up against it,
Rosia Montana didn’t receive clear- sold by the press as desirable pro- sands of deaths, an unabashed them so the theft is legal is no con- even in freezing snow storms, than
ing, and the Canadian company gress. Intermittently in power, they cleansing of the poor, ill, disabled solation of mine or anyone with a the complacent British who have
was sent back empty handed after never did loosen their grip over the and old. How far does this have conscience. If anything, makes the had their edges filed by a deceptive,
it hoped to exploit our mountains economy. Voted back into the gov- to go before the British public re- process all the more monstrously lulling, pseudo economic success.
and leave them bereft, ecological- ernment last fall, they passed an acts? So far, facts about the extent inescapable. The law is made by Romania’s national hymn says
ly downtrodden. A nation of angry emergency ordinance to exonerate of the government crimes in this the thieves, for the thieves. These “Wake up, Romanians!”. I would
people who have been so often themselves of corruption in office. country are met with milquetoast new thieves are corporations and say the same to the British, fol-
oppressed, their eyes are open and Over the past decade Laura Codru- patriotism for a state that provides foreign governments with an eagle lowing from the Romanian exam-
bullshit from the media sticks less. ta Kovesi, chief prosecutor of the 10,000 flavours of biscuits at the eye on our rich natural resources. ple — since the rest of the world re-
Perhaps there’s a lesson here? National Anti Corruption Direc- supermarket, that is, if you work “No more division, Stop de- flects closely the empire, and what
The newly re-elected social torate, has been prosecuting poli- 50 hours a week in an office or 10 forestation, renationalise natural happens here, concerns the rest. If
democrats were most likely behind ticians at increasingly high levels in zero hour contracts. Look at resources, stop selling our land” a hundred years ago a state could
the coup against Ceausescu that (even the former PM Victor Ponta), this recent analysis by the Royal The probable reason why the hope to liberate itself only by lib-
hijacked the 1989 popular revolu- making the fight against old style Society of Medicine, counting the average brit voted Brexit is EU bu- erating from its local tyrants, in the
tion. They were communists with corruption a promising triumph. cuts-related NHS deaths to 30,000 reaucratic corporatism and pan-na- world of today it all leads up on the
Soviet support to steer communist A solid three decades of high lev- over the last year. The government tional undemocratic rule; the same global pyramid, so local liberation
Romania away from Ceausescu’ in- el bribery gangster style is coming of the free first world is emerging as things that affect Eastern countries futile unless you reverse the new
dependent direction. With a strong to an end. There is uncertainty the number one cause of unnatural whose membership went from pan-national corporatism. Read
foothold in the Security services, over the purity of election results, death of its own people. longstanding aspiration to bitter Frankie Boyle’s last piece in the
in the aftermath of Ceausescu’s ex- but fact is the first thing the social OLD TYRANT’S DEAD, LONG disappointment really fast. The Guardian until the end for his and
ecution, when the newly rebelled democrats did once in power is try LIVE THE EU TYRANT relics of communist corruption mine proposed course of action.
youth realised that their efforts to adulterate the criminal code to The more worrying develop- are on their way out for the Roma- P.S. While everyone was long-
served as cannon fodder for the exempt themselves: decriminalise ment from back home is voices nians; the real common threat to ingly praising the rising Romanian
new kleptocracy, the social demo- abuse in power. This alone is suffi- calling to EU for help. I have noth- both east and west is really the new civil society, 500 US troops and
crats had no qualms to kill and hurt cient reason for Romanians to take ing against people protesting gov- globalism that writes the law and tanks were stealthily moved in Ro-
dozens of protesters. Thousands of to the streets. ernment, in fact it’s a healthy last trumps human rights for profit. mania this past week. Hm. Wonder
students protested for months and And it’s a good example for recourse of pseudo democracies Tory rule is just the British arm of what that is about.