Page 22 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
P. 22
题型二 阅读七选五
对点训练6 阅读七选五( 二) ( 限时 15 分钟)
A D.Sonow , notonl ydoesshe g ettowritere g ulararticles ,
体裁 说明文 话题 人际网 词数 510 shealsog etsp aidforit.
E.Gettin g intouchwithy ourfriendsandy ourcollea g ues
oftenhel p s y oubuildalar g ernetwork.
Networkin gis ver yim p ortantin our dail ylives.
F.Asim p leexam p leofhoweas ynetworkin gcanbeisthe
Oftenthebest j obsando pp ortunitiesarenotadvertised
exam p leofawomanwhousedtolovewritin g articles.
butfilledb y wordofmouth.Withthisin mind , ag ood
G.B y referrin gy ourfriendsorrelativeswhomy outhink
ideaisto g oandfindthemy ourself.Howisthisdone ? B y
arewellsuitedfora j obisanotherwa y tonetwork.
thesim p lep rocessofnetworkin g .
Anumberofp eo p lefeelnetworkin gisa wasteof
timeandithasnoeffecton p ersonalrelationshi p sorbein g 体裁 说明文 话题 时间管理 词数 337
successfulin y our business. 1 Relationshi p s and
Inm y thirt yy earsasaTimeMana g ements p eaker , I
businesshavebeenbuiltviathenetworkin gp rocessfor
hundredsof y ears.
increaseourdail y results. 1 Infact , alotofourTime
Networkin g is not about meetin g hundreds of
Mana g ementhastodomorewithwhatwearenotdoin g
p eo p le , communicatin gwiththemandthennevermeetin g
ratherthanwhatwearedoin g .Sometimesourmistakes
thema g ain.Itsaboutg ettin gtoknow eachotherand
willkee pusfromrunnin gatafull p ace.
findin goutif y ou are ableto makethe relationshi p
2 Weallshouldavoidthemtohel pusincrease
beneficialforbothof y ou.If y ouarentableto — thensee
ourdail ysuccess , inlesstimeandwithlessstress.
if y oucanintroducethemtosomeonemorewellGmatched
totheirbusiness. 1.Start y ourda ywithoutap lanofaction.Withouta
2 Oneda yshedecidedtodonateoneofher p lan , y ouwillhaveworkedhardbutma ynothavedone
articlestothelocalnews p a p ersoitcouldbep ublished enou g hofri g htthin g s.TimeMana g ementisnotdoin g the
andp eo p learoundtheworldcouldhavethechancetoread wron g thin g sq uicker. 3 Time Mana g ementisdoin g
it.Thearticlefocusedonanevent , whichwascomin gu p theri g htthin g s.
and was hosted b y a womans p ublishin g g rou p .The 2.Work witha mess ydeskor workarea.Studies
g rou pnotonl y likedthearticle , butalsoa pp reciatedwhat haveshownthatthe p ersonwhoworkswithamess y desk
shehaddone , sothe yrecommended hertoanational s p ends , onavera g e , oneandahalfhoursp erda ylookin g
ma g azine. 3 Thisexam p leshowshownetworkin gcan forthin g s. 4 Ify ouhaveevervisitedtheofficeofa
bedoneeasil y , ifwellthou g htout.Touchin gbasewitha to pmana g er , y ouwillfindthatp ersonisworkin gwitha
fewp eo p lecaninfactleadtoreachin gman y .
4 Iheardastor yofsomeonerecommendin ga
3.Donttakealunch break.Man ydonottakea
friend for a teachin g p osition with a non p rofit
lunchbreak , workin g throu g hthattime p eriodintheho p e
or g anization.Interestin g l y enou g h after g ettin g the
thatit willg ivethem moretimeto p roduceresults.
p osition , hereturnedthefavorb y referrin ghisfriendinto
Studieshaveshownitma ywork j usttheo pp osite. 5 Soa
a j obhehadheardabout.Howfunn y thin g sworkout !
lunchbreak , evenashortfifteenGminutebreak , g ivesusa
Whenlookin g foranewj ob , itma ybeworth j oinin g
chanceto g etourbatteriesallchar g edu p a g ain.
anetworkin gg rou p focusin g onthesectorofbusiness y ou
A.HerearesomeTime Mana g ementmistakesweoften
areinterestedin.Itsa g reat wa yto meetp eo p le , do
researchinto com p anies b y askin g q uestions ofthose
B.Infact , afterdoin g whatwedoforseveralhours , we
p eo p lewhoworkthere. 5
Theexam p lesaboveshowthatinordertonetwork
C.Timemana g ementisnotnecessaril yworkin gharder ,
effectivel yandinanefficientmanner , y oudonotneedto
beout g oin gorknow alotofp eo p le.Allitre q uiresis
bein gcreative , listenin g well , askin grelevantq uestions D.Thatssevenandahalfhoursp erweek.
anddevelo p in gag oodre p utationwithothers.Youwould E.However , man yp eo p ledontthinkso.
beamazedathow man ydoorswillo p enfor y ou. F.The y feelha ppy thatthe yhavefinishedsomuchwork.
A.Thisconce p tiscom p letel y incorrect. G.That j ust g etsusnowherefaster.
B.Famil yandfriendsaretheeasiestandbest wa yto
increasey ournetwork.
C.Often the o pp ortunit y ma y j ust be within that 请完成规范练( 六)
p articularnetworkin gg rou p .
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