Page 10 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
P. 10

题型一   阅读理解

                                对点训练1 阅读理解之细节理解
                                                                                          ( 限时 15 分钟)

                          A                                                   B
     体裁 说明文 话题 不同种类的盐瓶 词数                    358      体裁    应用文    话题    网站广告    词数    308  
       Geta Custom ( 定 制 的 ) Salt Shakerfor Your           Whatsonsta g isthe UKs bi gg estand best
   Dinin gTable                                        onlineg uidetothep erformin gartsincludin gtheatre ,
                                                       o p era , classicalmusic , danceandsoon.
      If y ouarelookin gforacustomsaltshakerfory our
                                                       ◆TheLionKin g
   dinin g table , thenthereareanumberofvarietiesavailable
                                                           Musical : Thesta g eada p tation ofthe Disne yfilm
  from whichy oucanhavey our p ick.
                                                       takenfromanori g inalAfricanstor y .Ay oun g liong rows
       Getcustomsaltshakersforcustomseasonin g
                                                       u pandlearnsthattakin goverthep ridere q uireswisdom
       A woodensaltshakerhasabeautifuldesi g nthatcan
                                                       andmaturit y ( 成熟) .
   enrichy ourdinin gtable.Itishandmadefrom different
                                                           Place : L y ceum Theatre , Wellin g tonStreet , London
   p iecesofwoodofvar y in gsizes.Ithasap earsha p edbod y
                                                           Tele p hone : 08702439000
   withaceramic ( 陶 瓷 的) g rinderwithfanc ywoodfinish.
                                                           Date : Frida y , 18Nov.2018
   Theceramicg rinderformakin gsaltintop owderisbuilt      Ticket p rice : £2.5
  tolastalifetime.Itdoesnotwearawa ylike metalsdo      ◆Oliver
   whenusedtog rindsalt.Itisanextremel ybeautifuland       Musical : Dickens stor y of a bo y in a London
   ver ydelicatel y madeg ifttobeg iventoan y bod y .Ify ou  workhouseandhisadventuresonthewa ytodiscoverin g
   bu ytwo p iecesthe y offery oua g enerousq uantit y of  hisfamil y .Theson g sincludeFoodg loriousf ood , Youve
   Himala y ansalt.                                    g ottop ickap ocketortwo , Whowillbu y thiswonder f ul
       Ceramicsaltshakersforcustomseasonin g           mornin g I am reviewin g thesituation and Consider
                                                       y oursel fathome.
                                                           Place : TheatreRo y al , CatherineStreet , London
   ke p tinthekitchentokee pthecookin gareaneatand
                                                           Tele p hone : 02074945061
   orderl y .Itisavailablein differentcolors , oliveg reen ,
                                                           Date : Thursda y , 17Nov.2018
   coffeebrown , p ur p le , e gg blue , y ellow and man y more
                                                           Ticket p rice : £25 , butnowsave20%
   colors.Youcanuse y ourfin g erswheny oure q uirea p inch
                                                       ◆Jerse yBo y s
   ofsaltorusethes p oonthataccom p aniesit.Itlooks
                                                           Musical : Ittellsthestor yofFrankieValliandtheFour
   beautifulforkitchenuseandcanbeg ivenasag ift.
                                                       seasons : theblueGcollarkidsfromNewJerse y formedasin g in g
       Personalized salt shakers that can be g iven as  g rou pandbecamefamous.Themusicalfeaturesman yofthe
   anniversar yg ifts                                  g rou p s p o p ularson g ssuchasBi gg irlsdontcr y Canttake
      Ify ouarelookin gforhandmadeanniversar yg ifts    m y e y eso ffy ouandOh , whatani g ht.
  thaty ouwouldliketog ivetoy ourfriends , y oucang ive    Place : PrinceEdwardTheatre , OldCom p tonStreet , London
   handG p aintedsaltshakers.Youcansend y our p icturesand  Tele p hone : 08708509191
  themakerswillp aintthep ictureofy ourfriendandher        Date : Saturda y , 19Nov.2018
  lovedone.An ymessa g ey ouliketoaddwillbewrittenon       Ticket p rice : £22.5
                                                           Pla y : Aromanticstor y .Helena , dau g hterofap oor
       Thiscannotbep utinadishwasherorsoakedin
                                                       p h y sician , lovesBertram , sonofaCountess ( 女伯爵) .
   water.Ithastobewashedcarefull yb yhand.If y ouarea
                                                           Place : Shakes p earesGlobeTheatre , ParkStreet , London
   p ersonwholikesecoGfriendl y itemstheny oucanhavea
                                                           Tele p hone : 0207519919
                                                           Date : Sunda y , 20Nov.2018
   whichmakesitidealforkitchensettin g .
                                                           Ticket p rice : £5.5
       Soify ouareinterestedinbu y in gasaltshakerfor
                                                       5.IfMar yisavailableonFrida y , whichofthefollowin g
   y ourtable , y oucanchooseonefromaboveandorderit.     shouldshecalltobu yaticket ?
   1.If y oup refersalt p owder , y ouma ychoose    .    A.08708509191         B.02074945061
     A.awoodensaltshaker B.abamboosaltshaker             C.08702439000         D.0207519919
     C.aceramicsaltshaker D.ahandp aintedsaltshaker    6.If y ouwanttobu y aticketatadiscount , y oushouldg o
   2.Accordin gtothe p assa g e , ceramicsaltshakersare  to    .
     distinctin    .                                     A.Shakes p earesGlobeTheatre
     A.sha p es   g ns                   B.L y ceum Theatre
     C.colours             D.sizes                       C.PrinceEdwardTheatre
   3.Whatcanwelearnfromthep assa g e ?                   D.TheatreRo y al
                                                       7.Whatisthemainp ur p oseofthetext ?
                                                         A.Toshowtheim p ortanceofWhatsonsta g
     B.Hand p aintedsaltshakerscanbewashedindishwashers.
                                                         B.Tog ivesomeinformationaboutthe p erformin g arts.
                                                         C.TointroducesomefamousEn g lishtheatres.
     D.Metalsaltshakersare p aintedwithp ersonal p ictures.
                                                         D.Toteachreadershowtousetheonlineg uide.
   4.Thep assa g eisintendedto    .
     A. p romotedifferentsaltshakers
                                                                 请完成规范练( 一)
     C.describetheadvanta g esofsaltshakers
     D. p ersuadep eo p letog ivesaltshakerstofriends
                                                —   5   —
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