Page 28 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
P. 28

题型三   完形填空

                              对点训练8 完形填空之夹叙夹议文                                            ( 限时 15 分钟)

                                                       1.A.coura g e       B.interest
    体裁 夹叙夹议文 话题 不同的生活道路 词数 349                    
       C.information          D.savin g s
       We werestandin gattheto pofachurchtower.
                                                       2.A.leadin g             B.comin g
   “ Lookdown , Elsa ,” Fathersaid.I g atheredallm y  1
                                                         C. g ettin g           D.fallin g
   andlookeddown.Isawthes q uareinthecenterofthe
                                                       3.A.cit y                B.s q uare
   villa g e.AndIsawthecrisscross ( 纵横交错) oftwistin g ,               D.villa g e
  turnin gstreets 2 tothes q uare.                     4.A.other                B.another
       “ See , m ydear ,” Fathersaidg entl y . “ Thereismore  C.this            D.that
                                                       5.A.text                 B.material
  thanonewa y tothe  3 .Lifeislikethat.Ify oucant
                                                         C.lesson               D.class
   g ettothep lace wherey ou wantto g o b y oneroad ,
  tr y 4 . ”
                                                         C.come                 D. g o
      Inthey earsthatfollowedIoftenrememberedthe
                                                       7.A.taken                B. p aved
    5  Fathertau g htme.IknewwhereIwantedto 6
                                                         C.followed             D.blocked
  inlife.Iwantedtobeafashiondesi g ner.Butonthewa y p etition        B.ceremon y
  tom y firstsmallsuccessIfoundtheroad 7 .               C. p resentation       D.introduction
       Thaty earI wasbus y g ettin gread ytoshow m y   9.A.left                 B.tired
   winterfashions.Thenj ust13da y sbeforethe 8  the      C.burdened             D.connected
                                                       10.A.have                B.lose
   sewin gg irlswerecalledoutonstrike.Ifoundm y self 9
                                                          C.make                D.hit
   withonetailorand woman who wasinchar g eofthe
                                                       11.A.text                B.test
   sewin g room ! I was as g loom y as m y models and
                                                          C.ti p                D.exam p le
   sales g irls. “ Wellnever 10 it ,” oneofthemcried.  
       Here , Ithou g ht , isthe  11  ofalltestsfor
                                                          C.u p                 D.round
   Fathersadvice.Whereisthewa y  12  thistime ? I    13.A.brin gdown          B.brin g forward
   wonderedand worried.Iwascertain we wouldhaveto         C.callu p             D.calloff

    13  the p resentation or else show the clothes     14.A.occurred            B.belon g ed
                                                          C.ha pp ened          D.ob j ected
   unfinished.Thenit  14  to me.Wh ynotshow the
   unfinishedclothes ?
                                                          C.on                  D.behind
       Weworkedhurriedl y .And , exactl y13 da y slater ,
                                                       16.A.tookon              B.tookoff
   ri g ht 15 time , theSchia p arellishowin g 16 .
                                                          C.tookdown            D.tookp lace
       Whatashowin g itwas ! Somecoatshadnosleeves ;
                                                       17.A.mature              B.beautiful
   othershadonl yone.Man yofourclothes werestillin
                                                          C.earl y              D.late
   a ( n )  17  sta g e.The y wereonl y p atterns madeof  18.A.took             B.drew
   heav ycotton cloth.Butonthese we  18  sim p le         C.collected           D. p inned

   p icturesandp iecesofmaterial.                      19.A.normal              B.unusual
                                                          C.beautiful           D.common
       Allin all , the showin g was different.It was so
                                                       20.A.orders     g ns
   differentthatitwasag reatsuccess.Our 19  showin g
                                                          C. p atterns          D.chan g es
   cau g httheattentionofthep ublic , and  20  forthe
   clothesp ouredin.

       Fatherswisewordshaveg uidedme.Thereismore
                                                                 请完成规范练( 八)
  thanonewa y tothes q uarealwa y s.
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