Page 14 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
P. 14

题型一   阅读理解

                                对点训练3 阅读理解之词义猜测                                           ( 限时 15 分钟)

                          A                                                 B
    体裁 记叙文 话题          拯救生命         词数    319      体裁 记叙文 话题    无声的惩罚    词数    321  
      WhenItold m yfatherthatIwas movin gto Des          Oneda ywhenIwas5 , m y motherscolded ( 责 骂)
   Moines , Iowa , hetoldmeabouttheonl y timehehadbeen  mefornotfinishin gm yriceandIg otan g r y .Iwantedto
  there.Itwasinthe1930s , whenhewasaneditorofthe       p la youtsideandnottobemadetofinisheatin g m yold
                                                       rice.Whenan g ril y o p enin g thescreendoorwithm y foot , I
  literar y ma g azine of Southern Methodist Universit y
                                                       kickedbackabouta12Ginchp artofthelowerlefthand
   ( SMU ) inDallas , Texas.Healsoworkedasap rofessor
                                                       cornerofthenewscreendoor.ButIhadnoremorse , forI
   atSMU , andthere wasag irlstudentinhisclasswho
                                                       washa ppy tobep la y in g intheback y ardwithm y to y s.
                                                           Toda y , Iknowifm ychildhaddone whatIdid , I
  theo p erationbecauseherfamil ywasp oor.
                                                       wouldhavescolded m ychild , andtoldhim abouthow
       Her motherran a boardin g housein Galveston , a
                                                       ex p ensivethisnew screendoor was , andI wouldhave
   seasidetownnearHouston , Texas.Shewascleanin gout
                                                       deliveredas p ankin g ( 打 屁 股) forit.The yneversaida
  theattic ( 阁 楼 ) oneda y whenshecameacrossanold
                                                       word.The y leftthecornerofthescreendoor p ushedout ,
   dust ymanuscri p t ( 手稿) .Onitsto pp a g ewerethewords ,  creatin gan o p enin g , a breach ( 裂 缝 ) inthe defense
   “ B yO.Henr y . ” Itwasanicestor y , andshesentittoher
                                                       a g ainstunwantedinsects.
   dau g hteratSMU , whoshowedittom y father.M y father    For y ears , ever y timeIsawthatcornerofthescreen ,
   hadneverreadthe stor y before , butitsoundedlike    itwouldconstantl ymakemethinkaboutm ymistake.For
   O.Henr y , andheknewthatO.Henr yhadoncelivedin      y ears , Iknewthatever y oneinm yfamil ywouldseethat
   Houston.Soitwasp ossiblethatthefamousauthorhad      holeandrememberwhodidit.For y ears , ever y timeIsaw
                                                       afl ybuzzin g ( 嗡嗡) inthekitchen , Iwouldwonderifit
   g one to the beach and sta y ed in the Galveston
                                                       cameinthrou g htheholethatIhadcreatedwithm y an g r y
   boardin g house , andhad writtenthestor ythereandleft
                                                       foot.Iwouldwonderifm y famil ymemberswerethinkin g
  themanuscri p tbehindb yaccident.M yfathervisitedan
                                                       thesamethin g , silentl yblamin g meever ytimeafl y in g
   O.Henr yex p ertatColumbia Universit yin New York ,
                                                       insectenteredourhome , makin g lifemoreterribleforus
   whoauthenticatedthestor yasO.Henr y s.
                                                       all.M yp arentstau g htmeavaluablelesson , onethata
       M y fatherthensetouttosellit.Eventuall y , hefound
                                                       s p ankin gorstern ( 严 厉 的 ) wordsp erha p scouldnot
   himselfinDes Moines , meetin g with GardnerCowles , a
                                                       deliver.Theirsilentp unishmentfor whatIhad done
  to peditorattheDes MoinesRe g ister.Cowleslovedthe
                                                       deliveredahundredstern messa g esto me.Aboveall , it
   stor y andbou g htitonthes p ot.M y fathertookthemone y
                                                       hashel p ed mebecomea morep atientp ersonand not
  tothe g irl.It wasj ustenou g h for herto havethe
                                                       burstoutsoeasil y .
   o p erationshesodes p eratel yneeded.
                                                       5.Whentheauthordama g edthedoor , his p arents    .
       M yfathernevertold mewhattheO.Henr ystor y        A. g avehimas p ankin g
   wasabout.ButIdoubtthatitcouldhavebeenbetterthan       B.leftthedoorunre p aired
   hisownstor y .                                        C.scoldedhimforwhathehaddone
   1.WhofoundtheO.Henr y smanuscri p t ?               D.toldhimhowex p ensiveitwas
     A.Theg irlsmother.   B.Theauthorsfather.      6.Theunderlinedword “ remorse ” inPara g ra p h1 most
     C.Theg irl.             D.Theauthor.                p robabl ymeans    .
                                                g ret   B.hurt   C.feel   D.notice
   2.Whichofthefollowin gmi g htex p lainthefactthatthe
     manuscri p twasfoundintheattic ?                  7.Theex p eriencema ycausetheauthor    .
                                                         A.tohidehisan g erawa y fromothers
     A.O.Henr yonceworkedinHouston.
                                                         B.nottog oa g ainsthisp arentswill
     B.O.Henr yoncesta y edinGalveston.
     C.O.Henr yoncemovedtoDesMoines.
     D.O.Henr yoncetau g htatSMU.
                                                       8.Whatisthemainideaofthistext ?
   3.Theunderlined word “ authenticated ” inPara g ra p h2
                                                         A.Adultsshouldi g noretheirchildrensbadbehavior.
     p robabl ymeans    .
     A.treated               B.discovered
                                                         C.Whatisthebest wa ytobecomea morep atient
     C. p roved              D.described                   p erson.
   4.Accordin g tothetext , wh ydidtheauthorsfather g oto  D.Silent p unishment ma y have a better effect on
     DesMoines ?                                           educatin gp eo p le.
     A.ToselltheO.Henr ystor y .
     C.TotalkwiththeO.Henr yex p ert.                            请完成规范练( 三)
     D.Tog ivemone y totheg irl.
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