Page 36 - 英语-《优化探究》高考专题复习
P. 36
规范练( 二) 篇阅读理解 + 完形填空
( 限时: 35 分钟)
Ⅰ. 阅读理解 1.Whichofthefollowin gdistancedoestheauthor
A su gg esttoordinar yc y clistsada y ?
Ti p sforC y cleTri p s A.50km. B.90km.
C.130km. D.250km.
C y clin ghasman y advanta g esasaformoftravel ,
2.Fromthep assa g e , wecanlearnthat .
asitisthefastestwa y totravelb yhumanp ower , and
A.hi g hq ualit y foodiseas y tog etonlon g tri p s
slowenou g htoallowthet yp eoflocalinvolvement
B.hotelsseldomp rovideaccommodationforc y clists
thatisim p ossiblewithp oweredtravel.C y cletravelis
C.c y clin g overamountainischallen g in gbutworth y
alsoachea p formoftrans p ortation.
D.ittakesc y clists15minutestoclimb100mofaltitude
3.Wecanp robabl y readthisp assa g ein .
Onlevelterrain ( 地 形), withoutaheadwind , a eo g ra p h ybook B.aresearchre p ort
c y clistofavera g efitnessonatourin gbikecancomG
C.asciencefiction D.atravelma g azine
fortabl ycover60-120kmada y .Distancesofu pto
250kmada yarep ossible , butan y thin gmuchbe y ond
OnDelanc yStreetinLowerManhattan , anexcitG
120km willre q uireconsiderablep h y sicaltensionand
in gnewp ro j ectisbein gdevelo p edina Williamsbur g
notallowman y sto p stoen j o y the p laces y ouvisit.For
Brid g etrolle ystation.Desi g nedb yJames Ramse y ,
man y , 80-100kmada ywillbethemostsuitabledisG
ownerofRaadStudio , andDanBarasch , thep ro j ect
tancetoaimfor , asitwill g iveasenseofachievement
willtransformtheabandoneds p aceintoanew , futurG
andalsoleavep lent yoftimeformealsandactivities.
isticcit y landmarktidedtheLowline.
Geo g ra p h y
Ramse yp lannedtousesolartechnolo gyinthe
Theg radient ( 坡度) ofthetri pwillreducey our site , creatin ganenvironmentwherep lantlifecould
ran g e.Abasicruleisthatforever y 100metresofalG g rowunder g round.JoinedtotheJMZEssexsubwa y
titudey ouclimb , y oushouldaddanextra15minutes sto p , thep arkwillnotonl ybeanentertainin gattracG
toy our j ourne ytime.Inhill yormountainousareas , tion , itwillalsobecomeap artofp assen g erslives.
theeasiestroutesforc y clin garedownstream alon g MuchliketheHi g hLinebuiltinManhattanonanelG
ma j orrivers , asoverallthe ywillbedownhill.Alon g , evated ( 高出地面的) sectionofabandonedNewYork
roundaboutroutealon gariverwillusuall ybeeasier CentralRailroadintheLower WestSide , thep ark
thanashort , directrouteovera hillor mountain willcombinethenaturalelementsofthe p arkwithinG
dustrialas p ectsalread yavailableinthecit y .
p ass.However , itisworthbearin gin mindthatthe
Thesolarcollectin gs y stemintheLowlinewill
mostscenicroutesoftencomefromhill y terrain.
Eat catchsunli g htaboveg round , transferitunder g round
anddistributeitaroundthep arkviareflectivedomes
Foodchoicede p endslar g el y onwhere y ouare , so
( 穹顶) .Theli g htenablesp lantsandtreestog row.
seetheres p ectivesectionsformoreinformationabout
Durin gp eriodsofsunli g ht , electricit y wouldnotbe
foods.Asy ouwillbeworkin ghard , itsim p ortantto
necessar ytoli g htthes p ace.In2012 , the Lowline
g etenou g hener gyiny ourfood.Onlon gtri p sawa y
teamexhibitedthistechnolo gy inanabandonedwareG
from ma j ortownsthere ma y belittleq ualit yfood
houseintheLowerEastSide , availableforthep ublic
available , sobep re p aredtoliveoncand ybars , p reG
andp resstoviewsothat p roofofitsabilit ycouldbe
p aredmeat p roductsandthelikeiftheneedarises.
confirmed.Sincethen , man ycit yofficialshaveshown
Slee p
theirsu pp ortoftheconce p tandseveralp ro g rams
Whiley oucantakeatentwithy ou , man yhotels
havebeenconductedtoinvolve y outhand y oun g desi g nG
andes p eciall ycam p sitescanaccommodatec y clists.
ersintothe p arkscreation.
However , therearealsosomehotelsthatma ybeless Thou g hthe ne g otiationsofthe p ark creation
usedtoaccommodatin gc y clists.Ify ouareex p lorin g havenotbeencom p letedandit willlikel y notbe
anunfamiliarworld , askin gabouttheaccommodation availableforcitizenstoen j o yuntilaround2020 , the
s p ares y outhesearchforanewp lacetosta yaftera inventiveideawillbrin gad y namicnewattractionto
lon gexhaustin gda yoftravel. thecit y .Itwillnotonl y createanewesca p efromthe
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