Page 20 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
P. 20

题型二   阅读七选五

                                  对点训练5 阅读七选五( 一)                                         ( 限时 15 分钟)

                          A                                                 B
    体裁 说明文 话题          网上租电影        词数    397      体裁 说明文 话题    增加脑力的方法    词数    381  
     AnotherWa y toStud yEn g lish : OnlineMovieRentals             Boostin gYourBrainPower
      Itisg enerall yacce p tedthatthebestwa ytolearna     Who hasnt wished thatthe y werej ust a little
                                                       smarter ? Ma y bey oureinschoolandj ustwanttog eta
  lan g ua g eistototall yinvolvey ourselfinitscultureb y
                                                       betterg radeonatest. 1  Herearesomewa y s y oucan
  livin g in the countr y where it is s p oken.  1
                                                       g oaboutboostin gy ourbrainp ower.
   Fortunatel y , man yas p ectsofacountr y sculture have
                                                           Slee p isoneoftheeasiestthin g stodo , y etoneofthe
   madetheirwa y toourlivesintheformofvariousmedia
                                                       onesthatmostofusdontdo.Weliveinabus ya g eand
   andentertainmentoutlets ( 娱乐场所) .Havey ouheardof
                                                       oftenitseemsthat wedonthaveenou g htimetog et
   onlinemovierentals ? Ifnot , theremi g htbeano p tionfor
                                                       ever y thin gdone.So man yofussacrificeourhoursof
   y outoincrease y ourlan g ua g e skills and en j o y some
                                                       slee p toaccom p lishourdail y tasks. 2
   entertainmentatthesametime. 2                           Read a book.Bein g smarter is not onl y about
       Mostcom p aniesre q uirecustomerstoo p erateonthe  thinkin gbutknowled g e p la y sabi gp artinit , too.Readin g
  followin gmodel :                                    hel p s y ourbrainsta yactive. 3 Thinkofitasexercise
       ●Selectandsi g nu pforap a y mentp ro g ramonline ,  forthebrain.
                                                           Tr yturnin goffthattelevisionsetandg oin gfora
   whichwilldeterminehow man ymoviesy oucanrentand
                                                       walk.A walk willstimulatey ourbod yandrelaxy our
   holdatan yonetime.
                                                       mind.Justaswatchin g toomuchTVcanhurt y ourbod y ,
       ● 3 Youcanlooku p moviesb ytitle , actoror
                                                       italsocauses y ourbraintoslowdownaswell.
   director.Then movies willbesenttoy ou within1-3
                                                            4  Thereisabi gdifferencebetween knowin g
   da y s , andshi pp in g iscoveredb y thecom p an y .
                                                       somethin gandbein gabletoteachittosomeoneelse.
       ●Watchthemovies , oftenwithnolatefees.Ify ou
                                                       Thereisnothin g liketr y in g tobreaksomethin gdowninto
   haventfinishedontime , y oucandela y returnin g .
                                                       sim p lertermsforotherstohel py ouunderstanditbetter
     ● 4 Theenvelo p eisp re p aidandp rovidedb y the  thany oudidbefore.
   rentalservice.                                          Work on a p uzzle.Itcan be an y thin g from the
       ●Checkthesitesfors p ecificandu p GtoGdatedetails  news p a p ercrosswordorthenewSudokup uzzle.Puzzles
   becausenewcom p aniesandtermsofservicearealwa y s   hel py ouuse y ourbraintofi g ureouttheanswers. 5 Your
   chan g in g .                                       brainneedsexercise j ustlike y ourbod ydoestobeableto
                                                       functioninto p form.
       Oncey oureceivethemovies , howcany ouim p rove
                                                           Sog ooutthereand boosty ourbrain p ower , y our
   y ourlan g ua g eskillswiththem ? Well , j ustsittin g infront
                                                       mindwillthanky ou.
   oftheTV withadrinkinonehandisntabadwa yto
                                                       A.Learnsomethin g newandthenteachsomeoneelsehow
   relax , but y ouwontlearnmuch.Youshouldtakenotesof
   new ex p ressions while watchin g a movie.Writethem
                                                       B.B y writin gaboutthin g sy ou know , ithel p sy outo
   down and look them u p in a g ood En g lishGEn g lish
   dictionar y tounderstandtheirp ossiblemeanin g s. 5 If  C.Crossword p uzzles also havethe added benefit of
   y oudontknow howtouse words , learnin gvocabular y  increasin gy ourvocabular yandknowled g e.
   willloseallmeanin g .                               D.Ma y bey ouwanttoshowy ourbossthaty ouareg ood
   A.Returnthemoviesinareturnenvelo p e.                 enou g htog etap romotion.
                                                       E.Givin gy ourbod ytherestitneedsever yni g htcanboost
   B.Watchmoviesaslon gas y ouhavenothin g todo.
                                                         y ourabilit y tofunctionat y ourbestthenextda y .
                                                       F.Ski pp in gmealscanmakeitharderfor y outothinkand
   D.Butman yfindp ackin gu pandmovin gtoacountr y is
                                                         p erformat y ourbest.
     notap racticalo p tion.
                                                       G.The more y ou read , the more y ou know , andthe
   E.Choosethemovie y ouwanttowatch , g enerall y 1-3at
                                                         smarter y ouwillbe.
   F.Then , thinkofsomesam p lesentencesforeachword.
   G.Now , more com p anies are offerin g customers the            请完成规范练( 五)
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