Page 30 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
P. 30

题型三   完形填空

                                 对点训练9 完形填空之议论文                                           ( 限时 15 分钟)

    体裁 议论文 话题          学习第二语言       词数    392    1.A.And         B.So
       C.But                   D.Thus
       Learnin g a second lan g ua g e fuels childrens
                                                       2.A.minimum               B.maximum
  intelli g enceandmakestheir j obp ros p ectsbri g hter. 1
                                                         C.minorit y    j orit y
  thefactis , inthe U.S.A. , asin man yotherEn g lishG
                                                       3.A.claim                 B. p retend
   s p eakin g countries , s p eakersoftwoormorelan g ua g esare
                                                         C.decide                D. p lan
  inthe  2 .Ei g ht y Gfour p ercent of US p eo p le are  
                                                       4.A.morethan              B.lessthan
   monolin g ual ( s p eakersofonl yonelan g ua g e ) .Thisleaves
                                                         C.ratherthan            D.otherthan
   asmallnumber who   3   to s p eak two or more
                                                       5.A.excited               B.embarrassed
  lan g ua g es.
                                                         C.disa pp ointed        D.a pp reciated
       No matterhow p roudp eo p leareoftheircultural
                                                       6.A.common                B.unusual
   roots , tos p eakan y thin g  4  En g lishisa markerof
                                                         C.uni q ue              D. g eneral
                                                       7.A.fitin                 B.buildu p
   whenp eo p lecommentonthefactthatheisabletos p eak
                                                         C.contributeto g ureout
   Arabic.Umarsmotherp ointsout :“ IntheU.S.A. , its
                                                       8.A.distinction           B.commission
   not  6  forkidstobebilin g ual.But , ify ous p eak
                                                         C.announcement          D.a g reement
   anotherlan g ua g etoy ourchildreninthe U.S.A. , itis
  thou g htthat y ouarenothel p in g themto 7  societ y . ”  C.three             D.more
       Butinfact , theg eneral 8  amon gex p ertsisthat  10.A.beneath   y ond

  learnin gasecondlan g ua g eisg oodforchildren.Ex p erts  C.over               D.of
   believe that bilin g uals — p eo p le who s p eak   9    11.A.determines      B.focuses
  lan g ua g es — haveaclearlearnin gadvanta g e  10  their  C.comments p ends
   monolin g ualschoolmates.This  11  onhow muchof     12.A.if                   B.whether
   eachlan g ua g ethe ycans p eak , noton whichlan g ua g eis  C.when           D.because
   used , soitdoesnt matter  12  the y arelearnin g j ected           B.released
   Arabic , French , Chineseoran yotherlan g ua g e.      C.revealed             D.reminded
       Vinss Millon , a p rofessor of Forei g n Lan g ua g e  14.A.slowl y       B.ra p idl y
   Trainin g , sa y s :“ A lot ofstudies have   13   that  C.easil y             D.efficientl y
   childrenwhos p eak morethanonelan g ua g esometimes  15.A.outcome    p rovement
  learnonelan g ua g emore 14  , butintheendthe y doas    C.advanta g e          D.tendenc y
   wellastheirmonolin g ualschoolmates , andoftenbetter , in  16.A. p arents     B.learners
   othersub j ects. ”                                     C.schoolmates          D. p rofessors
                                                       17.A.dis p la y           B. p roduce
       Theviewisthatthereisa ( n )  15 fromtheeffort
                                                          C.ins p ire  
   oflearnin ganotherlan g ua g e.Afewother  16  a g ree
                                                       18.A.concern              B.res p ect
  that “ Bilin g ualstendtouselan g ua g ebetterasawhole.
                                                          C.enthusiasm           D.intelli g ence
   The yalso  17  g reatercreativit yandp roblemGsolvin g
                                                       19.A.involved    p ressed
   abilit y , andthe y learnfurtherlan g ua g esmoreeasil y ” .
                                                 p etin g p lacin g
       Withallofthebenefits , wh ydowenotshow more
                                                       20.A.o p inions           B.obstacles
    18  for learnin g other lan g ua g es ? Parents and
                                                          C.senses               D.attitudes
  teachers 19  inbilin g ualeducationsa y itisp ressure
  fromfriendsatschool , g eneral 20  tootherlan g ua g es
  inEn g lishs p eakin gcountries , andp roblemsintheschool
                                                                 请完成规范练( 九)
   s y stemthataretoblame.
   differencehere.Thatswh y fourteenG y earGoldUmaris 5 
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