Page 26 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
P. 26
题型三 完形填空
对点训练7 完形填空之记叙文 ( 限时 15 分钟)
体裁 记叙文 话题 最好的礼物 词数 327 3.A.usuall y B.extremel y
C.reall y D.eventuall y
( 2017 广东省中山市第一中学高三上学期第一次
4.A.breaku p
C.s y m p ath y D.concern
Peo p lefromever y cornerfloodedintothestreetsthat B.but
ChristmasEve. “ Frost y theSnowman ” and “ Jin g leBells ”
C.and D.or
1 instores ; onthep avements , thestreetsin g ers
6.A.moved B.sli pp ed
p erformedha pp il y .Ever y one , was 2 b y someone
C.came D.returned
else , deli g htedandcheerful.Iwasalone.
7.A. p leased B.satisfied
Asoneof8kidsofaBrazilianfamil y , brou g htu p in
Americascrowded a p artment , Id s p entseveraly ears C.occu p ied D.bored
searchin gforaloneness.Now , 3 , at27 , acolle g e 8.A.shabb y B.em p t y
studentafterthe 4 with m yg irlfriend , ever ycell C.warm D.coz y
insidemewantedtobealone , 5 notatChristmas.M y 9.A.turnu p B.han gout
famil yhad 6 toBraziland m yfriendswere 7 C. g oawa y D.breakin
withtheirownlives.Duskwasa pp roachin g , andthefact 10.A.dealt B.discounted
thatIhadtoreturnto m y 8 home made mesad. C.wra pp ed D.donated
Li g htsfromwindowsblinked , andIho p edsomeonewould 11.A.tired B.nervous
9 fromoneofthosehomestoinvitemeinsidewitha C.excited D.u p set
Christmastreedecoratedwithshin y fakesnowand 10 12.A.calledu p B.calledfor
p resents.
C.calledon D.calledin
Atamarket , Ifeltmore 11 whenp eo p lewere
13.A.down B.u p
bu y in g lotsof g oods , which 12 theg iftswereceived
C.aside D.about
aschildreninm ymind.Imissedm y famil y andwantedto gg in g B.bowin g
cr y forwantin g tobealoneandforhavin gachievedit.
C.crossin g D.bendin g
Outsidethechurch , aman g er ( 小耶稣) hadbeenset
15.A.which B.that
13 .Istoodwithotherswatchin gthescene , someof
them 14 themselves , p ra y in g .AsIwalkedhome , I
16.A.cases B.limits
realizedthatleavin gBrazilwasstillap ainfulex p erience
C.losses D.worries
asIstru gg ledwith 15 Ihadbecomein15y earsin
17.A.lonel y B.educated
America.Idmournedthe 16 , butforthefirsttime , I y D.wealth y
reco g nizedwhatId g ained.Iwasinde p endent , 17 and
18.A. p ossibilit y g ht
health y .M y lifewasstillahead , fullof 18 .
C.sadness D.hardshi p
Sometimesthebestg iftistheonethaty ou g ive
19.A.sur p rise B.defeat
y ourself.ThatChristmas , Ig avem y self 19 forwhat
C. p rize
Idobtainedu ptonowandp romisedtog oforward.Itis B.value
thebest g iftIveever g ot , theonethatImost 20 . D.admit
1.A.shared B. p la y ed
C.served D.held
2.A.accom p anied B.em p lo y ed
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C.attended pp orted
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