Page 24 - TheWord#16
P. 24

Greenwald speaks Trump
       24                   February 2017.                              POLITICS AND EVENTS                                 

       war on Terror and ciTizen acTivism

                                                                    we moving back to a more overt
                                        Glenn  Edward  Greenwald    War  on  Terror  like  we  saw  un-
                                     (born  March  6,  1967)  is  an   der Bush?
                                     American  lawyer,  journalist,
                                     speaker  and  author.  He  is  best   I  think  Trump  has  demon-
                                     known  for  his  role  in  a  series   strated,  contrary  to  what  people
                                     of  reports  published  by  The   thought  or  were  hoping,  a  readi-
                                     Guardian newspaper, beginning   ness to act on a lot of the more rad-
                                     in  June  2013,  detailing  United   ical proposals he advocated during
                                     States  and  British  global  sur-  the election. There is this sense that
                                     veillance  programs,  based  on   people in the military or the intelli-
                                     classified  documents  disclosed   gence  community  will  somehow
                                     by Edward Snowden              impede him from doing things like
                                                                    targeting  the  family  members  of
                                                                    terrorists or even potentially using
          Trump  slapped  more  sanc-  a  war  even  though  they  may  not   tactical  or  regional  nuclear  weap-
       tions on Iran after a missile test,   want one.              ons and I don’t think that’s a very
       we’ve seen him slam down the                                 realistic  hope.  But  I  think  you’re
       phone  on  the  Prime  Minister   A few years ago former Brit-  already seeing, whether it’s the raid
       of Australia but also strike up a   ish  Prime  Minister  Tony  Blair   in Yemen that killed Anwar Al-Aw-
       relationship with Taiwan to the   called on the US and Russia to   laki’s six-year-old daughter and this
       annoyance of China, is he look-  settle  their  differences  over   Muslim  ban,  you  see  government
       ing for war?                  Ukraine  and  unite  in  a  War  on   agents  throughout  these  agencies
                                     Terror. With early signs appear-  obediently  carrying  out  these  or-
          I  don’t  think  he’s  looking  for   ing  to  show  Trump  and  Putin   ders with no resistance, no objec-
       war. He actually ran on a platform   getting on rather well will Tony   tion, no dissent. And so I think that
       of  avoiding  war  and  criticising   Blair’s wish now come to pass?  he has the power to do the things
       Clinton  and  Obama  for  starting                           that  he  talked  about  doing.  More
       too many wars or participating in   If  you  look  at  at  the  likely  ba-  importantly  and  more  troubling-
       too many wars. I think that in his   sis  of  war  cooperation  between   ly,  both  Obama  and  George  Bush
       mind  he  thinks  two  things.  One,   the  United  States  and  Russia,  it   worked  vigorously  to  defend  and
       that  the  way  to  get  better  deals   certainly  begins  with  the  threat   expand  the  legal  framework  that
       between  countries  is  by  making   they  each  perceive.  I  think  a  long   Trump would be able to cite in or-
       them  afraid  of  you  because  that   time  fixation  of  Putin  and  Russia,   der to justify doing the policies he
       gives  you  more  leverage.  So  by   going  back  to  the  War  on  Chech-  has advocated. So there is this bi-
       threatening  them  and  showing   nya,  is  this  obsession  with  what   partisan  framework  in  place  that
       them  you’re  a  little  bit  crazy  you   they  regard  as  Islamic  radicalism.   he can draw from in a very potent
       get  better  leverage  and  therefore   They  are  obviously  both  fighting   way.
       better  agreements,  ones  which   in Syria and shared targets include
       are  more  advantageous  to  you.   Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Even president   Do  you  think  the  American
       And that was a big part of his cri-  Obama tried to create cooperative   public  will  allow  Trump  to,  in
       tique of Obama – [Trump said] he   frameworks  between  the  United   his own words ‘load up’ Guanta-
       was terrible, his trade agreements   States  and  Russia  based  on  these   namo with ‘bad dudes’?
       were  disadvantageous  to  the  US   shared  enemies.  I  think  Trump  is
       and all that.                 seeing an opportunity as well. The   I think that the American pub-
                                     question  then  becomes:  will  this   lic  has  proven  fairly  reliable  that
          Then the other aspect is that I   detente between the US and Rus-  as  long  as  certain  abuses  are  con-
       think they think that being tough   sia,  if  it  happens,  expand  beyond   fined to foreign nationals – and in
       and  strong  and  showing  that   just national security cooperation?   particular  those  they  are  told  are
       you’re willing to fight, that actually   Will they actually share this kind of   terrorists – they are willing to tol-
       fosters more peace because when   internationalist  right-wing  agenda   erate virtually anything. There was
       people fear you they are less like-  confronting  China,  uniting  hard-  very little public outcry when the   is what happens if there’s a terrorist   targeting  CVE  –  the  US’  coun-
       ly  to  take  provocative  steps.  The   right  groups  throughout  Europe   Bush  administration  opened  CIA   attack. The instinct of Trump and   ter-terrorism  policy  –  solely  at
       problem  with  that  kind  of  think-  and even in other places? And will   black sites and when they tortured   his  advisers,  what  they’re  waiting   Muslims. How seriously should
       ing,  a  lot  of  wars  often  happen   there be this broader coalition, this   people.  If  they’ve  become  a  little   for is to be able to demagogue that   we be taking all of this?
       unintentionally  because  things   broader  agenda  which  they  can   embarrassing  or  too  public  such   attack to raise fear levels and justi-
       escalate  and  spiral  out  of  control   pursue?            as  Abu  Ghraib  then  maybe  there   fy even the most extreme policies   I think we ought to take it very
       in a framework where there is high                           will  be  some  public  backlash,  but   that right now probably aren’t im-  seriously  both  because  it  starts
       tension  which  is  what  happens   Trump has said he will: ‘take   in general as long as you’re confin-  aginable. I think if he’s able to suc-  with  Muslims  being  targeted  and
       when you start threatening coun-  the  oil’,  ‘bomb  the  hell  out  of   ing it to people that you’re able to   cessfully  exploit  the  fear  in  those   then also because it will inevitably
       tries. And so I think that certainly   isil’,  ‘kill  the  families  of  terror   convince the public are deserving   emotions surrounding an attack on   expand beyond that. If you look at
       when  it  comes  to  China  and  par-  suspects’,  ‘bring  back  torture’.   or are terrorist or just Muslim rad-  that magnitude then I think there   the history of, not just the US, but
       ticularly  when  it  comes  to  Iran,   Some  presidents  have  done   icals there’s not a lot of opposition   will be very little public resistance.  the  West  in  the  post  9-11  era,  it’s
       there is a serious danger that they   these things, but few have spo-  coming  from  the  public.  And  I                 one programme after another from
       could  stumble  themselves  into   ken about them so crudely. Are   think that a much broader concern   Trump  has  spoken  about   law enforcement and government
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