Page 34 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
P. 34

规范练( 一)                篇阅读理解            +  阅读七选五

                                                 ( 限时: 25 分钟)
         Ⅰ. 阅读理解                                         havecom p letel y rebuiltourhouse , bou g htanewcar ,
                              A                          bou g htnewfurnitureandnewclothesandj oinedan

            Ilefthometosu pp ortm ysisterinhereffortsto  ins p irational , s p iritGfilledcommunit y .
         p resentamusicfestival.Shelivesontheothersideof  1.Wh ydidtheauthorleavehome ?
        theworld , andI wenttovisither , not wantin gto     A.Tolookafterhersister.
        leaveandfeelin g likeIwasleavin ghomea g ainstm y  B.Toattendamusicfestival.
         will.However , Iwantedtoshowherm ysu pp ortbeG    C.Towatchap erformance.
        causesheism yonl ysister.                           D.Tovisitherhusbandscousin.
             SoIboardedthep laneinmidGAu g ust , andhated  2.Howdidtheauthorfeelwhenshelefthome ?
        thelon g fli g ht.Iarrived , tiredandhun g r y .Ihadleft  A.Disa pp ointed.    B.Worried.
         m yhusbandfor2y ears , alone , inouroldNewOrleans  C.Tired.              D.Unwillin g .
         house.                                          3.Whatdoestheunderlinedword “ evacuated ” mean ?
            Iwasallsetandread ytop erformform ysister
                                                            A.Gathered.           B.Stru gg led.
        forthemusicfestivalonSunda ymornin gwhenIreG
                                                           C.Esca p ed.           D.Hid.
        ceivedacallfromChica g o.Thehurricanewas p redicG  4.Whatmi g htbethetitleforthep assa g e ?
        tedtohitourcit y , andman yp eo p lehadalread y evacG
                                                            A.LostItAll , GainedEvenMore
         uated , butm yhusbandchosetosta ybehind.Hecould
                                                           B.OnceGone , NeverReturned
         not g etacalltomeontheothersideoftheworld , but
                                                           C.Cau g htintheHurricane
         hecouldcallhiscousininChica g o.He g avehiscousin
                                                            D.Tra pp edinaDilemma
         amessa g eforme , thathewouldbe j ustfine , andnot
        toworr y .
                                                              Oneda y , acolle g estudent wastakin ga walk
             Astheda y woreon , Ifinall ytookthesta g ein
                                                          withap rofessor.Asthe ywentalon g , the ysawl y in g
        frontofhundredsofEuro p eans , andIrealized , thanks
                                                         inthep athap airofoldshoes.The ysu pp osedthe
        toCNN , thatNewOrleanswasunderwater.
                                                         shoesbelon g edtoap oormanwhowasem p lo y edina
            I p erformed , ho p in g thatm yhusbandwouldsurG
                                                         fieldcloseb y , andwhohadnearl yfinishedhisda y s
         vive.AndIp erformedp erfectl y .Theaudiencestood
         anda pp lauded.Ileftthesta g eand wentstrai g htto
                                                              Thestudentturnedtothe p rofessor , sa y in g ,“ Let
        theTV.Isawthestreetsi g nnearm yhome , ofHuG
                                                         usp la ythemanatrick : wewillhidehisshoes , and
         manit yStreet , butnothin gbelowit , exce p twater.
                                                         hideourselvesbehindthosebushes , and waittosee
            Intheda y sthatfollowed , Ifoundoutthatm y
                                                         hisconfusionwhenhecannotfindthem. ”
         house , m ycar , m yclothes , m yfurniture , ever y thin g
                                                              “ M yy oun g friend ,” answeredthe p rofessor ,“ we
        thatIdleftbehindwas g one...butnotm yhusband.
         Hesurvivedb y ridin g ontherearbum p er ( 后保险杠)  shouldneveramuseourselvesattheex p enseofthe
         ofa VW bus , holdin gontotheoverheadlu gg a g e  p oor.But y ouarerich , andma yg ivey ourselfamuch
        rack , inthe p ourin g rain , downthehi g hwa y fromNew  g reaterp leasureb ytrickin gonthep oorman.Puta
         Orleans , halfGwa yto Baton Rou g e.Therestofthe  coinintoeachshoe , andthenwewillhideourselves
        j ourne ywasalon gwalk , buthesurvived.          andwatchhowthediscover yaffectshim. ”
             B ythefirstweekofSe p tember , Iflew backto      Thestudentdidso , andthe ybothp lacedthemG
        theBaton Rou g eair p ort , andhu gg ed m yhusband.  selvesbehindthebushescloseb y .The p oormansoon
         Sincethen , ourrelationshi p hasg rown dee p er ; we  finishedhis work , andcameacrossthefieldtothe
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