Page 12 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
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题型一 阅读理解
对点训练2 阅读理解之推理判断 ( 限时 15 分钟)
A Madrid , told The Guardian ,“ Icould nevers p eak to
体裁 说明文 话题 运动项目 词数 271 p eo p leonthesamelevelasIwoulds p eaktoanative
En g lishs p eaker.Ialmostcameacrossasq uiteaborin g
Ima g inethattherulesofvolle y ballforbidtheuseofhands p ersonbecauseallIcouldtalkaboutwasfacts. ”
orarms — thatsse p aktakraw ( 藤球) .Itsadifficults p ort , but Infact , mostofthetime , j okesareonl yfunn yfor
thatisntsto pp in g theworldfromp ickin g itu p . p eo p lewhoshareaculturalback g roundorunderstand
Thecourtwherese p aktakrawisp la y edisthesizeof humorinthesamewa y .ChineseGAmericancomedianJoe
oneusedforbadmintondoubles.Anetanda p lasticballa Won gfoundthisoutfirstGhand.Hehadachievedhu g e
littlelar g erthanabaseballareused.Twoteamsofthree successintheUS , butwhenhereturnedtoChinain2008
p la y ers ( leftinside , ri g htinside , andserver ) taketheir forhisfirstliveshowinBei j in g , hediscoveredthat p eo p le
p lacesoneitherside.Ateammatep assestheballtothe didntthink his Chinesej okes were asfunn y as his
serverwhokicksitoverthenet.Pointsarescoredwhen En g lishones.
theballtouchesthecourtsurfaceontheotherside. In Australia , meanwhile man y forei g ners find
Howse p aktakrawbe g anhasbeenahotto p ic.Man y understandin g j okes about s p orts to be the bi gg est
Asianculturesoncehadtheirownnamesandrulesforit. headache. “ Thehardest j okesarerelatedtoru g b ybecause
InThailandthes p ortcanbefoundonafamousmural ( 壁 Iknownothin gaboutru g b y ,” saidMelod yCao , whowas
画) .Itwasalsop la y edtocelebratethe writin gofthe onceastudentinAustralia. “ WhenIheard j okesIdidnt
nationsfirst constitution in 1933.However , various g et , I j ustlau g hedalon g . ”
nationsdiscussedtodecidetheofficialnameandrulesin Intheothertwo ma j orEn g lishGs p eakin gcountries ,
1960.Atlast , se p akisa Mala y wordfor “ kick ”, and thesenseofhumorisalso different.Britishcomedian
takrawisThaifor “ wovenball ” . Simon Pe gg believes that while Britons useiron y —
Internationaltournamentshavebeenheldforman y basicall y , sa y in gsomethin gthe ydont meanto makea
y ears , but se p aktakraw continues toim p rove.It was j oke — ever yda y , p eo p leintheUSdontseethep ointof
introduced asan exhibition eventatthe2009 World usin g itsooften. “ British j okestendtobemoresubtleand
GamesinKaohsiun g .Andthou g hnoothercountriescan dark , whileAmericanj okesaremoreobviouswiththeir
bee q ualto Thailandin se p aktakraw , the y willshow meanin g s , abitlikeAmericansthemselves ,” hewrotein
im p rovement.Twent y Gfivecountriesonfivecontinents TheGuardian.
nowclaimactiveteamsthat p la y internationall y .Finall y , a 5.The writer q uotedthesentence ,“ Theres moreto
p laceintheOl y m p icGamesisalsobein gsou g ht.Ifthese understandin ga j okeinaforei g nlan g ua g ethanunderG
chan g escontinue , se p aktakrawma y soonbefamiliartoall. standin gvocabular yandg rammar. ” toshowthat
1.Inse p aktakraw , p la y ersarenotallowedtouse . .
A.headandneck B.feetandhead A.makin g j okes can hel p y ou make friends with
C.le g sandknees D.handsandarms natives p eakers
2.How man yp la y ersareonthecourtinthematch ? B.local j okescanhel py ouunderstandthelocalculture
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 better
3.Howdidse p aktakrawg etitsname ? C.understandin gj okesre q uiresag oodknowled g eof
A.Fromnovels. B.Fromtwolan g ua g es. vocabular yandg rammar
C.From murals. D.Fromsimilars p orts. D.tounderstandits j okes , y oudbetterlearntheculture
4.Whatcanbelearnedfromthelast p ara g ra p h ? 6.JoeWon g isusedasanexam p leto .
A.S p aktakrawhasbeenfamiliartoall.
B.25countriesinAsiahaveactiveteams. B. p rovethatitcanbedifficulttotranslate j okes
C.Thailandhasbeenleadin g inse p aktakraw. gg estthatbilin g ualp eo p le ( 双 语 者 ) haveno
D.Se p aktakrawisaneventintheOl y m p icGames. p roblemsinmakin gp eo p lelau g h
B D.showthattheex p ressin gabilit yaffectsthesense
体裁 说明文 话题 外语笑话 词数 374 7.Fromthearticle , wecanlearnthat .
Ag ood j okecanbethehardestthin gtounderstand A. j okesabouts p ortsarethemostdifficultonesforforei g n
whenstud y in gaforei g nlan g ua g e.Asarecentarticlein p eo p lewhohavedifferentculturalback g rounds
The Guardian news p a p er noted ,“ Theres more to B.Americansmi g htnotbeabletoen j o yBritish j okes
understandin g a j oke in a forei g n lan g ua g e than C.not all En g lish native s p eakers can understand
understandin gvocabular yandg rammar. ” En g lish j okeseasil y
D.Britishp eo p lesdark j okesoftenmakep eo p leuncoG
Bein gabletounderstandlocal j okesisoftenseenas
anincredible ( 难 以 置 信 的 ) iceGbreakerforalan g ua g e
learnerea g ertoformfriendshi p swithnatives p eakers. “ I
alwa y sfeltthathumorwasaceilin g ( 上限) thatIcould
neverbreakthrou g h ,” HannahAshle y , ap ublicrelations 请完成规范练( 二)
accountmana g erinLondon , whooncestudiedS p anishin
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