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NHS Editor UNity MarcH                                          POLITICS AND EVENTS                               February 2017.                  27

       cils) within one STP (footprint) area                                                      or move around with ease - is this   resa  May  and  previously  Andrew
       to create one organisation that will                                                       healthcare that is free at the point   Lansley  and  David  Cameron  have
       commission  the  health  and  social                                                       of delivery, based on patient need?   set in motion are already transform-
       care services.                                                                             Was  that  decision  taken  with  pa-  ing  the  comprehensive,  universal
          This  is  “sold”  to  us  as  reduc-                                                    tient need in mind or was it finan-  NHS we know into an increasingly
       ing  duplication  in  clinical  and                                                        cially driven??                limited  organisation  that  doesn’t
       non-clinical  management  which                                                                                           HAVE to treat everyone - which en-
       sounds very appealing as we know                                                              More importantly this decision   courages people to seek alternative
       that too much money is wasted on                                                           is a catalyst in transforming health-  help offered by - Private Providers.
       top tier management.                                                                       care  in  England  into  a  “Two  Tier
          The fact is - this opens up the                                                         System”,  just  like  the  US  have  al-  ADVICE
       opportunity  for  more  “3rd  party                                                        ready with their private healthcare   Get  clued  up  on  the  truth  be-
       providers” to take over our NHS.                                                           and “Medi-Care” model.         hind  the  crisis  in  our  NHS  -  Join
          “3rd  party  providers”  are  pri-                                                         The  restriction  in  hip  opera-  your  local  campaign  group  (there
       vate  providers  such  as  Virgin,                                                         tions  will  further  encourage  peo-  will  more  than  likely  be  one)  -  if
       Optum  and  Circle  to  name  a  few                                                       ple  with  a  little  extra  cash  to  pay   not, make one! - Find out what is
       - these companies own a lot of ser-                                                        for their operation privately out of   going on with your local healthcare
       vices in the NHS currently.   of people dying on trolleys in the   ting  patients  quick  enough  and   desperation but more importantly   - Link up regionally and nationally
                                     corridor of an overrun A&E depart-  also  charging  the  trust  boards  for   because they have the money to do   with  other  campaigns  (there  are
          The Diversional Tactics -   ment  but  unfortunately  it  seems   the delays.           so, whilst people who do not have   plenty of us now)!
          Most  people  would  agree  that   the  blame  is  being  angled  at  pa-  Whist we get distracted with all   extra cash around will be left to suf-  Let’s pull together - in unison -
       the  NHS  could  do  better  BUT  the   tients and front-line staff:  the buck passing, the NHS is drasti-  fer in pain - to the point where they   to stop our beloved NHS becoming
       difference  in  opinion  lies  in  the   CCG’s  blame  hospitals  and  pa-  cally changing as a whole!  cannot sleep - surely is it a human   a  two  tier  system  where  safe  and
       reason  why  people  think  it  needs   tients, hospital trust boards blame                right to be able to sleep???   comprehensive  healthcare  will  be
       to change.                    ambulance  services  for  not  being   We are now hearing of hip oper-                      no  longer  available  to  those  who
          In  the  mainstream  media  we   able  to  cope,  ambulance  services   ations only being available on the   Plans that Simon Stevens (CEO   are poor, vulnerable and cannot af-
       are  now  seeing  shocking  reports   blaming  hospitals  for  not  admit-  NHS if you cannot physically sleep   - NHS England), Jeremy Hunt, The-  ford to pay!
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